The Galician Emigration Radio Directory is available for consultation in the library of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela. A historical catalogue of the radio activities carried out by Galician emigrants, mainly in America and Europe, but also in other less frequent destinations with a Galician presence. Chronologically, it […]
The María Luz Morales Audiovisual Essay and Video Essay and Video Essay Awards are an initiative that seeks to promote academic production related to the audiovisual field. Since its creation, it has stimulated the production of 179 research works on audiovisual matters. In addition, in its seven editions, the Academy distributed a total of 33,600 […]
The seminar, part of the (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico da Coruña, aimed at artists, curators, filmmakers, programmers, researchers, archivists and students, with free access, revolves around unfinished films or films whose completion was truncated for political, financial or personal reasons, which will take us through territories such as Iran, Morocco, South Korea or Spain. […]
Under the title ‘Malestares na cultura espec(tac)ular: perspectivas críticas desde a psicanálise’, the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA) is organising a symposium on 12 and 13 June to address the breakdowns of contemporary subjectivities from an interdisciplinary approach that, from the common constellation of the psychoanalytic field, integrates audiovisual analysis, philosophical criticism and clinical orientation. […]
The Carnation Revolution, the military uprising of 25 April 1974 in Portugal, known in Portuguese as the Revolução dos Cravos, brought down in one day the dictatorial political regime that had existed in the neighbouring country since 1926. The five days that make up the programme of the conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of this […]
In 2024 AGAPI celebrates its 30th anniversary and one of the actions it is going to carry out is the celebration of itinerant training sessions in the three Galician universities in the faculties of Information Sciences within the Audiovisual Communication Degree at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), University of Vigo (UVigo) and University […]
The conference Cloudclass: Innovative teaching with virtual studio technology took place on 8 March 2024 at the Open Universiteit (Heerlen). Educators, technical experts and students gathered to delve into the field of immersive technology and its applications in education. The event, which marked the culmination of the CloudClass: Low Cost, Mobile, Cloud &Template Based Augmented Reality […]
The City Council of Vigo and the Consello Municipal da Muller will present the ”Ernestina Otero” Equality Award to the Emeritus Professor and member of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, Margarita Ledo Andión. The awarding of the honorary prize will take place in the course of a gala that will take place on Friday 15th […]
On 8 and 9 April 2024, the tenth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA), addresses feminist photographic practices, the spaces in which they are produced, the positions from which they are enunciated and their mechanisms of visibilisation. Pilar Aymerich, winner of the National Photography Award 2021, captured with her camera […]
Two researchers from the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais de la USC, Roi Méndez Fernández and Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández, led this international focus group, in coordination with Jim Playfoot (WhiteLoop) and Kateryna Holubinka (Open Universiteit Nederland), in which a dozen members representing the diversity of the USC university community participated: faculty, technical staff and […]
The XIII Viana International Film Conference is a space for reflection and exchange of experiences aimed at building an international community of interests and to present projects related to the central themes of film and audiovisual: film and school, film: art, science and culture and photography and memory. The 13th edition will take place in […]
Enrique Castelló, professor of Communication Sciences at the USC and coordinator of the Audiovisual Studies Group, presented a scenario that demystifies unfounded stigmas, which revolve around digitalisation and emerging technologies, inclusion and the digital divide in chapter 4 of La tribu hereje. A podcast against ageism that is based on intergenerationality as a vaccine against […]
Novas olladas á costa galega was the closing event of the 1st Encontro de Fotografía Documental Contemporánea Galega titled Fx: Ollos para ver. The project, promoted by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela together with the photographic collective Ollo, ended with a documentary photography course at the Porto do […]
The results of the research project FACCTMedia, Instruments of accountability in the face of disinformation: Impact of fact-checking platforms as accountability tools and curricular proposal, will be presented on 13 December at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Room 8. The FACCTMedia project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019- 106367GB-I00 /AEI/10.13039/501100011033), proposes […]
Cycle on photography and the construction of reality at the Ethnological Museum of Ribadavia. In this cycle, which is linked to the exhibition Lying with mastery. Photographic montages by Agusto Pacheco (1948-1973), the main theme will be photomontage, drawing on different artists, techniques and expressions. On Friday 3 November, at 8 p.m., we begin with: […]
The Faíscas Culturais programme is an initiative of the Vice-Rector’s Office for Students and Culture that aims to ignite cultural reflection in the classrooms of the USC and complement the training of students through interventions and activities of a cultural nature. A trail of fury and algae. Reflections on the future of planet Earth is […]
As international media, world leaders and major social media platforms engage in censorship and distortion of the narrative, while perpetuating the dehumanisation of Palestinians and their continued suffering, we extend our platforms in support of the forcibly cancelled Palestinian Film Days Festival. On the darkest anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, signed on 2 November, and […]
The ninth edition of the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will work on adolescence and humour in their contemporary forms, understanding these practices as a symptom, on the one hand, of the violent reactions to feminism and, on the other, of the very reflections on liberation. […]
Within the framework of the VII International Cinema & Territory Meeting (3 and 4 November 2023), the aim is to discuss cinema, based on a reflection on the use of audiovisual methods as instruments of observation, recording, transcription and anthropological interpretation, in a close dialogue with the concept of territory. In the field of action […]
The GEA participated in the International Conference “Personal Perspective and Essayistic Form in Nonfiction Film and Art” in Vilnius, Lithuania. The representation of the Audiovisuais Studies Group was made up of the Emerita Professor of Audiovisual Communication of the USC and IP Margarita Ledo, professor Marta P. Pereiro and professors Cibrán Tenreiro and Eloy Domínguez.
The Spanish Association for Communication Research (AE-IC) will hold its IX International Congress at the Faculty of Communication and Documentation, Espinardo Campus, University of Murcia, from 28 to 31 May 2024 under the theme “Communication and Sustainable Innovation”. The Congress invites communication researchers, especially from Spain, Europe and Latin America, to present and exchange their […]
On 14 and 15 September 2023, the seminar Cinema and sport. Class, genre and national question will be held in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the USC. This seminar is organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Cinema. Col.lectiu d’Investigació Estètica des Mitjans Audiovisuals of the Pompeu Fabra University and the Cineclube of Compostela. The meeting […]
PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME September 22 (Friday), Film and media space Planeta, A. Goštauto str. 2 9.20 Registration 9.30-9.40 Welcoming. Renata Šukaitytė (Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Lithuania) 9.40-11.15 Panel: Ethical and Environmental Concerns Chair: Katarína Mišíková (Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia) Jana Dudková, (Slovak Film Institute, Slovakia), Personal and Trans-personal Perspectives in Czech and Slovak […]
GEA researcher Jennifer Novoa explains her research project in an interview for the newspaper La Voz de Galicia. “She is now carrying out a project, which is part of her PhD, with the University of Santiago. She is doing research on Galician women photographers in the second half of the 20th century and at the […]
Cinema and Anthropology were born and developed in the late nineteenth century. From the outset, the film tries to capture the object of ethnology: the practices of the human being, the relationships he establishes with his peers and with the physical-cultural space in which he places his action. The descriptive work of the first films, which evokes the anthropologist’s […]
INTERSECTION LAB is a space to promote the creation of audiovisual projects with the aim of contributing to the construction of a quality film sector. In it, artists will be able to work and grow their works alongside internationally renowned professionals. It is made up of four work spaces that will take place between 16 […]
Margarita Ledo, Professor of Communication and IP of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will participate in the seminar: Inhabiting language: art, politics and fiction on the 19th of June. The seminar will address contemporary forms of representation and their political and social implications from different perspectives and disciplines. This reflection is especially inscribed in the […]
Santiago de Compostela, 10 May 2023. – Representatives of the audiovisual sector evaluated this morning at a press conference the approval, by the European Parliament, of the report for the application of the Audiovisual Directive, highlighting the inclusion of an amendment drafted by the entities grouped in the Initiative for the Galician audiovisual sector, which […]
The European Parliament’s report on the transposition of the European Audiovisual Directive has just approved two amendments on which the GEA worked together with the Iniciativa Galega polo Audiovisual. A press conference will be held tomorrow, Wednesday 10th May, at 11am in classroom 5 of the Faculty of Communication Sciences in Santiago to explain these […]
Professors María Soliña Barreiro and Jennifer Novoa, from the Audiovisual Studies Group, organised with the Ollo Collective a photographic exhibition currently on exhibition in the main corridor of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Ollo is a multidisciplinary photographic collective dedicated to the creation, distribution, dissemination and diffusion of stories of social relevance through the image, […]
The Covid-19 pandemic terrorised the planet for almost three years (2020 to 2022). With a staggering human toll of nine million dead, more than a billion sick people, when a way out of the pandemic tunnel was beginning to be seen, in February 2022, the war in Ukraine broke out… A conflict of global dimensions […]
Margarita Ledo, Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the USC and IP of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will participate in the presentation of the book “O pasado por vir II. Un tempo posible” in which she contributes with an article. The event will take place on May 3rd at 19:30h, in the plenary hall of the […]
The researcher and teacher Mª Soliña Barreiro from the Grupo de Estudos audiovisuais da USC spoke, through a video conference, in the presentation of the items proposed by the Iniciativa galega polo audiovisual (composed by A Mesa, AGAPI, AAAG, AGPTI, Crea, Asoc Guionistas and the GEA itself) to the report on the application of the […]
Professor Soliña Barreiro will present the book Perante a nova Lei do Audiovisual: análise e perspectivas, of which she was the coordinator, and in which the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA) of the University de Santiago de Compostela compiles the main contributions of the conference, held at the Faculty of Communication Sciences on 15 September 2022 […]
The fellow member of the Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigacións Feministas e de Estudos de Xénero de la USC (CIFEX) is also a PhD in the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais del Departamento de Comunicación de la USC. The activity of presentation of the pre-doctoral research will take place next April 12 from 14.00h to 16.00h in the Hipatia Room […]
The Malaga Festival returns to the Malaga Docsconference with the publication of the collective book El documental en España. Historia, estética e identidad (Documentary film in Spain. History, aesthetics and identity), published by Cátedra and the festival itself. Complementing the presentation of this volume is the Documentary Film Meeting 2023,En el espejo: una mirada compartida al cine documental […]
The journal Cinema & Territory (C&T) is an international, annual scientific publication of art and anthropology of images of the Universidade da Madeira (UMa). C&T is open to proposals for publication from researchers inside and outside UMa, in the fields of arts and film studies, visual anthropology and images, and other scientific areas that address […]
The International Symposium CloudClass: Virtual Communication for teaching innovation will take place next Friday 17 February in Seminar 3 of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. The interdisciplinary nature of the programme aims to transfer the knowledge generated within the European project “CloudClass, CloudClass: Low Cost, Mobile, Cloud & Template Based Augmented Reality Studio for Education”, […]
The cinema of me and from me, the cinema process as a reflexive formula, the cinema essay as a method of thinking about the world through images and as a method to let images recover their weight will be the practices that we will address in this eighth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO,organised by the Grupo de […]
Na súa interdisciplinariedade, os estudos sobre a paisaxe sonora das nosas cidades poden dicirnos moito acerca do xeito en que vivimos e, máis aínda, como facelo dun xeito más atento, empático e común. No día 16 de xuño teremos ocasión de reflexionarmos na USC sobre estas temáticas na xornada Soundscapes: Cartografías sensoriais e paisaxes sonoras, […]
The XIV Lusocom Congress will be held in Porto on 25-26 October and will be organised by the University of Porto in collaboration with Sopcom (Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação). The theme of this edition recognises that, as a result of the massification of digital media, the cultural transformation of our societies is triggering […]
The University Institute of Spanish Cinema of the Carlos III University of Madrid (IUCE-UC3M) is holding a two-day seminar entitled “Audiovisual democratic memory. Extraterritoriality and resistance”. It will take place at the Cervantes Institute in Paris on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 May. The aim is to invite reflection on the signs of political and […]
The 2022 international Small Cinemas conference extends its call for papers for “Totalitarianism in Literature and Films” until May 30. Totalitarianism & other radical ideologies as social phenomena have always been a scourge of societies big and small. The present time demands from academics and intellectuals to engage in a detailed analysis of what happens […]
The ERC Starting Grant project “Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity (1898-1959)” and the Global Literary Studies Research Lab, with colaboration of Prof. Malte Hagener from the Philipps-Universität Marburg, has opened the call for papers for the International Conference “Rethinking Cinema and Film History Through Global and Digital Approaches (early […]
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (Audiovisual Studies Research Group) of the USC is in charge of organizing the 12th edition of the Small Cinemas International Conference, an annual itinerant meeting that brings together researchers from all over the world who are leaders in the study of so-called small cinemas, cinematographies of countries and cultures with […]
The Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) recognizes Margarita Ledo Andión‘s latest film as “Especially recommended for the promotion of gender equality.” The entity, dependent on the Ministry of Culture and Sports, grants this distinction to films that promote the elimination of prejudices, stereotyped images, and roles based on sex, favor the use of […]
Este mércores 28 de outubro a catedrática de Comunicación Audiovisual e Publicidade e coordinadora do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais na USC, Margarita Ledo Andión, recibiu en València a homenaxe a toda unha vida de investigación en comunicación, outorgada pola Asociación Española de Investigación da Comunicación no VII Congreso Internacional da AE-IC. O acto celebrouse no […]
The analysis, preservation and dissemination of the Lusophone historical and cultural heritage receives a new impulse with the incorporation of the Museu Virtual da Lusofonia (Virtual Museum of Lusophony) to the Google Arts and Culture platform. Launch ceremony will take place on September 4 at 9:00 p.m. (GMT+1) at Nogueira da Silva Museum (Braga, Portugal) […]
The VII International Conference of the Spanish Association for Communication Research (AE-IC) will be held at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia, from October 28 to 30, 2020 and all its contents will be available online. Thus, the association and the University of Valencia seek to guarantee compliance with […]
Palgrave Macmillan has just published a new volume that focuses on the international circuit of documentary film festivals to analyze its development and its impact on the visibility, distribution and accessibility of films and to explore methodologies with which to conduct research in this environment. Edited by Aida Vallejo (UPV / EHU) and Ezra Winton […]
The European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) has just approved the new dates for the 8th European Communication Conference, which will finally take place from 6 to 9 September 2021 in Braga. Initially scheduled from 2 to 5 October 2020 , this international research meeting had to be postponed to comply with the prevention […]
The journal El Profesional de la Información has just opened the period for receiving paper-proposal for volume 30, which is scheduled to be published between March and April 2021. On this occasion, the researcher Javier Marcial Felici will be the invited editor of a number entitled “Images and truth: memory, body and representation”. Proposals around […]
The 18th International Conference on Minority Languages to be hold in Bilbao (Basque Country) from March 24th to 26th 2021, is organized by the NOR Research Group of the University of the Basque Country. It will deal with the subject of minority or small languages and minority speakers all over the world. It aims to […]
The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) has announced the impossibility of holding the annual congress in a face-to-face mode. The event, which had already been moved from its initial location in Beijing to the Finnish city of Tampere due to the risk of expansion of COVID-19, will finally take place online. Through […]
The Instituto de Comunicação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Institute of Communication of the New University of Lisbon) will host from February 11 to 12, 2021, the Congresso Iberoamericano de Fotojornalismo (Ibero-American Congress of Photojournalism), in an edition entitled Fotojornalismo em Mudança. The organization of the congress has just opened the call for the communications, […]
The Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Dirección e Realización (CREA) is one of the groups that are offering open- contents to enjoy at home. Through its website it is possible to access a large catalog with more than 150 audiovisual samples of various formats, including the premiere of several feature films and short films. Click […]
In order to offer cultural proposals that contribute to better spending these days of quarantine, the web NovoCinemaGalego. info has just provided open access to a series of films related to this movemento. Although more films will be added to the list in the following days, we relate those ones that are included at the […]
The XVI Edition of the Language Quality Awards aims to encourage the use of Galician among students, linked to the dissemination of the culture of quality in the preparation and defense of their work. This contest awards the best academic work, end of degree (TFG) and end of teaching (TFM) written in Galician in this […]
By 2020, Cans Film Festival wants to get bigger. Bigger in time, as this edition will be hold from Tuesday 19 to Saturday 23 May and it implies an additional day . Bigger in prizes, that will surpass the 9000 euros of total quantity. And bigger in commitment and social responsibility, by introducing in the […]
From 11 to 12 September 2020, Babeș-Bolyai University in Romania will host the 11th Small Cinemas Conference, entitled Political Imaginaries of Small Cinemas and Cultures. In a world of mainly undisputed capitalism, growing populism, increased global mobility, migration catastrophes, and minority activism, new forms of political experience and imaginaries are emerging. For this reason, film […]
«Filma Afro Cartagena» is the 4th edition of «Filma Project» and is conceived as a meeting point where filmmakers from Latin America and the world meet to work together with great professionals of international cinematography in the improvement of documentary projects whose central theme is related to the representation of the Afro culture. The Ibermedia […]
The Viana Film Meetings has just opened the call for submissions to the PrimeirOlhar Award, an international competition open to film and communication students from Portugal, Galicia, Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries. The award aims to encourage young people to produce and direct innovative and creative documentaries and to reward the best Portuguese-Language documentaries. Films […]
Thirty years after the premiere in Vigo of Continental, Urxa and Sempre Xonxa, the first 35mm feature films released in Galician language, the staf of A Cuarta Parede brought together more than twenty creators born after 1989 to reinterpret these films from different artistic approaches. Two researchers from the GEA, Cibrán Tenreiro and Brais Romero, […]
Esta semana chega ás salas de cinema Longa noite, o novo filme de Eloy Enciso, un retrato da sociedade galega da posguerra construído a partir de textos de Max Aub, Luís Seoane ou Alfonso Sastre. Para celebralo, a sala NUMAX organiza, do 5 ao 12 de decembro, unha serie de coloquios e presentacións nas que […]
A Academia das Artes e as Ciencias Cinematográficas de España vén de anunciar as candidaturas aos Premios Goya 2020, nas que o cinema galego sobresae cos catro nomeamentos para O que arde (Óliver Laxe, 2019) nas categorías de Mellor dirección, Mellor película, Mellor actriz revelación, con Benedicta Sánchez (O Corgo, Lugo), e Mellor fotografía, a […]
The GEOARPAD research project, in which the Audiovisual Studies Group collaborates with several research groups from the USC and other entities, has just released this video of Levous’ aa alva, levous’a velida, one of the most famous ‘cantigas de amigo’ of Galician lyrics which was composed by Pero Meogo. Loaded with symbolism and suggestiveness, this […]
Regresa en novembro CO(M)XÉNERO. Seminario Permanente de Comunicación e Xénero da USC para, nesta ocasión, dar voz ás mulleres que fan dos videoxogos a súa paixón e a súa profesión. Pioneiras galegas, docentes, investigadoras, programadoras, artistas e tamén divulgadoras estarán os días 18 e 19 de novembro na Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación para falar […]
The Carlos Velo Foundation promotes the celebration of these conferences on the figure, work and legacy of the director Carlos Velo, which will take place at the Faculty of Communication Sciences from November 27th to 28th. When the celebration of the 110th anniversary of his birth in Cartelle is aproaching, and under the title ‘Carlos […]
The member of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais and president of the Wenceslao Fernández Flórez Foundation, José Luis Castro de Paz, participates on November 8 in the presentation of the book O cronista imposible: A obra periodística de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez in the company of the author, Óscar Reboiras Loureiro. The presentation ceremony will take […]
O CO(M)XÉNERO, Seminario Permanente de Comunicación e Xénero impulsado polo Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais foi distinguido nos X Premios á Introdución da Perspectiva de Xénero que entrega cada ano a USC. O seminario, que celebra a súa terceira edición o vindeiro mes de novembro, está coordinado pola catedrática e directora do GEA, Margarita Ledo Andión, […]
A Asociación Sindical Galega de Guionistas vén de convocar o «I Premio AGAG de Guión en Galego para Longametraxe» cos obxectivos de potenciar a lingua galega no audiovisual, promover ás autoras e autores que escriben en galego e axudar a difundir o traballo das persoas asociadas a AGAG. O premio conta cunha dotación de 2.500 […]
The 18 & 19 of November takes place in Santiago de Compostela the 3rd edition of CO(M)XÉNERO – Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender, organized by the Audiovisual Studies Research Group (GEA) and the Office for Gender Equality of the USC. This time, the seminar puts the focus on video games, a field traditionally viewed […]
From October 2 to 5, the Universities of Grenoble-Alpes and Lyon host the international colloquium “When women film: the documentary in the Iberian Peninsula and the Latin American continent”. This interuniversity meeting aims to study the documentary production made by women from the countries of the Iberian Peninsula or the Latin American continent. Its purpose […]
O Ourense Film Festival 2019, que decorre do 27 de setembro ao 5 de outubro, inclúe este ano a presentación de tres publicacións recentes impulsadas por investigadoras e investigadores do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais da USC. Na sección «Letras de cine» do festival daranse a coñecer A foresta e as árbores, segundo volume da serie […]
Amnesia 3.0, awarded web series with the project development prize in the last edition of the Carballo Interplay (CIP), has finished this Sunday the its shooting, that has taken place among the municipalities of Santiago de Compostela, Carballo and Zas. The GEA’s member Irene Pin is scriptwriter and director of this audiovisual adventure, after got […]
The Centro Galego de Artes da Imaxe will host on Friday 20th of September at 20:30 hours the presentation of the book A foresta e ás árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (2), edited by the Audiovisual Studies Research Group of the University of Santiago de Compostela and Galaxia editorial. The publication, […]
Margarita Ledo, coordinator of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group, has started today with the shooting of her fouth feature film: Nación, um sítio onde pousar a cabeça. Under this title, that recalls a verse of the Portuguese poet Manuel António Pina, a story of intimacy is hidden, defined by Nós Produtora Cinematográfica Galega como the […]
On the occasion of its 25th years old, the Galician Association of Independent Film Production Companies (AGAPI) changes its webpage with a new design and functions, seeking to improve the offered output. In this way, the webpage will try to adapt to current needs of the market and become a useful tool at service of […]
The Commission of Linguistic Normalisation of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the USC calls for the eighth edition of the prize Somos a curta!, that rewards the best audiovisual short in Galcian language of cinema of the real presented by any member(s) of the student body of the three Galician universities, of the official […]
The audiovisual sector is going through complicated times, as the report “O cine en Galicia” concludes, registering a lost of viewers and incomes in traditional cinema. Last year, following state tendency, Galiza lost more than 100.000 spectators, what means a descent of one tenth in the medium attendance, now of 1,4 film per habitant. The […]
After the publication of its launching special number in 2019, 2i | Revista de Estudos de Identidade e Intermedialidade will dedicate its first edition to “Literature and Television: New narratives | Transmedia fictions”. To this aim, the call for papers will be open until the 31st of January of 2020. Text up to 7.000 words […]
The Commission of Linguistic Normalization of the Faculty of Philology organizes the 5th edition of the “Mazarelos” Literary Award, aimed to promote creativity among young university people and develop their expression capacity in Galician language, as well as to contribute to find potential names of the literature in our language. Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students […]
The Fundación de Exposiciones y Congresos de A Estrada, the Concello da Estrada and the Deputación de Pontevedra, organize the 24th Manuel Reimóndez Portela Journalistic Prize, an award that is given to the best journalistic work or series of works (until a maximum of five) published in Galician language in any communication media. The last […]
The Asociación de Directores Realizadores de Galicia (CREA) delivered on last Friday ist prizes, aimed to publicly recognize, by the own members of CREA, those colleagues that stand out in the different facets of audiovisual direction. The 2019 edition has left eleven awarded people and two special mentions. The professionals recognized Carlos Sedes as best […]
The USC organizes the 4th Award of Photography Ruth Matilda Anderson, which commemorates the figure of the North American photographer, who made several trips to Galicia giving testimony through her images of the every day activities of the 20’s. With this prize the USC seeks to promote equality inside and outside the university community, via […]
The Audiovisual Studies Research Group member Fernando Redondo Neira presents the 2nd of July “Os amorodos de Bergman”, awarded work in the last obra edition of the Ramón Piñeiro Prize of Essay , given by the Ramón Piñeiro center and the Galaxia editorial. Couceiro bookshop will host the act at 19.30h on Tuesday, in which […]
This Sunday 30th of June at 19.00h the presentation of the awarded book of the third edition of the Xosé Neira Vilas Prize of Short Story for children and teenagers will take place in the headquarters of Neira Vilas’ Foundation in Gres (Vila de Cruces, Pontevedra). The act will have the participation of the author, […]
This week the Axencia Galega das Industrias Culturais (AGADIC) has published the resolution of the development and promotion grants to the Galician audiovisual talent. There are 15 new projects of scriptwriting and production of short and feature films in all, two more than last year, that will divide the 150.000 euros of this budgetary item, […]
The International Congress of Hispanism and Cinema – VI TECMERIN academic meeting will take place from 2nd to 5th of July at the University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). The coordinator of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group, Margarita Ledo Andión, will screen her film Santa Liberdade (2004) on Friday 5th of July in the Doré […]
The first week of July, in the framework of the Digital Strategy for Galicia 2030, the 1st FORUM OF PROFESSIONAL DEBATE is celebrated, aimed to promote the dialogue and collaboration between public and private agents needed for the identification and resolution of digital challenges that Galicia faces in a new social paradigm where everything is […]
The Audiovisual Studies Research Group will present in Vigo its last publication, A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (2). The event will take place on next Wednesday 10th of July at 20:30h in the Cartabón bookshop with the participation of Franciso Castro, director of Galaxia, as well as […]
The Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea has announced the second edition of the CGAC Prize of Research and Essay on Contemporary Art, created last year in order to promote the production of though in this field in Galician language. The artist Rosendo Cid, with A arte está feita dunha materia incerta e fragmentaria, was awarded […]
The Clangor Disco. Photo from the archive of El Correo Gallego. The Clangor Disco was a local of reference in Spain during the 80’s due to its modernity and aesthetics, as well as its bet for the vanguard music with the coolest bands of the momento. This year, a group of students of the Faculty […]
The 10th Annual Small Cinemas Conference will take place at ICS-ULisboa between 25 and 27 September 2019. The research team of the project “EUVOS. Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Para un programa europeo de subtitulado en lenguas no hegemónicas” (ref.CSO2016-76014-R) will present the panel “Aprofundar no pequeno: cinema e línguas não hegemônicas na Catalunya, em Euskadi e na […]
The ZigZag Diario of last monday 10th of June dedicated a report to our last book, “A Foresta e as Árbores”. Two of the authors, Iván Villarmea and Xosé Nogueira, were interviewed for this short divulgative piece about the publication. The content is available online in the TVG web. The report highlights the importance of […]
Until the 28th of June of 2019 is possible to participe in the 5th Edition of the NORTEAR Literary Awars, addressed to writers between 16 and 36 years old who are born or registered in Galicia or in the North region of Portugal. The prize offers an only economic amount of 2.000 euros, together with […]
The congress of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) will take place from 7th to 11st of July of 2019 in the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the UCM. The premise of this edition is Communication, Technology, and Human dignity, seeking to generate a cross-disciplinary debate that brings differing but interacting perspectives […]
From 26th of July to 4th of August of 2019 in Melgaço, FRONTAL SHOL_Film Residency will take place, alongside MDOC – Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival. The purpose of this project is to contribute for an audiovisual archive about the immaterial heritage of Melgaço, to provide Espaço Memória e Fronteira with audiovisual works reflecting the […]
A XVII edición da IBERCOM terá lugar en Bogotá do 27 ao 29 de novembro
Last weekend was not only marked by the success of Óliver Laxe in the French Cannes, with the Jury Prize to Fire will come. Our Cans, in O Porriño, also reveled its list of winners on Saturday. The 16th edition of the festival awarded the shortfilm The Widow, by Noelia Muíño, as best script, best […]
The past Tuesday 21st of May, after its premiere in the Debussy cinema in the programming of the Cannes International Film Festival, the film O que arde [Fire will come] by Óliver Laxe reveived the ovation of the French public. Accompanied by Amador and Benedicta, leading actors of the story, the director highlighted the screening […]
The academics have just chosen in the ordinary assembly held on Monday May 21 the new board of directors of this institution that aims to bring the Galician audiovisual sector together. The only candidature presented, chosen unanimously, is headed by the producer Ana Míguez, who currently served as vicepresident and will relieve screenwriter Carlos Ares […]
The Audiovisual Studies Research Group participates in the XVII International Conference on Minority Language, organised by the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (Fryske Akademy). ICML XVII will take place from 22-24 May 2019 in Ljouwert/ Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. This edition will address the challenges and opportunities of smaller languages such as […]
The (S8) (S8) International Peripheral Film Festival will develop its 10th edition from May 31 to June 9 in A Coruña. The image chosen to celebrate these ten years has as protagonists four elements seen with X-rays: a conch shell, a seahorse, a snake and a flower. Inspired by the first radiographs carried out by […]
The 9th Annual Meeting of the Associação de Investigadores da Imagem en Movimento (AIM) takes place in the University of Santiago de Compostela from the 13rd to the 16th of May 2019, co-organized by the AIM and the Faculty of Geography and History of the USC. Created in 2010, the AIM intends to gather, in […]
On 16th of May at 20.00 hours the NUMAX bookshop will host the presentation of the book A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (2) [The forest and the trees. For a history of the galician language cinema], edited by the Audiovisual Studies Research Group and the Editorial Galaxia […]
A Cuarta Parede returns to the (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico to continue theorizing about experimental cinema. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the exhibition, the II Seminar of Criticism extends beyond the dates of the festival with an ambitious proposal that has the support of Acción Cultural Española. The training wants to […]
From April 30th to May 5th the Primavera do Cine Festival will show the projections of the oficial section with a total of 44 works, 10 of them feature films. The eighth edition will be opended with No intenso agora, by João Moreira Salles, a documentary essay that, through different archive images, talks about the […]
The Cannes Film Festival has selected O que arde [A sun that never sets], from the Galician director Óliver Laxe, for the competitive section Un certain regard. Thus, the film will become the first to be screened in the original Galician version in one of the most prestigious events in European and international cinema. And […]
April 15th will be the deadline for submission of communications to the VI Xornada Universitaria Galega en Xénero, rganized by the gender equality units of the three Galician universities, which will take place on June 14 in A Coruña. Under the theme (RE)BUILDING KNOWLEDGE, the sixth edition will focus on the need for feminist and […]
The international colloquium will take place at the University of Grenoble-Alpes (2nd-3rd October) and at the University of Lyon 2 (4th-5th October). ‘When women film: the documentary in the Iberian Peninsula and the Latin American continent’ will also have the participation of the Professor of Communication Sciences and Advertising, Margarita Ledo Andión. This international and […]
The international conference “Crowded out or limitless horizons? Minority language-media in the digital age” aims to exchange knowledge and promote collaboration between academics and professionals working on minority-language media. It is co-organised by the Basque Institute Etxepare and the University of Edinburgh, on the 18th-19th of October. In the early 1980s, the establishment of Catalan, Basque […]
Call for papers for the congress “Out of place: (in)tangible bodies in the minority cultures of the Iberian Peninsula. Literature, Cinema and Art”, which will take place in Warsaw on the 14th and 15th of November 2019. The activity will be organized by different entities: Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies of the University of […]
Since the 29thof March, the series O sabor das margaridas can be found in the Netflix catalog, becoming the first production in Galician language offered by this digital platform present in more than 180 countries. The series, co-produced by CTV, CRTVG and Comarex, received a Mestre Mateo award for the Best Television Series, after being […]
The European Audiovisual Observatory abriu o prazo de rexistro for the conferenceFilm Financing: European strategies to boost cultural diversity which is taking place on the 18th of May in Cannes. The program is asking how today’s European films are financed: How is the financing of film evolving? To what extent does regulation affect the current […]
The Galician Academy of Audiovisual held on Wednesday, April 3rd, at the Marcos Valcárcel Cultural Center, the award ceremony of the third edition of the María Luz Morales. These prizes promote scientific research in the audiovisual field, with an economic endowment of 1.200 euros for two video-essays and two written essays, grouped into one Galician […]
The Patronage of Neira Vilas Foundation met in Gres to choose a new president, after the passing of Luis Reimóndez in December. The charge fell to the nephew of the writer, Fernando Redondo Neira, member of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group. The professor and researcher was part of the foundation’s patronage since 2016, and in […]
On the 8th and 9th of April the Colon Theater hosts the conferences Women and Innovation in the Intermedia Arts. The event aims to explore the connections between digital networks and performing arts, in order to become a motor of creative innovation and contemporary thinking. It also incorporates a gender program that seeks to promote […]
Telefónica Foundation has presented, as every year, the report Digital Society in Spain (sdiE). Since 2000, this document has become a benchmark that includes the most relevant social indicators in the digital society scene, as well as analyzes the evolution of digital services and infrastructures in the national sphere. SdiE gives a picture of the progress […]
‘Sierra de Teruel’ (L’Espoir, André Malraux, 1939) and ‘Verbena’ (Edgar Neville, 1941) are opening today at 19.30 the Spanish Film Archive season ‘The two exiles’, which explores the vestiges of republican cinema after spanish Civil War. The presentation will be runned by José Luis Castro de Paz, member of the Audiovisual Reseach Group, together with […]
The second issue of Volvoreta. Revista de Literatura, Periodismo e Historia del Cine will be presented this Wednesday, April 3rd, at the Cine Doré -Filmoteca Española in Madrid. José Luis Castro de Paz (member of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group and president of the Wenceslao Fernández Flórez Foundation), Josetxo Cerdán (Director of Filmoteca Española), Marina Díaz (co-author) […]
The second issue of Volvoreta. Revista de Literatura, Periodismo e Historia del Cine will be presented this Saturday, March 2nd, at the Centro Galego de Artes da Imaxe (CGAI) in A Coruña. The event will begin at 6:00 pm and will be attended by José Luis Castro de Paz (member of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group […]
The International Conference of Cinema of Viana is a space for reflection and exchange of experiences organized by Ao NORTE – Associação de Produção e Animação Audiovisual in collaboration with the Municipal Chamber of Viana do Castelo, for the construction of an international community of interests and dissemination of projects related to two central themes […]
Last days for sending communication proposals to the IV Simpósio da XESCOM – Red Internacional de Investigación de Gestión de la Comunicación. Abstracts of communications must be sent by February 10 th, according to the following rules: -To be written in Galician, Catalan, Basque, Spanish, Portuguese, English or French. -To Have up to 500 words; -To Refer […]
The Consello da Cultura Galega organizes this conference that explores the technological applications related to language to analyze the presence of Galician language in the digital space. Pablo Romero Fresco, one of the researchers of the project EUVOS. Intangible Cultural Heritage. For a European program of subtitling in non-hegemonic languages (AEI, ref CSO2016-76014-R), takes part […]
Three members of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais will take part in the ‘Mesas interxeracionais do audiovisual galego: xornadas construtivas para destruír tópicos, mitos e prexuízos do noso sector’ (Intergenerational sessions on Galician audiovisual: constructive seminar to destroy topics, myths and predjudices in our sector) , a set of talks and debates offered by the 15th […]
A cultural podcast about the theater cafés of Compostela, a sound map of the city, a photographic tour of the neighborhoods or small audiovisual pieces are some of the results of the educational innovation project ‘Towards a participatory governance of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the city of Santiago de Compostela ‘ which […]
The Association of Actors and Actresses of Galicia (AAAG) celebrates next Wednesday, September 26 at 8.00 pm a new session of its ‘Escaramuzas Artísticas’, a series of monthly debate-meetings in which renowned voices specialized in the audiovisual and audiovisual sectors of the scene will exchange their points of view about different topics that reach the […]
The research team of the R & D & I project “EUVOS, Intangible Cultural Heritage, for a European subtitling program in non-hegemonic languages” (AEI, ref CSO2016-76014-R) participates with a panel at the conference “Cinema and Crisis in the Mediterranean “held at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València, from October […]
The Portuguese Association of Researchers of the Moving Image (AIM) invite you to submit proposals for the 9th AIM Annual Meeting, which will be hosted at the University of Santiago de Compostela on May 13-16, 2019, in a joint organization of AIM and the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Santiago de […]
Professor and coordinator of Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, Margarita Ledo Andión, will be part of the festival of cinema Filmes do Homem that takes place in Melgaço do 30 de xullo ao 5 de agosto. To join the participation of other professionals such as Jasna Krajinovic, Luciana Fina, Luís Miguel Oliveira and Ricardo Vieira Lisboa, […]
With the occasion of the celebration on July 25 of the Día da Patria Galega, A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística promotes a manifesto in favor of cinema filmed in Galician. “With the license to rethink the famous quote from Castelao, which claimed our language as the quintessence of the galeguidade, we intend to draw attention […]
The broadcasting company Movistar+ announced by Twitter that it is working on inclusion of subtitles in Galician language on its platform. This message was received with joy by organizations such as A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística, which highlighted that “incorporating the subtitles in Galician means that Galicians will have the possibility to choose their own […]
With the words that Margarita Ledo gave in the homage to Professor José Marques de Melo during the AE-IC Congress held in Madrid in 2016, the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais expresses its deep sorrow for the death of teacher and research colleague. Homage of the AE-IC to Prof. Dr. José Marques de Melo Professor Emeritus […]
On Saturday, June 23, at 11:00 h in the Rialto Building in Valencia, the professor of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the USC, José Luis Castro de Paz , will present its new book ‘Cinema and Exile: Form(s) of the absence ‘ within the framework of the Festival València […]
Fernando Redondo, professor at the Communication Faculty of the USC and member of the GEA, won the prize for the best International Audiovisual Written Essay with Beats of Loneliness in the Cinema , which propose an analysis of two very different films, Dubliners (John Huston, 1987) and The City of Stars. La La Land (Damien […]
José Luis Castro de Paz , professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, will participate in the Conferences ‘The transition to debate’ organized by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences within the summer courses of the USC. The objectives of this course are: to present and analyze […]
Enrique Castellón, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, will receive an award granted by the Galician Health Office through the Agency of Donation of Blood, Organs and Tissues for their contribution to the blood donation in Galicia by the APS project . The award ceremony will take […]
Margarita Ledo, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, participates in the summer course of the UPV / EHU “We mean: We and contemporary documentary cinema” this June 6 with a presentation with the name “The body and the camera”. This summer course, which is part of the […]
International Forum ‘Languages and cinema. Indicators for a European Programme for Subtitling will be take place on Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela May 21 and 22. Held by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, this Forum will bring together international researchers on cinema and audio-visual translation in Europe with the […]
The film criticism magazine A Cuarta Parede organizes the first edition of the Experimental Criticism Seminar within the framework of the ninth edition of the (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico. This experience, a pioneer in Galicia and the spanish state, wants to focus on the freer expression of cinema that, at times, challenges the viewer’s […]
The Board of the Professional Association of Journalists of Galicia expresses its deep concern about the announced disappearance of the local programming of the information services in the new grid of the Radio Galega that has been presented and will come into force next September. The Radio and Television Corporation of Galicia announced on Tuesday […]
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais shows its concern about the imminent disappearance of the space Diario Cultural of the Radio Galega program and demand the continuity of the program from the Directorate of Radio Galega. It is a space, currently directed by Ana Romaní, it was one of the few gaps in the public radio […]
The scientific journal Fonseca: Journal of Communication chooses a text by Antía Mª López and Enrique Castelló as a highlight publication on their social networks. The text, which explain how to formulate cultural development in Europe with respect to minority cinematographies from the Danish example, is available at digital version on the magazine’s website. Fonseca: […]
The 3rd year students of Audiovisual Communication Degree of the subjects Auteur Cinema and Contemporary Audiovisual Culture, taught by the teachers Margarita Ledo Andión and Marta Pérez Pereiro , They travel to the Olhares Frontais film festival. The meeting, organized by the Associaçao Ao Norte and the Municipal Chamber of Viana do Castelo , is […]
Margarita Ledo, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, gives this May 4th a class with the title” Cinema vs. Reality “in the Master of Cinema and TV of the Carlos III University of Madrid . The participation of Professor Ledo Andión is part of the policy of […]
On November 28, 29 and 30 of 2018, the XIII Congress of LUSOCOM will be held in Maputo, Mozambique. The main theme of the meeting will be “Communication and information for development”. Promoting today the social, cultural and economic development of a country or a geographical region can not be seen as an independent task […]
Margarita Ledo, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, will join the panel on documentary films panel that the TV program Histories of Our Cinema will broadcast this Friday 4 of May. DocumentaMadrid festival director David Varela, screenwriter and producer Félix Viscarret, and historian Luis E. Parés will […]
Professor of Audiovisual Communication and member of the GEA, Marta Pérez Pereiro, took part in the Feminist Criticism Seminar organized by the online magazine A Cuarta Parede in the 14th edition of the International Documentary Festival Play-Doc. This fifth edition of the seminar, which took place on April 28 and 29 at the Municipal Theater […]
Southern European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece face common social, cultural and economic challenges. These challenges require profound analysis and evaluation. The central questions on which this Winter School will focus depart from the hypothesis that the 2008 financial crisis and its particular manifestation in Southern European countries has revealed historical processes […]
More information in Consello da Cultura Galega website.
More information in Universidade da Madeira website.
In relation to the centenary of his birth on 20 September 2017, the city council of Coruña honour the actor Fernando Rey as one of the distinguished citizens. The exhibition Fernando Rey: Cinema gentleman (1917-2017) (Kiosko Alfonso, 20-9/19-11), based mostly in photographys, documents, awards and memorabilia collected by himself. This exhibition, after investigate through images […]
IAMCR stands in solidarity with academics and journalists in Catalonia who condemn the abrogation of the right to freedom of expression as a result of actions by the Spanish military policy and Government in connection with the Regional Government’s referendum on whether Catalonia should become self-governing. These actions include searches of and threats against news […]
Margarita Ledo, professor of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Santiago de Compostela and coordinator of Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will be charge of the opening keynote of the Small Cinema Conference: Diversity in Glocal Cinemas. Language, Culture, Identities, that will take place in the cities of Bilbao and San Sebastian between the […]
“Orixe is a photographic tale of our updated past” ‘Orixe’ is a photographic exhibition in which the students of Journalism of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) shaped their memories of childhood. This exhibition, framed within the practices of Contemporary Photography, is divided into three different perspectives to know the personal beginnings of the […]
The deadline for presenting papers to the International Colloquium: the challenges of cultural diversity in the labor market: policies, practices and representations in the 21st century, organized by MIMMOC (University of Poitiers), EHIC (University of Limoges) and GRESCO (University of Poitiers), to be held between 11 and 13 October 2017 in Poitiers (France). For several […]
Internet and audiovisual media are transforming our world, but their potential cannot be realised until they become fully accessible and enable the participation of all citizens in everyday life. For this reason, media accessibility has become an essential driver of social inclusion and integration and has lately received recognition in the literature, in EU-funded research […]
The fifteenth edition of the IBERCOM Conference takes place from 16 to 18 November, 2017 at the School of Human Sciences, of the Catholic University of Portugal, in Lisbon, within the framework of consolidating the Iberian-American space for reflection and debate in Communication studies. Taking “Communication, Diversity and Tolerance” as its central theme, the event […]
For the second-to-last sesion of «The other look: Cinema and women» we have «VISIÓNS», a colaborative film directed by Xisela Franco and produced by Beli Martínez. An iniciative which goes from investigation and theory to the practice of the movie production, in which women from the Pontevedra’s province get together in the movie with the […]
The Galician Asociation of Researchers in Communication (AGACOM) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) has just published the last number of the International Yearbook of Comunicação Lusófona, corresponding to 2015 and 2016. The volume, directed by Margarita Ledo Andión, is titled Inquiry methodologies, cyberculture, regulation and cooperation pick up the premises which inspired […]
The Academia Galega do Audiovisual called the María Luz Morales awards to promove the scientific investigations in the field of audiovisual. From this first edition, this awars will count with four categories that will pay attention to videoessays and written essays, from galician or international areas.The call of the María Luz Morales awards wants to […]
The Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising 1 (CAVP-1) of the School of Communication and Media Sciences of the University Complutense of Madrid has opened the call for papers for the International Conference CONFOCO 2017: Female photographers, which will take place between April 26th and 28th of 2017 in the School of Communication’s Aulario Building. […]
Margarita Ledo, coordinator of the Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, attended the XV Documentary Festival Santiago Alvarez In Memoriam which took place between 6th and 11th of march in Santiago de Cuba. Ledo presented at the festival his dissertation “En torno a lo viejo y lo nuevo en el documental contemporáneo”, and was one of the […]
Margarita Ledo, coordinator of the Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, has been awarded the 15th Premio Ramón Piñeiro “Facer País”, granted by Val de Láncara Cultural Association. The award distinguishes every year the career of a person or entity in favour of Galicia’s development. The jury highlighted Ledo’s “constant commitment to Galicia in her creative professional […]
The coordinator of the Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, Margarita Ledo Andión, will be one of the speakers at the Sixth Acércate Seminaron equality and prevention of gender violence. Organized by the Ames City Council, A Coruña Deputation and Ames CIM, the seminar will have place on 17 of november at Milladoiro’s House of Culture, starting […]
IC Journal (Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación) has organized, for next 9 of november, a seminar on “Visualities in tension”. It will have place from 10:30 to 13:30 at the Salón de Grados of the University of Seville’s Faculty of Communication, and Margarita Ledo, coordinator of Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, will take part in […]
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais and the Department of Photography of the Mestre Mateo Art and Design School organize the presentation of Una Rosa para Soler, a documentary that focuses on the composer Antonio Soler, a fundamental name of spanish music for organ and harpsichord from the 18th Century. The event will be introduced by […]
The journalQuaderns del CAC has just published a call for papers for their new monographic, number 43. It will be focused on the analysis of diversity within culture industries and iniciatives of protection and promotion. The journal proposes the following themes: – Evaluation of the impact of UNESCO’s Convention on the Protection and Promotion on […]
Professors Angelo d’Orsi (Università di Torino) and Guido Liguori (Università della Calabria) have just published a text invoking the defence of freedom and democracy after the measures taken by Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government following the recent coup d’etat. Between the imprisonments, homicides and attacks to freedom of speech (like the closing of critical newspapers), education […]
Marta Pérez Pereiro, researcher at the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will take part this june in the Sixth Portuguese Film Series organized by Vigo’s Instituto Camões’ Cultural Centre. This edition focuses on female portuguese directors, highlighting the emergence of many women in recent portuguese cinema, and tries to represent different generations of filmmakers. Pérez Pereiro […]
A coordinadora do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, Margarita Ledo Andión, participará o xoves 2 de xuño nun debate na Biblioteca Pública Ánxel Casal arredor do filme Que horas ela volta?, de Anna Muylaert, coa propia directora da obra. O evento está organizado por Brasilegos Contra o Golpe e encádrase na denuncia do proceso de impeachment […]
On 18 and 19 June, the visual artist, photographer and teacher Francisco Gómez will impart a collodion process workshop at A Estrada’s space Dispara. The collodion process is a mid-19th century technique which, as with daguerrotype, is caracterized by its great definition power. It is made with view cameras and the supports commonly used are […]
Margarita Ledo, coordinator of the Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group, will take part on saturday 4 June, at the (S8) Room of A Coruña’s PALEXCO, in a debate on cinema and gender as a part of the presentation of the project “Cinema e Muller” (“Cinema and Women”) at the seventh edition of the (S8) Mostra de […]
The Galician filmmaker Oliver Laxe has just won the Critics’ Week Grand Prize at the Cannes film festival with his film Mimosas. The jury, chaired by Valérie Donzelli, has given him an award that, in previous editions, directors such as Bernardo Bertolucci, Leos Carax or Wong Kar Wai have received. Thereby, Laxe receives for the […]
The Center of Studies about Media, Technologies and Internationalizationfrom University Paris 8 Vincennes has just opened the call for papers for the international conference “Cultures of resistance, minorized people and languages”, which will take place on 1st and 2nd of December 2016 at the Art Museum of Halle Saint Pierre. The deadline for submitting proposals […]
A investigadora do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, Marta Pérez Pereiro, intervirá como oradora no coloquio “Vías de colaboración entre o cinema galego e o lusófono” organizado no marco do Festival Primavera do Cine de Vigo. O debate, que terá lugar o sábado 21 de maio ás 18:00 horas no Auditorio do Instituto Camões, centrarase nas […]
A organización do XII Congresso Internacional Lusocom e II Mediacom amplía o prazo para a recepción de propostas de comunicacións ate o 22 de maio. A presentación de propostas debe ser realizada a través do formulario aloxado no propio site, mediante a presentación dun resumo dun máximo de 500 palabras. Non hai límite ao número […]
José Luis Castro de Paz, Professor of the Universidade de Santaigo de Compostela end member of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais coordinates the film series Life in the Shadows. Spanish Cinema in a Labyrinth (1939–1953), hosted by the Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid and developed from 28th April to 27th May. This film series, organised […]
A 19ª edición do Festival de Cine Español de Málaga acollerá os días 25 e 26 de abril o IV Encontro de Cinema Documental. Baixo o título “Doce anos despois: estado da cuestión” este evento de vocación transversal reunirá a cineastas, investigadores universitarios, programadores, distribuidores, críticos e responsables de canles de televisión e organismos públicos […]
Abre o prazo para enviar propostas ao XII Congreso Internacional LUSOCOM. A Diretoria da LUSOCOM (Federação Lusófona de Ciências da Comunicação) comunica a chamada de artigos para o próximo número do Anuário Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona, baixo a responsabilidade da INTERCOM (Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação), cuxo tema central é “Metodologias de pesquisa […]
Film submissions for Museo do Pobo Galego Ethnographic Film Festival are now open Requirements: To be eligible for this Festival, the submitted films must have been produced after 1st January 2014. The length of the films submitted must not exceed 90 minutes. Film authors may submit a maximum of two films. The productions made in […]
Os días 20 e 21 de outubro de 2016, A Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, co apoio da Deputación da Coruña, os Concellos de Cambre e A Coruña e as Universidades de Santiago de Compostela e da Coruña, celebrará o Congreso Internacional O home que quixo crear: Literatura, xornalismo e cinema na obra de Wenceslao Fernández […]
The Primeiro Olhar Award is the competitive section of the film festival Encontros de Cinema de Viana do Castelo , which is in its XVI edition. The event aims to promote the documentary and to award the best documentary made by students of cinema, audiovisual and communication schools, and also by participants in courses on […]
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais has uploaded to its Vimeo Channel two new interviews to experts within the eDCINEMA research project. In this case the interviewees are Guillermo Orozco and Luis Alfonso Albornoz. Orozco is Professor at University of Guadalajara (México). Albornoz is Professor in the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication at the Carlos […]
A Editorial Vía Láctea e a Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, co apoio da Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galicia, acaban de editar o libro de Héctor Paz Otero Poética da derrota: a literatura de Wenceslao Fernádez Flórez no cine. Trátase dun rigoroso estudo centrado en catro translacións á pantalla de […]
A Universidade Carlos III de Madrid (Campus de Xetafe) acollerá entre o mércores 9 e o venres 11 de decembro o Congreso Internacional El cine y la televisión en la España de la Post-Transición (1979-1992), organizado polo Grupo de Investigación TECMERIN (Televisión y Cine: Memoria, Representación e Industria). Preto de medio centenar de comunicacións reflexionarán […]
Os días 4 de decembro terá lugar en París o seminario Vers l’Espace Numérique Européen. Le rôle des petites cinématographies en V.O.”, que organiza Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais en colaboración coCentre d’Études sur les Médias, les Technologies et l’Internationalisation da Université París 8. Investigadores internacionais levarán a debate a redefinición dos cinemas nacionais europeos na […]
O venres 27 de novembro, o Centro de Estudos Galegos en Bangor (Gales) ofrecerá a conferencia “Landscape in the mist. A cartography of Galician Cinema in the last decade”, da investigadora Marta Pérez Pereiro. O evento forma parte das actividades de difusión proxecto do Plan Nacional de I+D+i “Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo. O papel […]
Os días 24 e 25 de novembro, ten el lugar en Cardiff o simposio Finlandia, Galiza, Gales. Os retos dos pequenos cinemas en linguas minorizadas. A consideración das nacións como espazos comunicativos, e do cinema en versión orixinal como ferramenta inequívoca para a construción da diversidade cultural europea, serve de punto de partida para que […]
On 4, 5, and 6 November will be held in Bilbao the 16th Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Semiótica and 5th Congreso Internacional del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la UPV/EHU, with the title Historias del presente. Del documento al documental. The Professor José Luis Castro de Paz, Principal investigator of […]
A Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social (La Laguna, Tenerife) acaba de publicar o número 88 da colección Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación, co título Una calculada resistencia: Cine y literatura popular después de la Guerra Civil (1939-1962). Trátase dunha obra realizada polo I+D+i Cara unha reconsideración da cultura posbélica: análise dos modos de representación no cinema […]
Vía Láctea Editorial acaba de editar o DVD Los que no fuimos a la guerra, de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: de la novela al film. Entrevista con Julio Diamante, vinculado ao Proxecto de Investigación Cara unha reconsideración da cultura posbélica: análise dos modos de representación no cinema español (1939-1962) a partir da impronta de Wenceslao Fernández […]
Acaba de ser editado o número 20 de L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos, co título Heridas, pervivencias, transformaciones. Modelos de estilización en el cine posbélico español (1939-1962). Trátase dun número monográfico vinculado ao Proxecto de Investigación Cara unha reconsideración da cultura posbélica: análise dos modos de representación no cinema español (1939-1962) a partir da impronta […]
Vía Láctea Editorial has just published the books Muerte de un ciclista (Juan Antonio Bardem, 1955): una firme mirada opositora and Sonrisas y lágrimas de España: esperpento, humor negro y costumbrismo en el cine español, carried out within the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish […]
Fóra de Campo é o nome do Curso de Verán que vai ocorrer no ámbito de FILMES DO HOMEM – Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival. Será u encontro de reflexión e debate multidisciplinar – Ciencias Sociais, Artes e Ciencias da Comunicación, en torno do tema Cinema e Miracións, e resulta da parcería da Câmara Municipal […]
O Fonseca Journal of Communication amplía ate o 30 de setembroo prazo de recepción de artigos para o monográfico de decembro. Baixo o título é “Cinema: renaming itself. Nuevas definiciones en el cine contemporáneo”, a edición é coordinada por Margarita Ledo Andión (Catedrática da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela e coordinadora do Grupo de Estudos […]
A Facultade de Ciencias de Comunicación da USC acolle o acto de clausura do “Curso de Innovación en Escenografía Virtual Avanzada: Aston 3D Suite e Infinity Set de Brainstorm Multimedia” , realizado entre o 23 e o 26 de xuño baixo a dirección de Enrique Castelló Mayo (Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais). Esta actividade de formación […]
A cultura galega afronta constantes desafíos nunha sociedade en rede que vive profundas transformacións. Os retos no horizonte da vindeira década, marcados pola Comisión Europea na Estratexia Europa 2020, son moitos e variados. Abranguen estratexias de crecemento baseadas en sete piares, entre os que se atopa a axenda dixital que propón “explotar mellor o potencial […]
Thursday 18 and Friday 19 will be held in Santiago de Compostela the congress Gonzalo Torrente Ballester y/en el cine, organized by the Research Project of the University of Vigo Gonzalo Torrente Ballester (III) (FFI2012-34025. Mineco – Gobierno de España), with the collaboration of the Research Project of the University of Santiago de Compostela Towards […]
For the third consecutive year, the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco – Gobierno de España) will be present at the Congreso Internacional de Literatura Española Contemporánea, which this year will […]
The Estudos Audiovisuais Research Group has just uploaded to its Vimeo channel the videos that summarize the different sessions of the past International Forum Cinema of Small Nations, Film Literacy and New Audiences. The intentions of the Forum were linking all the variables that could contribute to the building of new audiences. In order to […]
The University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and the Galician Audiovisual Cluster (Clag) signed Tuesday in Santiago, a cooperation agreement to promote cooperation between the two organizations to hold activities of cultural, scientific, educational and research. The signing was formalized the rector of the USC, Juan M. Viaño, and Clag president, Andrés Barbé. Both Clag […]
TELOS magazine has opened its call for papers for the central dossier of its next issue, 102: Turismo, Patrimonio y NTIC (Tourism, Heritage and New Technologies of Information and Communication), coordinated by professors Jesús Prieto de Pedro (UNED) and Enrique Bustamante Ramírez (UCM). Starting from the conscience of the importance of tourism in spanish and […]
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais has uploaded to its Vimeo Channel two new interviews to experts within the eDCINEMA research project. In this case the interviewees are Alfonso Gumucio Dagron and Raúl Trejo. Gumucio Dagron is a filmmaker, a writer and a member of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación, and Raúl Trejo […]
Last Friday the books Tragedias de la vida vulgar. Adaptaciones e irradiaciones de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez en el cine español and El malvado Carabel: literatura y cine popular antes y después de la Guerra Civil, were presented at Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez. The books collect important research works developed in the Project Towards a reconsideration […]
Friday, February 27 the Fundación Wenceslao Fernández Flórez will host the presentation of Tragedias de la vida vulgar. Adaptaciones e irradiaciones de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez en el cine español and El malvado Carabel: literatura y cine popular antes y después de la Guerra Civil. The books are the result of some of the investigations that […]
The Project Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco – Gobierno de España) rescues a script consisting of the adaptation of the novel by Wenceslao Fernández Flórez Volvoreta. The film was not done but […]
The Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais has just uploaded to its Vimeo Channel three interviews to experts that took place in 2013 in Santiago de Compostela. Professors Aimee Vega Montiel (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Clemencia Rodríguez (University of Oklahoma) and Muniz Sodré (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) approach topics related to eDCINEMA project, namely […]
The Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais (RLEC) has just opened its term for the submitting of papers for its next issue. The theme is framed under the title “Género – Contributos para uma Compreensão Efetiva das Mudanças” (Gender – Contributions for an Effective Comprehension of Changes”, and looks for deepening in “cultural meanings and significances” […]
FILMES DO HOMEM, the Melgaço International Documentary Festival, has opened its registration period for proposals for its 2015 edition. The general topic is migrations: “Films should manifest the author’s point of view on aspects related to social, individual, cultural or identity issues, caused by changes of country, region or address.” The Festival’s programming will be […]
The Principal Investigator of the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark, (CSO2012-34648. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Gobierno de España. Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015), José Luis Castro de Paz, has been elected new President of Fundación Wenceslao […]
Fonseca: Journal of Communication has made a Call for Papers for a monographic issue to be published in december 2015. The title is “Cinema: renaming itself. Nuevas definiciones en el cine contemporáneo”, and it’s coordinated by Margarita Ledo Andión (Professor at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and coordinator of Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais) and Begoña […]
At the beginning of December will be held in Tenerife the VI Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social, organized by Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social and Universidad de La Laguna. Within the activities of Congress, Friday 5 will develop the Thematic Table Literatura y cine popular después de la Guerra Civil española (1939-1962), linked to […]
On 10 October was held in Lyon the Congress Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: Cinéma et Littérature, linked to the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco – Gobierno de España). The Group Estudos […]
The 10th of October GEA will participate in the Congress Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: Cinéma et Littérature which will be held in Lyon. It’s a scientific meeting ommemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the Galician writer and will be organized by the Research Project of the University of Santiago de Compostela Towards a reconsideration […]
They have just published the proceedings of the International Symposium Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema español, that was held in March in Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña. The scientific event was organized within the scope of the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the […]
October 10 will be held in Lyon the Congress Jornada Wenceslao Fernández Flórez: Cine y literatura linked to the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco – Gobierno de España). It’s a […]
Shangrila has published the book Me enveneno de cine. Amor y destrucción en la obra de Francisco Regueiro, coordinated by professors of the University of Santiago de Compostela José Luis Castro de Paz and Xosé Nogueira, and performed in the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in […]
At the beginning of December will be held in Tenerife the VI Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social, organized by Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social and Universidad de La Laguna. Within the activities of Congress, Friday 5 will develop a thematic table linked to the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of […]
The 20th issue of L’Atalante will address a reflection on Spanish Cinema of the post-war period, in a monographic issue linked to the Research Project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco – Gobierno […]
It just published the book of José Luis Castro de Paz and Héctor Paz Otero El malvado Carabel: literatura y cine popular antes y después de la Guerra Civil. From a study of the novel by Wenceslao Fernández Flórez “El malvado Carabel”, the authors carried out an analysis of the film adaptations undertaken by Edgar […]
Following the success of the International Symposium Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema español organized from the research project Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco – Gobierno de […]
opens for registration at the symposium about the imprint of wenceslao fernández flórez in spanish cinema Until March 20, it will remain open for registration in the International Symposium “Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema español”, which will be held in Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña, on 27 and […]
The Research Project “Towards a reconsideration of post-war culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark” held an international symposium led by own Principal Investigator, José Luis Castro de Paz, in which leading researchers from the cinema and literature will reflect on the relationship of the Fernández […]
Between Thursday and Saturday of this week will be held in Bilbao the 14th International Congress of AEHC, with the title “De Cimientos y Contrafuertes. El papel de los géneros en el Cine Español”. As we had already announced last month, the Congress will host a broad representation of studies related to the Research Project […]
O equipo de Canal Campus_lab intervén no Cultural 2013. Será o sábado 30 de novembro ás 19:30 horas. CONTACTO web: mail: Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación Campus Norte
Canal Campus_ lab. Laboratorio aberto de experimentación, emprendemento e creación visual e sonora, constitúese coma un espazo de diversificación cultural coa finalidade de estimular dentro da USC a creatividade sonora e visual en todas as súas facetas, así como para potenciar a capacidade de emprendemento cultural da comunidade universitaria nestes ámbitos de actuación e fortalecer […]
At the end of November will be held in Bilbao the 14th International Congress of AEHC focused on the relationship of the concept of gender with the Spanish Cinema, with the title “De Cimientos y Contrafuertes. El papel de los géneros en el Cine Español”. Taking into account the important framework of broadcasting that is […]
Coinciding with the fiftieth anniversary of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s death, at the beginning of the spring of 2014 will be held a symposium on core issues of the Research Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark”. The Symposium will be […]
A avaliación das políticas europeas de apoio ao cinema e análise da situación das pequenas cinematografías comunitarias son os albos do encontro internacional de investigadores que o Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais organiza en París no marco do proxecto ‘Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo. O papel das pequenas cinematografías en versión orixina’ (eDCINEMA). Celebrado na Sala […]
No seu 40 aniversario e baixo o título “Defending Democracy. Nordic and global diversities in media and journalism” a presente edición do Congreso Nordmedia aborda, do 8 ao 11 de agosto na capital norueguesa, o papel central que os medios de comunicación xogan nos procesos de democratización. Neste contexto, e como continuación labor de difusión […]
Last June the universities of A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela hosted the XIV Congreso Internacional de Literatura Española Contemporánea, dedicated this time to the social question in literature, film and press. Continuing with the work of diffusion of the Research Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in […]
A influencia que a crise económica está a ter na orde xeopolítica e das comunicacións constitúe o tema central da edición de 2013 do Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos en Comunicación Social (IAMCR, nas siglas en inglés), que se celebra en Dublín do 25 ao 29 de xuño. A seguir coa labor de difusión […]
Taking advantage of the dissemination framework of the XIII International Congress IBERCOM “Communication, culture and spheres of power”, held this week at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the USC, the members of the Working Group of the Research Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema […]
The researcher Hector Paz Otero, Member of the Working Group of the Research Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark”, participated in the “XIX Congreso de novela y cine negro: La (re)invención de un género” organized by the University of […]
At the beginning of this year the Research Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark” started with first works dedicated primarily to the design and review of the theoretical framework, the collection and the structuring of the material constituting the […]
The director of Audiovisual Studies Group, Margarita Ledo Andión, Chair of Communication Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), will speak, next 4th July, at the opening plenary session of the International Congress “Interfaces da Lusofonía”, which will be held at the Universidade do Minho, Braga (Portugal). This Conference wants to think Lusophony […]
Soon, it will be published Modos de representación en el cine español posbélico (1939-1950). Costumbrismo, humor, melancolía y reflexividad o la impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, where José Luis Castro de Paz, main researcher of the project “Hacia una reconsideración de la cultura posbélica: análisis de los Modos de Representación en el cine español (1939-1962) […]
On the 22th of February, the Faculty of Communication (USC) hosts the first working session of the “eDCINEMA: eDCINEMA: Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo. O papel das cinematografías pequenas en versión original”. This research, carried out by the Group of Audiovisual Studies under the direction of Margarita Ledo Andión, aims to detect barriers that prevent […]
The next 1st of March finishes the time limit to communicate the acceptance of proposals for the XIII Congress IBERCOM. Under the title ‘Communication, Culture and Spheres of Power’, this anual meeting of iberoamerican researchers adresses the knowledge’s exercice as a way of power; the reconstruction of the public sphere as a place of differences; […]
Inside the XIII Congress of the Spanish Association of Historians about Cinema, that took place since 10th until 12th of March in the Faculty of Communication, was projected Galicia, a film by Carlos Velo, and was commemorated the 20º aniversary of the Galician Centre of Arts about Pictures. Since 10th until 12th of March The […]
After more than two years of research process, the project “Cinema, diversity and networks”, coordinated by the Audiovisual Studies Group and directed by Chair Professor Margarita Ledo, approximates to the phase of conclusions. The first contribution will take place on the 19th of January in Tarragona, within the III Congress of EC-IC “Communication and Risk”. […]
The films and audiovisual productions made in Galician find a receptive field in Lusophone countries. However, the shortage of platforms and spaces for access from these countries to cultural Galician products hinders their movement outside our borders. The research group of Audiovisual Studies (GEA), which directs Margarita Ledo, professor in the Department of Communication Sciences, […]
A pesquisa do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, “Cine, diversidade e redes”, entra na súa fase decisiva de análise das mostras, coa entrada na investigación dos grupos receptores de Arxentina, Uruguai e Brasil. O proxecto estuda a recepción de filmes galegos en países con comunidades galegas de emigrantes con dereito a voto.
Do 10 ao 12 de marzo de 2011 a Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación da USC converteuse en sede o XIII Congreso da Asociación de Historiadores do Cinema. Baixo o título Aurora e melancolía, a edición centrouse no cinema realizado durante a II República (1931-1939) e foi co-organizada polo Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, a Facultade […]
Audiovisual Studies Group held a working meeting with the participation of the groups of reception’s coordinators included in the research program Lusophony, Interactivity and Interculturality. From November 16th to November 20th was held in the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), the week of the meeting between members of […]
Por Margarita Ledo Satisfáceme especialmente a oportunidade que me ofrecen os organizadores de poder facer parte desta sesión e compartir cos colegas algúns conceptos derivados dun novo escenario, a área xeo-lingüísitica lusófona, composta por países do planeta –desde Galiza até Timor Leste- que están a partillar linguas pertencentes ao mesmo sistema lingüístico. Descarga aquí o […]
The University of Santiago de Compostela presented a Centre of Production and Experimentation in Digital Contents the last 22th of October. This is the most important project of this type inside the program ‘Profesionales’, developed by The Ministry of Industry, which will invert 1.150.000 euros. The teacher and researcher of Audiovisual Studies, Enrique Castelló […]
Por : Margarita Ledo Boto man de Nicolaus Notabene e advírtolles que enfoco esta intervención coma un prólogo, e o prólogo coma un ‘estado de ánimo’, no dicir do autor de O concepto da Angustia, outra volta de moda entre nós. Descarga aquí o texto completo en pdf.