The Galician Asociation of Researchers in Communication (AGACOM) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) has just published the last number of the International Yearbook of Comunicação Lusófona, corresponding to 2015 and 2016. The volume, directed by Margarita Ledo Andión, is titled Inquiry methodologies, cyberculture, regulation and cooperation pick up the premises which inspired the XII LUSOCOM Conference/III MEDIACOM Conference, celebrated in Praia, Cabo Verde’s capital, between October 19th and 21st 2016, and collect the contributions of academics of diverse fields and origins with the aim of “search for models of cooperation from difference, debating about regulation as guarantor mechanism of mediatic literacy and as part of the right to communicate, and doing it with the sign of multiple voices, intercultural position and relation between equals”.
This new installment of the Yearbook, edited by Margarita Ledo, Francisco Campos, Carlos Toural, Xosé Rúas,Ana Isabel Rodríguez, Carmen Costa e Maria Salgueiro, is avaliable at AGACOM’s web.
Last Friday, 29th of November, Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández, member of the Audiovisual Studies Group, successfully defended her doctoral thesis. She obtained the qualification of Excellent Cum Laude, unanimously, as well as the international mention for her research stay at the University of Aalto in Finland. The thesis was under the supervision of Roi […]
The political auto-biography, making known its construction, the mark of the device, the real as material that ‘must be fictionalised in order to be thought (Rancière) is one of the signs and also the archives re-signified by the writings of the “I”, by the body, by its echoes, by the performance… are entrances through which […]
On Tuesday 12th, the Galician Audiovisual Academy presented the awards for the eighth edition of the María Luz Morales Awards for essays and video essays on audiovisuals. In this edition, two video essays and two written essays were awarded. This pioneering initiative has the backing of the four Galician provincial councils. The awards ceremony took […]