Novas e Axenda Bota un ollo á actividade do GEA

Soliña Barreiro (GEA) will be speaking at the debate on linguistic plurality in the Galician audiovisual sector in the European Parliament.

She represents the Grupo de Estudos audiovisuais (GEA) of the USC and will present the book Perante a nova Lei do Audiovisual: análise e perspectivas.


Professor Soliña Barreiro will present the book Perante a nova Lei do Audiovisual: análise e perspectivas, of which she was the coordinator, and in which the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA) of the University de Santiago de Compostela compiles the main contributions of the conference, held at the Faculty of Communication Sciences on 15 September 2022 in collaboration with A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística. The conference was attended by University of País Vasco, the Asociación Galega de Produtoras Independentes (AGAPI), the Asociación Galega Sindical de  Guionistas (AGAG), the Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Tradución e a Interpretación (AGPTI), the Plataforma por la Llengua and Konstseilua. This volume is the result of the collaboration between academia, the audiovisual sector and citizens, united by the concern about the consequences that the new General Law on Audiovisual Communication will have for the Galician audiovisual sector and the cultural and linguistic diversity of the sector, with the aim of transferring knowledge to society and providing recommendations to public institutions.

The European Parliament’s Language Intergroup, made up of representatives from various groups in the European Parliament, considers that the audiovisual sector must be a strategic field of action for any policy that truly seeks to normalise languages and that it is therefore a matter of great importance for the Galician audiovisual sector.

Screening and discussion: Morlaix (Jaime Rosales, 2024) on 4 February
The screening and discussion will take place in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Communication.

The film Morlaix will be screened in the auditorium of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela on Tuesday, February 4, at 11 am. Afterwards there will be a colloquium attended by the director of the film, Jaime Rosales, the Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising José Luis Castro de […]

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Doctoral thesis defense: ‘Analysis of the potential of face-to-face and distance learning using immersive resources in virtual and augmented reality’.

Last Friday, 29th of November, Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández, member of the Audiovisual Studies Group, successfully defended her doctoral thesis. She obtained the qualification of Excellent Cum Laude, unanimously, as well as the international mention for her research stay at the University of Aalto in Finland. The thesis was under the supervision of Roi […]

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Conference by Margarita Ledo Andión at the Sorbonne Nouvelle: The image that is missing, the image that wounds
It will be held in room C112A of the Sorbonne Nouvelle on 9 December at 11 a.m.

The political auto-biography, making known its construction, the mark of the device, the real as material that ‘must be fictionalised in order to be thought (Rancière) is one of the signs and also the archives re-signified by the writings of the “I”, by the body, by its echoes, by the performance… are entrances through which […]

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