The Audiovisual Studies Research Group —Audiovisual Communication: contents, formats and technology— (GEA) is a Group of Competitive Reference from the University of Santiago de Compostela, coordinated by professor Enrique Castelló Mayo and attached to the Department of Communication Sciences.

The mission and objectives of the group are the analysis of the communication processes as cultural constructors and capital instruments in the formation of societies. Based on different approaches -political, social, economic…- and with special attention to the construction of identity(s) and the preservation of cultural diversity, it offers interdisciplinary research proposals whose results are directed to the scientific community, those responsible of public policies, the professionals of the sectors involved and the citizenship in general.

Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency/ ref. PID2022-142353OB-I00
The aim of this research project is the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact on the audiovisual sector of Law 13/2022, of 7 July, General Law on Audiovisual Communication, with a special focus on independent audiovisual production in those geographical and linguistic frameworks that share official status with Spanish,…
This volume is the result of the collaboration between academia, the audiovisual sector and citizens, united by the concern about the consequences that the new General Law on Audiovisual Communication will have for the Galician audiovisual sector and the cultural and linguistic diversity of the sector, with the aim of…
Scientific article
The revisiting of Spanish Republican cinema, as well as that produced in the first post-war decades, carried out since the end of the last century by a new historiography that uses film analysis as an unavoidable methodological weapon, constitutes the starting point to delve into the deep parallels and intertwining…
The Galician Radio Emigration Directory joins the FaCom’s catalogue (USC)
This historical catalogue compiles the radio activities carried out and carried out by Galician emigrants, mainly in America and Europe (1930 to the present day).

The Galician Emigration Radio Directory is available for consultation in the library of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela. A historical catalogue of the radio activities carried out by Galician emigrants, mainly in America and Europe, but also in other less frequent destinations with a Galician presence. Chronologically, it […]

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Deadline for the María Luz Morales Awards is officially open
This essay and video essay competition is organised by the Galician Audiovisual Academy

The María Luz Morales Audiovisual Essay and Video Essay and Video Essay Awards are an initiative that seeks to promote academic production related to the audiovisual field. Since its creation, it has stimulated the production of 179 research works on audiovisual matters. In addition, in its seven editions, the Academy distributed a total of 33,600 […]

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Seminar “Película sen facer. Elementos dun cinema latente’.
On 1 and 2 June, at the (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico da Coruña.

The seminar, part of the (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico da Coruña, aimed at artists, curators, filmmakers, programmers, researchers, archivists and students, with free access, revolves around unfinished films or films whose completion was truncated for political, financial or personal reasons, which will take us through territories such as Iran, Morocco, South Korea or Spain. […]

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