R+D Projects, Research contracts, thesis and other research works

After more than a decade in analyzing geo-linguistic spaces of communication, the Group focuses on cinema, audiovisual and journalistic production and on developing new symbolic spheres of communication through the creation of cultural networks. The public policies for film, the visibility and accessibility of minorized cinemas, the analysis of cine from a historical perspective, the music as a space of creation and entrepreneurship and the generation of new audiences are the main themes of study.


  • Communication and Cultural Policies, Diversity, and Tangible and Intangible Heritage.
  • Cultural and geolinguistic areas of communication.
  • Film and Visual Studies.
  • Cultural Industries and Identity: from Music to Virtual Universes.
  • Programming audiovisual contents: from conception to reception.
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency/ ref. PID2022-142353OB-I00
The aim of this research project is the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact on the audiovisual sector of Law 13/2022, of 7 July, General Law on Audiovisual Communication, with a special focus on independent audiovisual production in those geographical and linguistic frameworks that share official status with Spanish,…
FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ ref. CSO2016-76014-R
The European Union and its Member States have made numerous pledges regarding the unyielding and non-negotiable preservation and fostering of the cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and the value of Film as meeting point for technological innovation, culture and economy. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML),…
From the perspective of cultural and creative industries, the cinema stands out as one of the most representative territories for innovation and application of digital technologies, in both levels of production and diffusion of works. However, by having to face a “very competitive audiovisual context worldwide” (see the European Parliament…
The Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark” aims to thoroughly explore the Spanish filmography from the period between 1939 and 1962 in order to define –from the analysis of the preserved films, as well…
The project “Cinema, diversity and networks” aims to know and analyze the reception of Galician film products, based on certain technological variables that affect the new modes of circulation of film and audiovisual production, in those countries with migrant communities which are signified by their status as citizens with the…
Estudos sobre o filme de Carlos Velo
En decembro de 2010, o profesor ruso Vladimir Magidov visita a Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación da USC e porta canda si unha lata de celuloide con 16 novos minutos dos materiais rodados por Carlos Velo para o seu filme «Galicia-Finisterre 1936». A recuperación destes fondos perdidos permite a Margarita…
The research project “Galicia in NO-DO. Communication, culture and society (1942-1981)” constitutes an analytical observation on the image of Galicia built from the newsreel, as a crucial instrument in the Franco propaganda apparatus and, consequently, indoctrination by the dictatorial regime. A meticulous film analysis was designed for this purpose, which…
The Lusophone countries constitute a plural and asymmetric geo-linguistic space with a common thread, a division of languages of the same linguistic system of inestimable value of use –and of change– for the circulation of products of the cultural industries. The project of research and development “Lusofonía, Interactividade e Interculturalidade”…
Cinema and Crisis in the Mediterranean
Panel "Cinema and Crisis: the cinema in non-hegemonic languages as a symptom"
The research team of the R & D & I project “EUVOS, Intangible Cultural Heritage, for a European subtitling program in non-hegemonic languages” (AEI, ref CSO2016-76014-R) participates with a panel at the conference “Cinema and Crisis in the Mediterranean held at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the…
XIII International Congress Lusocom
After the Cidade de Praia, Cabo Verde, in October 2016, this meeting will have as its specific theme “Communication and information for or development”. Under this theme, it seeks to bring together teachers and researchers of Communication Sciences to identify common areas of interest, highlight singularities and idiosyncrasies and effectively…
Since 2015, XESCOM has been organizing an international symposium to promote the meeting between researchers in the field of communication and other related areas. The first edition (2015) was held in the city of Pontevedra, Spain; the city of Quito, in Ecuador, received the second edition (2016); the third symposium…
The VIII LUSOCOM Congress. Comunicação, Espaço Global and Lusofonia, was held in the city of Lisbon and was chaired by the teacher Margarita Ledo Andión, coordinator of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group. The event was held at the School of Communication, Arts and Information Technologies of the Lusófona University, which simultaneously…
VII Lusocom Congress
Santiago de Compostela hosted the seventh edition of the International Conference on Lusophone Communication (LUSOCOM, in the School of Communication, Arts and Information Technology of the Lusophone University, in Lisbon.) This VII International Congress of Lusophone Communication dealt with the space of the Lusophone in the world and issues related…
Galicia on the radio. From the thirties to the present
The Faculty of Communication Sciences of the USC hosted the congress Galicia on the radio. From the thirties to the present, which reviewed the history of this medium in Galicia, at the time when three-quarters of a century of radio broadcasts are held in the country. The congress focused mainly…
I+C Investigating Communication
Foundational International Congress of AE-IC
I+C Investigating Communication was the central theme of the Foundational International Congress of the Spanish Association for Communication Research (AE-IC), which brought together half a thousand researchers and researchers in Santiago de Compostela. Outstanding personalities from the academic and scientific fields and 365 participants from 25 countries, mainly from Europe…
15 years of Communication Sciences in Galicia
Press, photo, film, radio, television and internet
The Faculty of Communication Sciences of the USC celebrated the congress for 15 years of Communication Sciences in Galicia. Press, photo, film, radio, television and internet (2006), directed by professors Xosé López, Xosé Soengas and Miguel Túñez. The meeting was inaugurated with an official ceremony in which the first academic…
Audiovisual communication: university research and education. II colloquium Brazil-Spanish State Sciences Communication
The purpose of the organization of this event was to deepen the relationship between university education and research, according to the perspective of the space of audiovisual communication in specific and locate the differences between the offers of professional training centers and other entities that guide the research under administrative,…
Symposium: Finland, Galicia, Wales. The challenges of small cinemas in minoritized languages.
The consideration of nations as communicative spaces, and of cinema in original version as an unequivocal tool for the construction of European cultural diversity, serve as a starting point for this symposium in which the debate revolves around the barriers of minoritized cinemas to become visible. At the same time,…
Ibercom 2013
The implications between the agents of communication, the research and the social transfer of results in the field of training, as solution to problems or as new initiatives in themselves, lead us to the need to establish a kind of general state of contemporary research objectives, work-in-progress experiences that do…
International Forum Cinema of Small Nations, Film Literacy and New Audiences
The objective of this forum is linking all the variables that contribute to the creation of new audiences. In order to debate this, the forum will bring together experts from several countries and from the academic, professional and creative fields. The focus, in this case, is the concept of small…
International Forum ‘Languages and Cinema. Indicators towards an European subtitling program’
‘EU-VOS. Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Para un programa europeo de subtitulado en linguas non hexemónicas’ (AEI, ref. CSO2016-76014-R)
Within the framework of the ‘EU-VOS. Intangible Cultural Heritage. For an European program of subtitling in non-hegemonic languages’ (AEI, ref. CSO2016-76014-R) project, this forum gathers researchers of the cinema and audiovisual translation in the European environment with the aim of formulating indicators towards a harmonious subtitling policy of cinematographic and…
The Feminine Mystique in Mad Men
Cascudo Rodríguez, José Antonio
López Gómez, Antía María
This investigation aims at unveiling the existing connections between the TV fiction series Mad Men (AMC, 2007-2015) and Betty Friedan’s essay The Feminine Mystique, one of the key texts of the socalled feminist ‘second-wave,’ published in 1963. Both works deal with the role of women in the 1960s, within the…
Arturo Ruiz-Castillo in the Spanish cinema
Gómez Beceiro, Fernando
Castro de Paz, José Luis
The Madrid-born filmmaker Arturo Ruiz-Castillo (1910-1994) was educated according to the values of the “Institución Libre de Enseñanza” and was raised in a family environment that was close to the intellectual circles of the “Edad de Plata”. Since he was young, he developed multitalented interests that led on to the…
A representación do pobo galego a través da creación de personaxes de ficción das longametraxes cinematográficas
Roca Baamonde, Silvia
Ledo Andión, Margarita
Understanding the image, and more specifically the film image, as a way to represent and be represented, as a tool of communication and also a message, and as a standard practice, leads us to reflect on the influence of audio-visual creation on the collective imaginary and links the acts of…
Surrealism in Central European cinema during the communist period
Froiz Casal, Luis Eduardo
Castro de Paz, José Luis
This research focuses on the influence that the surrealist movement performed on the cinema of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and North-yugoslavian nations between 1945 and 1990. Through the analysis of filmographies and particular works by authors from the four countries, it studies their similarities and differences in their approach to cinema…
Wild Zone: violence and cinema directed by women in the Spanish State (2000-2018)
García Cid, Eire
Ledo Andión, Margarita
Beginning with the women-object-not subject heteropatriarchal norm that organizes the relationship between women and violence and between women and the Film Institution, the present research identifies a normative model that indicates the preferable options for the representation of violence in cinematography and which function is to (re)produce the ontology of…
Photo album on mobile devices. New horizons on snapshot photography
Fraga Pérez, Andrés
Castelló Mayo, Enrique
Smartphones have become the leading domestic computer, reaching a percentage of the population unlike any seen before with a technological product. This ubiquity of the smartphone has also put a camera in the pockets of nearly half of the world’s population, completely changing the concept of domestic photography. This thesis…
Local TV in Ecuador. Current context and perspectives. Case of study Zona 7
Kruzkaya Ordóñez González
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez
Globalization, technological advances, digitalization and digital convergence place local TV in a scenario in which the near is converted into a competitive resource faced with the immense TV offer existing nowadays. In this sense, looking at the study of local TV in Ecuador entails to think about the current situation…
A fan cinema. Fans and amateur recordings in the modes of representation of live music
Cibrán Tenreiro Uzal
Margarita Ledo Andión
Nowadays, concerts and other live events are no longer registered exclusively by professionals. In any performing, as in any field of daily life, we can see lots of mobile phones and cameras registering what happens. The generalized access to image capturing technologies that characterizes the digital era arises a series…
“Vertigo” as Alfred Hitchcock’s mirror. Reflections on religion, death and desire
Esperanza Álvarez Castillo
José Luis Castro de Paz
The aim of this thesis is to offer new approaches on desire, death and religion in Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo. I have studied the possible filmed end of the movie, and a real case whose story might have influenced Vertigo. Desire has been cosidered from the Code Hays point of view…
Advanced visualization and interaction applied to virtual scenarios
Roi Méndez Fernández
Enrique Castelló Mayo
The techniques of advanced visualization and person-computer interaction frequently used in the worlds of virtual and augmented reality have many other fields of application. This thesis studies the application to two environments: the virtual TV sets and the interactive museums. The first case proposes a new hardware and software architecture,…
Ecuadorian audiovisual producers, context, structure and future perspectives
Carlos Ortiz León
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázques
In 1874, the German scientific Theodoro Wolf projected for the first time in Quito images of her magic lantern about geology and geography of some European cities, and in 1887, in the Sucre theater, placed in the Ecuadorian capital, the first film projection was exhibited. Previously, in 1849, the first…
Regional Public Television: The case of Televisión de Galicia. Digitalisation and technological evolution in Televisión de Galicia (1985-2012)
Rubén García Díaz
Dr. Xaime Fandiño Alonso
«This thesis analyzes the technological evolution of the TV of Galicia (TVG) since the launch of the first broadcasts in 1985 until the year 2012, which inaugurated what we could consider the first MAM digitalization of this company in the Delegation Provincial de Lugo of the autonomous public television of…
Música popular e sociedade no val do ulla de 1920 a 1936: Unha visión analítica dende a prensa comarcal
Henrique Neira Pereira
Dr. Xaime Fandiño Alonso
The objective of the thesis was to study how the information about popular music in the period from 1920 to 1936 is reflected in the journal heads of the Galician region of O Val do Ulla. The hypothesis from which we started is that the study of these newspapers shows…
A verbena (en)cuberta. As actuacións musicais en salas con programación periódica a través da prensa local de Vigo. (Novembro 1975-Agosto 1990)
Zósimo López Pena
Dr. Xaime Fandiño Alonso
The objective of this doctoral thesis is focused on the study and analysis of the popular music industry live in venues with periodic programming in the Vigo area for which a still photo will be made through the local daily press between November 1975 and August 1990. The research topic…
Do amateur ao militante: implicacións políticas e estéticas do cinema en formato non profesional na Galiza dos anos 70
Xan Gómez Viñas
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
Cinematic art, accomplice and witness to historical processes, tends to take giant steps in times of rupture. In the final years of Francoism, in an atmosphere of deep political and cultural agitation, new filmic expressions emerge. Using unprofessional filming formats, the term “Galician cinema” is coined. The present investigation attempts…
A construción do personaxe esférico no relato televisivo de ficción seriada: o caso House M.D.
Natalia Alonso Ramos
Dr. Enrique Castelló Mayo
This thesis contains as its main objective an analysis of the construction of the central and usual character, through episodic architecture, into the plot of television fiction called ‘Drama Series’. More specifically, this research is a case study because it focuses on one of the most iconic products within the…
Neuromarketing y seguridad vial: evaluación de la respuesta emocional ante anuncios televisivos de divulgación de la seguridad vial mediante software AFECT, Cued Review y test de recuerdo.
Raquel Freire Cobo
Dr. Enrique Castelló Mayo e Julián Carlos Flores González
Since its inception, marketing has been oriented to the study of the effects of advertising, to deepen the knowledge of our way of acting and the demonstration that purchases are made from an emotional point of view and are subsequently rationally justified . In this sense, one of the most…
Produción de efectos visuais e técnicas de composición dixital no contexto cinematográfico español. Análise e influencia da dixitalización dos procesos produtivos
Oswaldo García Crespo
Dr. Jaime Francisco Fandiño Alonso
This research work focuses on the workflows that occur in the creation of a film, which are analyzed from the perspective of the production of visual effects and techniques of digital composition as a fundamental part of the post-production phase. The marked technological component of this work is determined by…
Ergonomía da palabra
Jorge Vitor Estrela Ribeiro de Melo
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez
Ergonomics of the word is the adaptation of the form of the word to the function in cause. The form is thus understood as visual or mental aspect and the function as being the objective of the message that is intended to be transmitted. The aim is to prove not…
La mediatización intercultural del espacio social: un análisis comparativo de los contenidos informativos brasileños y españoles
Amanda Paz Alencar
Dr. Enrique Castelló Mayo
The aim of the present Doctoral Thesis is the study of the Intercultural Media Production of the Social Space in the News Contents, through the comparative analysis of the Brazilian and Spanish television news programs, “Jornal Nacional, SBT Brasil, Telediario 2 y Noticias 2”. We have shared our research into…
Aspectos documentales del cine mexicano de ficción. Décadas 1940-2010
María del Carmen Quiroga Echevarría
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
From the research work that was carried out within this doctoral program to obtain the D.E.A. entitled “Beginning of the Documentary in Mexico with Educational Purposes” in which we worked from the arrival of the cinema to Mexico until the 1930s, we found an issue that has been the subject…
Creación de identidad de marca en contenidos televisivos: aplicabilidad de modelos teóricos a los formatos de entretenimiento en televisión
Alberto Dafonte Gómez
Dr. Jaime Francisco Fandiño Alonso
Television, like any other cultural industry, responds to a double nature: on the one hand it is a means of communication with possibilities to develop artistic content, on the other it is a business that, under different models, seeks the attainment of economic benefits. Despite this condition, it is not…
O tratamento dos sucesos nos informativos diarios de A3, T5, TVG e TVE no ano 2003: A oferta que recibe o telespectador galego
Raúl Luis Quián Pérez
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez
The events are very linked to journalism. First with the press and then with radio, audiovisual and, currently, with cyber journalism through the Internet. In all media and informative languages, events make up an important news area. The news of events that we studied in this work were broadcast on…
Televisión e cultura: Os programas culturais da Televisión de Galicia (1985-2005)
María José López Hidalgo
Dr. Enrique Castelló Mayo
Inscribed in the field of communication and its relationship with culture, the thesis quantifies and analyzes cultural programs (understanding culture as “high culture”), of Television de Galicia during its first twenty years of activity (1985-2005) . After referring the antecedents and the current state of the subject, as well as…
A Lógica das Imagens: Viagem pelo(s) Documentário(s)
Jorge Manuel Costa Campos
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
The research is located in the fields of Documentary Studies (Documenty Studies), and recovers some of the reference areas, the documentary for Television, for the history of the cinema of the real. Analyzing the contributions of this genre both from the narrative point of view and the social effects of…
Adaptaciones cinematográficas en la década de los 40 de las novelas de Fernández Flórez ambientadas en Galicia
Héctor Paz Otero
Dra. Carmen Becerra Suárez e Dr. José Luis Castro de Paz
The Thesis develops a comparative analysis of four novels written by Fernández Flórez (Huella de luz, El fantasma, La casa de la lluvia, Ha entrado un ladrón) and their respective film adaptations, made during the forties. The study seeks to contextualize in a specific parameter (the Spanish cinema of the…
A fotografía na revista VIDA GALLEGA. Un silandeiro universo de sentido
Roberto Ribao Fernández
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
Until the beginning of the golden age of photojournalism (from the thirties of the twentieth century), press photography came to be historically conceived, either as an illustrative support for the texts, as a visual appeal that seeks sensationalism and spectacularization, or as a tool that enables the conversion of doctrinary…
La construcción del Derbi Futbolístico Real Madrid CF-F.C Barcelona en el discurso periodístico de El País, y la Vanguardia entre 1996 y 2004
Antonio Isasi Varela
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez
This research makes three original contributions: a) the resolution of the research problem stated in the title of the thesis; b) the definition of the concept of Specialized Journalistic Information in Sport (SJIS), understood as the theoretical context of the research problem, and c) the development, through the theoretical basis…
O sector audiovisual e a sociedade da información en Galicia. Situación e prespectivas
José Pereira Fariña
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
This doctoral thesis is motivated by the need to know the implication of the first cultural industry of Galicia, the audiovisual, with the defining patterns of the Information Society. The work is divided in two parts. In the first one, the author creates a system of indicators that allow to…
A obra fotográfica dos Pacheco no período 1909-1936 a través de dúas publicacións viguesas “El Pueblo Gallego” e “Vida Gallega”
Vítor Vaqueiro Foxo
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
La reconversión tecnológica y empresarial en un período consolidado: El caso de “La Vanguardia”
Carles Castro Sanz
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión e Dr. Jose Luis Riva Amella
This thesis seeks to aproach the changes and factors of viability of the press during the period compreended among 1970 and 1990, through the case of study of “La Vanguardia” newspaper, of Barcelona, that constitutes a paradigma of the journals of the modernity. These newspapers, generally centenarians, presented towards 1980…
Acçao psicológica a través dos Mass Media: (des)montagem de um processo de comunicaçao encoberta dirigida especialmente a um receptor-perspectivas semiótica, psicossociológica, ético-deontológica e jurídica
Jorge Paulo Monteiro de Marinho
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez e Dr. Salvato Vila Verde Pires Trigo
A educación no limiar do século XXI: a escala global -análise das problemáticas da galaxia audiovisual e das novas tecnoloxías da informaçao e da comunicaçao
Aníbal José Ribeiro de Oliveira
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez
Os informativos diarios nas televisións locais de Galicia. A información televisiva no espacio local
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez
As the first study carried out at the University of Santiago de Compostela on local television in Galicia and, more specifically, on the daily news programs on these small stations, this research begins with an introduction chapter where a local television definition is provided, applicable to the Galician audiovisual landscape,…
Os contidos dos espacios informativos de circuito na radio en Galicia
Manuel Rodríguez Fernández
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez
The objective of this thesis is to study the contents of the Galician-language information spaces broadcasted by the various radio media during the years 1966-1997 for the whole of the Galician autonomous community. The analyzed spaces correspond to all the media that in this biennium carried out this type of…
Luis Seoane e os Media. A documentación xornalística como fonte de información para o estudio da recepción da imaxe
Mª Antonia Pérez Rodríguez
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
La función ilustrativa de la fotografía en la prensa
José Baeza Gallur
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
The main conclusion is the emergence of photoilustration in the current press while defining the term fotoilustración and establishing categories. It demonstrates the link between the development of photography for illustrative purposes in the press and the development of sevice journalism and the evolution of the physical models of the…
A importancia das Ciências da Informaçâo numa civilizaçâo mediática
Mario José Ferreira Pinto
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez
Based on a reflection on the language used in social media, the aim is to demonstrate how it is important to achieve genuine information, a clear, concise, and current language, and hence the importance of the study of information sciences at a level more elongated of the Communication Grammar. In…
La infraestructura tecnológica en los informativos de TV. En Galicia: usos y aplicaciones en la realización de los informativos diarios
Mª Del Carmen Varela Rodríguez
Dr. Xosé Soengas Pérez
This research work analyzes the use made by the teams of the Department of Television News of Galicia of the technology destined to air their daily broadcast news. The year selected for this study was 1995, and what was it when, for the first time in the Galician regional chain,…
Prensa e identidade na sociedade. Estratexias e funcións dos xornais no sistema galego de comunicación
Luis Álvarez Pousa
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
Fotojornalismo Performativo. O serviço de fotonoticia da agencia lusa de informaçao
Jorge Pedro Almeida Silva e Sousa
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
The thesis investigates photojournalism, an activity little studied despite the relevant role it plays in the field of media, from the perspective of Newsmaking, professional and discursive aspects of photojournalism from a broad historical contextualization and from specific parameters of the Sciences of the comunication. Proof that a news organization…
A reconversión da prensa en Galicia 1982-1992
Francisco Campos Freire
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión e Dr. Xosé Ramón Barreiro Fernández
O papel das publicacións locais na Galicia de fin de século 1990-1993
Xosé López García
Dra. Margarita Ledo Andión
Investigation work
Radio Galega da Emigración Directory
Historical catalogue of the radio activities carried out and carried out by Galician emigrants (1930 to the present day).

The Repertorio da Radio Galega da Emigración is a historical catalogue of the radio activities carried out and carried out by Galician emigrants, mainly in America and Europe, but also in other less frequent destinations with a Galician presence. Chronologically, it covers from the early 1930s to the present day,…
Galicia 1936-2011
Estudos sobre o filme de Carlos Velo

En decembro de 2010, o profesor ruso Vladimir Magidov visita a Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación da USC e porta canda si unha lata de celuloide con 16 novos minutos dos materiais rodados por Carlos Velo para o seu filme «Galicia-Finisterre 1936». A recuperación destes fondos perdidos permite a Margarita…
EU-VOS: Inmanent Cultural Heritage
Para un programa de subtitulado en lenguas no hegemónicas
Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad
Television and interculturality: Galicia, Brittany and Wales
Towards an integrated European Minority Language Television
Communication in the Atlantic periphery
PGIDT - PXI (Programa Xeral de Investigación)
Lusophony, Interactivity and Interculturality
PGIDT - PXI (Programa Xeral de Investigación)
Galicia in NO-DO. Communication, culture and society (1942-1981)
PGIDT - 2007 - Sociedade e cultura (SEC)
Cinema, diversity and networks
6 PN - Ciencias sociales
Audiovisual Studies. Consolidation and structuring of competitive research units 2012 (GPC)
Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version
6 PN - Ciencias sociales
Towards a reconsideration of the post-war culture: analysis of the modes of representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) based on the stamp of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez
6 PN - Ciencias sociales
Consolidation and structuring. GPC GI-1786 Audiovisual communication: contents, formats and technology
Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Intangible cultural heritage. Towards an European subtitling program in non-hegemonic languages
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Consolidation and structuring. Audiovisual communication: contents, formats and technology (GEA)
Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Realización dun documental sobre a saúde mental en Galicia
Federación de Asocacións de Familiares e Persoas con Enfermidades Mentais de Galicia
Sociedade da información e investigación en comunicación
Consellería de Innovación e Industria-Xunta de Galicia
Os novos modelos de televisión
Secretaría Xeral de Comunicación da Xunta de Galicia
Investigar a comunicación
Secretaría Xeral de Comunicación-Presidencia, Xunda de Galicia
Observatorio do Audiovisual, Catálogo de Produción 2001-2002
Compañía de Radiotelevisión de Galicia, S.L.
Análise dos modelos de televisión educativa vixentes na área española e latinoaméricana
Centro Nacional de Información e Comunicación Educativa o Ministerio de Educación, Cultura e Deporte
Chantal Akerman. Cult filmmaker, woman and transgressor
Summer seminar
This seminar proposes a biofilmographic journey that locates Akerman’s cinematography in the convergence of feminism with the new European cinemas and with the American experimental cinema. At the same time, the multidisciplinary nature of the author stands out and, especially, the journey of her work from the big screen to…
Vers l’Espace Numérique Européen. Le rôle des petites cinématographies en V.O.
The need to rename European cinema -identified as national cinema or auteur cinema- can be interpreted as the symptom of an act of resistance that anticipates a new paradigm. From the “cultural exception” (1994) to diversity, which is the cornerstone of the Creative Europe program (2014), cinema in minority languages…
Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender
The persistence of the androcentric discourse in the contents, the editorial line and the organizational structures of the current media reflects and perpetuates an asymmetric and dysfunctional society that silences and disables divergent positions. In order to put an end to this disabling dynamic, the construction of audiences and collectives…
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