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ASSIBERCOM extends its deadline until July 31st

The 17th edition of IBERCOM will take place in Bogotá from November 27th to 29th


The Associação Ibero-Americana de Comunicação (ASSIBERCOM) has just enxtended the deadline for the abstracts presentation for the 17th edition of the IBERCOM, hosted by the Communication Department and the Communication and Language School Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). The abstracts can be send until July 31st.

The congress aims to reaffirm the Ibero-american space for reflection and debate on Communication Studies. Keeping in mind the historical moment Colombia is going through, as well as the possibilities of encounter and intercultural dialogue, “Comunicação, Violências e Transições” will be the topic of IBERCOM 2019. The bet on this theme is related to the conviction of violence as a complex phenomena beyond the purely physical or material dimension, widely encompassing the field of the discoursive and the symbolic.

The organization of the congress encourages the reflection on the role of communication in the democratic transitions, together with other several kind of transitions (socio-ecologic, geographic, biologic, gender, conceptual…) the contemporary world is living. Following this general line and considering the thematic divisions established in its web, interested researchers and students must send an expanded abstract in the indicated format.


Screening and discussion: Morlaix (Jaime Rosales, 2024) on 4 February
The screening and discussion will take place in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Communication.

The film Morlaix will be screened in the auditorium of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela on Tuesday, February 4, at 11 am. Afterwards there will be a colloquium attended by the director of the film, Jaime Rosales, the Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising José Luis Castro de […]

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Doctoral thesis defense: ‘Analysis of the potential of face-to-face and distance learning using immersive resources in virtual and augmented reality’.

Last Friday, 29th of November, Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández, member of the Audiovisual Studies Group, successfully defended her doctoral thesis. She obtained the qualification of Excellent Cum Laude, unanimously, as well as the international mention for her research stay at the University of Aalto in Finland. The thesis was under the supervision of Roi […]

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Conference by Margarita Ledo Andión at the Sorbonne Nouvelle: The image that is missing, the image that wounds
It will be held in room C112A of the Sorbonne Nouvelle on 9 December at 11 a.m.

The political auto-biography, making known its construction, the mark of the device, the real as material that ‘must be fictionalised in order to be thought (Rancière) is one of the signs and also the archives re-signified by the writings of the “I”, by the body, by its echoes, by the performance… are entrances through which […]

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