Novas e Axenda Bota un ollo á actividade do GEA

Representatives of the partner universities of the ‘Lusophone’ visit Compostela


Audiovisual Studies Group held a working meeting with the participation of the groups of reception’s coordinators included in the research program Lusophony, Interactivity and Interculturality.

From November 16th to November 20th was held in the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), the week of the meeting between members of Audiovisual Studies Group and representatives of the partner universities in the workplace Lusophone, Interactivity and Interculturality: Paulo Serra (University of Beira Interior-UBI, Covilha, Portugal), Doris and Claudia Fagundes Haussen Peixoto de Moura (Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul-PUCRS, Brazil), Itania Maria Mota Gomes (Federal University of Bahia-UFBA, Brazil), and Antonio Nhaga (Guinea-Bissau University).

The research project combines content analysis and reception studies in order to detect sociolinguistic barriers that impede the Galician audiovisual circulation in Lusophone area. In this context, and as reflected in the report submitted to the General Promotion Program of Basic Research of the 2008 call, the creation of universes reception is seen as a key element for the development of this research.

Direct work to organize the structure of coordination with different groups receiving began in December 2008 with the movement of members of the research group Covilha (Portugal) and Porto Alegre (Brazil). In these first meetings to present the project, guidelines were established for the creation of universes reception, we analyzed the available technologies and appointed coordinators. Through them began a work plan in the face of the development of the online platform as the main tool of this investigation. They were given an initial sample of audiovisual products and a first draft of the questionnaire for potential management barriers, understanding or interpretation. With these suggestions, the project advanced in the final design of the questionnaire while the group continued to maintain contacts with African groups.

Besides, the project established the importance of diversity in the composition of a strategic sample. Therefore, the project followed these criteria: gender parity (50% of respondents are male and 50% female), age (between 18 and 25 years), different geographical origin (rural / urban) and diversity training (students of 1st-2nd grade and 3rd grade-university teachers. 1st grade students will be the third of the total sample). It is estimated that the minimum number of members of the universe will be 10, and the maximum is 20.

All groups have to send a first pretest before June 2009 serving prior training with the questionnaire as a basis to develop specific software research. Also, remember that the groups must submit by September 2009 the identification files of the members of the universe of receiving that agree to participate in the planned analysis in 2010. Brazilian universities delay until March 2010 because of the differences in their academic calendar compared to other groups.

The initial phase of this work concludes with the completion of another test pretest online tool to know the real difficulties of handling, so the group coordinators should send a report of the errors / suggestions that they can appreciate in order to improve the software that it will be presented at a meeting scheduled in Santiago de Compostela in November 2009. The coordinators of all groups (UBI, PUCRS, UFBA and Guinea-Bissau) will participate an this meeting with members of the Audiovisual Studies at USC. This meeting will set the work schedule for the systematic collection of data and resolve any doubts that may arise from technical pretest.

The Galician Radio Emigration Directory joins the FaCom’s catalogue (USC)
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