Novas e Axenda Bota un ollo á actividade do GEA

The R+D Project EDCINEMA organizes the workshop: Vers l’Espace Numérique Européen. Le rôle des petites cinématographies en V.O.


Os días 4 de decembro terá lugar en París o seminario Vers l’Espace Numérique Européen. Le rôle des petites cinématographies en V.O.”, que organiza Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais en colaboración coCentre d’Études sur les Médias, les Technologies et l’Internationalisation da Université París 8.
Investigadores internacionais levarán a debate a redefinición dos cinemas nacionais europeos na procura de novas fórmulas, novas expresións, que lles permitan ocupar o espazo xeopolítico que lles é propio.
O debate estará dirixido polo investigador Jaques Guyot (Université París 8) e contará coa presenza de Margarita Ledo Andión, investigadora principal do Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais da USC.
O evento forma parte das actividades de difusión proxecto do Plan Nacional de I+D+i “Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo. O papel das cinematografías pequenas en versión orixinal”(ref. CSO2012-35784. Ministerio de Economía e Competitividade).

Programa do evento

Doctoral thesis defense: ‘Analysis of the potential of face-to-face and distance learning using immersive resources in virtual and augmented reality’.

Last Friday, 29th of November, Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández, member of the Audiovisual Studies Group, successfully defended her doctoral thesis. She obtained the qualification of Excellent Cum Laude, unanimously, as well as the international mention for her research stay at the University of Aalto in Finland. The thesis was under the supervision of Roi […]

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Conference by Margarita Ledo Andión at the Sorbonne Nouvelle: The image that is missing, the image that wounds
It will be held in room C112A of the Sorbonne Nouvelle on 9 December at 11 a.m.

The political auto-biography, making known its construction, the mark of the device, the real as material that ‘must be fictionalised in order to be thought (Rancière) is one of the signs and also the archives re-signified by the writings of the “I”, by the body, by its echoes, by the performance… are entrances through which […]

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Manuel Barreiro Rozados wins the María Luz Morales Award
The GEA resercher was awarded in the category ‘Best written essay on international audiovisuals’.

On Tuesday 12th, the Galician Audiovisual Academy presented the awards for the eighth edition of the María Luz Morales Awards for essays and video essays on audiovisuals. In this edition, two video essays and two written essays were awarded. This pioneering initiative has the backing of the four Galician provincial councils. The awards ceremony took […]

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