+34 881 816 529
Enrique Castelló Mayo (Madrid, 1968) is Professor of the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), after having been a member of the PDI of the University of Valladolid (2000-2004) and of the University College “Domingo de Soto” (1997-2000), attached to the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He holds a PhD in Information Sciences (UCM, 2001: Cum Laude unanimously), a degree in Information Sciences (UCM, 1992: Visual and Auditory Image Sciences) and a University Expert in the Production of Reports and Documentaries for Television (UCM, 1991: University Degree).
With three periods of research activity at level 27, recognised by the CNEAI (RD 1086/89) until 2019. Already as PI or member of the research team, the applicant has participated in 18 competitive projects and 16 contracts with companies and institutions, accrediting a global uptake of public and private funds that (considering only the projects and contracts in which the applicant appears as PI in the last decade) exceeds €2,500,000, leading about forty specialists, being in force (as PI, until 2024 and 2026): EU Next Generation: EQC2021-007535-P (640.218€), Eurostars-Eureka: E115354 (18.150€) and Knowledge Generation: PID2022-142353OB-I00 (98.750€).
He has written around a hundred academic papers, half of which correspond to scientific publications and documents, thirty to presentations at national and international conferences and the rest to conferences, seminars and national and international courses, registering the following bibliometric indexes: H3-Scopus, H8 / 6i10-index / 226 citations-Google Scholar and RIS 50.8 / H4-Research Gate.
For three decades, he has focused on the media production of reality, both in its narratological and innovation aspects of the virtual ecosystem (synchronous 3D-CGI scenographies). He is co-author of two software developments (aimed at optimising the uses and applications of virtual reality on television sets) patented in the General Register of Intellectual Property with the registration entries 03/2019/202 “Virtual TV Set Light Analyzer” and 03/2018/1113 “Virtual TV Set Sensor Middleware”.
Among other awards for his teaching and research career, he has been distinguished with the “First Prize for Innovation”, awarded by the Organ and Blood Donation Agency (SERGAS-Galician Health Service), the “Recognition of Teaching and Research Curricular Excellence” from the Agency for the Quality of the Galician University System (ACSUG), and the quality seals “Talento Joven” from INJUVE (Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare) and “EYCH 2018-European Year of Cultural Heritage” (European Parliament & EU Council; art. 2: EU 2017/864). Likewise, the USC has awarded him the following distinctions: “Second Prize for Educational Innovation in Service-Learning (ApS)”, “Diploma of Good Quality Practices” and “Diploma of University Teaching”.
In his professional career in the audiovisual sector since 1992, he has worked (as a filmmaker, scriptwriter, editor, mixer, ENG, producer, etc. ) for the EFE Agency, Canal Norte TV, the News Department of Antena 3 TV or the Programme of New Information and Communication Technologies (Ministry of Education and Culture), devising and developing educational and cultural productions, both for the “Aventura del Saber” (broadcast by Televisión Española) and for broadcasting on different stations and programmes of the Association of Ibero-American Educational and Cultural Television (ATEI).
Ministerio de Economía e Competitividade
EUVOS: La aportación de las pequeñas cinematografías al patrimonio cultural inmaterial europeo
Comunicação e Sociedade
Comunicar. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social
Ponencia en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
Ponencia Convidada en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
International Journal Universal Access the Information Society
Multimedia Tools and Applications
I Media Accessibility Platform International Conference. Universidade de Vigo
Actas del XVII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador. Interacción 2016
Anuário Internacional da Comunicaçao Lusófona 2012. Medios públicos e espazo lusófono. Santiago de Compostela: Lusocom/Agacom
Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístic
Anuário Internacional de Comunicaçao Lusófona 2005: Comunicaçao, Identidades, Migraçoes e culturas na Lusofonía
Newsletter on Children, Youth &Media in the World
Anuario de Sphera Pública. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunciación “La violencia en la generación de culturas fronterizas”
Publicación anual I/C. Revista científica de Información y Comunicación