Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

Televisión e cultura: Os programas culturais da Televisión de Galicia (1985-2005)

Inscribed in the field of communication and its relationship with culture, the thesis quantifies and analyzes cultural programs (understanding culture as “high culture”), of Television de Galicia during its first twenty years of activity (1985-2005) .

After referring the antecedents and the current state of the subject, as well as looking for references in a wide theoretical framework, we confirm the main starting hypothesis: the programs object of study suppose a great effort, with greater or lesser fortune, to approach the “cultured culture” to the average Galician spectator.


Author: María José López HidalgoDirector: Dr. Enrique Castelló MayoReading Date: 23/06/2010Mark: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
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