Estudos Audiovisuais: Contidos, formatos e tecnoloxía Grupo de Referencia Competitiva do SUG
Marta Pérez Pereiro
Research Team
+34 881 816 532

Marta Pérez-Pereiro is a lecturer in the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). With a PhD from the same university, she teaches in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, subjects such as Film Production and Contemporary Audiovisual Culture. Pérez-Pereiro is a member of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA) and the Centro de Estudos Feministas e de Xénero (CIFEX). Her main research topics are small cinematographies, particularly Galician cinema, gender and media, humour in the media and social networks, and media accountability. She has written about these topics in several monographs and academic journals such as Language and Communication or the Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. He has also participated in research projects such as “EUVOS. Intangible Cultural Heritage. Para un Programa Europeo de Subtitulado en Linguas Non Hexemónicas”, “eDCINEMA: Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo. O papel das cinematografías pequenas en v.o.” and in the ongoing project “FACCTMedia. Instruments of accountability in the face of disinformation: Impact of fact-checking platforms as accountability tools and curricular proposal”. She is currently the Rector’s Delegate for Equality at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ ref. CSO2016-76014-R
The European Union and its Member States have made numerous pledges regarding the unyielding and non-negotiable preservation and fostering of the cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and the value of Film as meeting point for technological innovation, culture and economy. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML),…
eDCINEMA: Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version.
Ministerio de Economía e Competitividade
From the perspective of cultural and creative industries, the cinema stands out as one of the most representative territories for innovation and application of digital technologies, in both levels of production and diffusion of works. However, by having to face a “very competitive audiovisual context worldwide” (see the European Parliament…
The vindication of a dialogic and inclusive interculturality, through small cinematographies, emerges as an effective alternative to the incessant questioning of the European identity and its common culture, subjected both to the exogenous pressure of global multimedia groups and to the endogenous proliferation of extremist reactions to any social, ethnic,…
Future journalists’ fight against disinformation: analysis of university training offers and challenges in the Spanish context
Communication & Society
Disinformation has become a global problem affecting mass media, governments and citizens globally. Besides the loss of trust in the media and its weakening influence, exposure to all manner of messages on social media in recent years has paved the way for disinformation, which has become a considerable challenge for…
Media accountability in the age of social media: Participatory transparency of the audience in Spain
Global Media and Communication
The mass media is increasingly promoting public participation. Taking as a starting point the participatory transparency concept enunciated by Karlsson (2010), our research studies the audience’s active role in holding Spanish media to account through a range of online tools. We study the role of the audience by analyzing the…
De illas e sereas
Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (3)
«Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega, 1, 2 e 3» é a proba fáctica do noso «desexo de comunidade» tal e coma Jacques Rancière observa determinados acontecementos contemporáneos que queren ocupar a esfera pública, evitar o seu aniquilamento. E a creación, en calquera soporte, linguaxe ou formulación, é…
Illas no deserto. Cinema galego na diáspora
De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
A creación do suxeito feminino no cinema
Inicios, consolidación e novos camiños da teoría e crítica feministas
Cadernos de Comunicación e Xénero CO(M)XÉNERO
Perceived Effectiveness of Established and Innovative Media Accountability Instruments in Spain. Comparative Analysis in Andalusia, Euskadi, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid and Valencia
Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico
The perceived effectiveness of established and innovative media accountability instruments is analyzed in Andalusia, Euskadi, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid and Valencia, and by means of a survey conducted among journalists, focus groups with media consumers in each community, and in-depth interviews with experts. Some differences are observed across professionals, citizens and…
Transgressive humour and extreme speech on social media. PewDiePie’s fandom response to the #killalljews controversy
Revista De La Asociación Española De Investigación De La Comunicación
On March 15, 2019 the Australian Brenton Tarrant broadcasted in Facebook live his attack to the mosque Al Noor in Christchurch, which caused 42 deaths. In the beginning of his broadcast Tarrant reminded his audience to subscribe to PewDiePie YouTube channel. The account of PewDiePie, the Swedish youtuber Felix Kjellberg,…
The Tragedy in Abeyance of Cándida. Emigration and assimilation in the cinema of Niní Marshall
In his writings about cinema, Jean Epstein poetically explained that every film contains a ‘tragedy in abeyance’ that is not explicit in the narrative. This cinematic idea guides the analysis of the films Cándida (1939) and Cándida millonaria (1941), two of three comedies that Luis Bayón Herrera directed about a…
Dubbing, subtitling and other lesser evils
The two versions of the series Vidago Palace
One of the aims contemplated in Law 1/2014, of 24 March, on the use of the Portuguese language and Ties with Lusophony, popularly known as the Paz Andrade Law, was for Galician Television to promote the exchange of audiovisual productions and collaborate in the creation of new projects. One of…
Identidades buscadas e construídas: imaxes da emigración galega no cinema
Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega. Margarita Ledo Andión (coord.)
Arqueoloxía(s) do saber
A crítica feminista desde as orixes até a actualidade
A Cuarta Parede
«Un her article “The Crisis of Naming in Feminist Film Criticism”, published in Jump Cut in 1978, Ruby Rich recuperated the main events and publications of the feminist film criticism of the decade, as well as the premieres of the first feminist films according to this criticism. Rich thus made…
Políticas para a subtitulación e prácticas de creación e distribución de subtítulos en lingua galega
Ponencia en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
Políticas para a subtitulación e prácticas de creación e distribución de subtítulos en lingua galega
Ponencia Convidada en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
The funny others on our screens
Stereotype, self-loathing and resistance in the audiovisual representation of Wales and Galcicia
National Identities at the Crossroads, Literature, Stage and Visual Media in the Iberian Peninsula. Payá X. & Sáez, L. (Eds.)
Comparative analysis of humour in television and cinema narratives in Wales and Galicia in order to understand the evolution of both stereotypes.
Getting the mob angry
The satire of Masa Enfurecida as political incorrectness in social networking
Humor. International Journal of Humor Research
ince Ancient Greece satirists are feared figures in any group articulation. Often protected by anonymity, authors have defied political and social order with a harsh and unpleasant sense of humour, which pushes the limits of political correction. This form based in breaking news and everyday life has a particularly suitable…
Dobraxe e subtitulado ás dúas beiras da Raia
A dobre versión da serie Vidago Palace na TVG e a RTP
Conferencia en I Congreso Internacional AGACOM. Alén das Fronteiras: redes na diversidade. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Subtitling in a kingdom of dubbing
Policies and practices of subtitling in Galician language
Ponencia en Congreso Intermedia 2017 - International conference on audiovisual translation. Adam Mickiewicz University
Policies and collaborative practices for subtitling in Galician
Ponencia en VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas. Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity. Universidade do País Vasco
O sucesso dos cinemas menores
Baixo orçamento e alternativas cinematográficas no Brasil e na Galiza
Eptic online: revista electronica internacional de economia política da informaçao, da comuniçao e da cultura
This article discusses the existence of an increasingly prominent film industry that opera- tes on the margins of the commercial system and that, despite limited resources – both economic and technical –, presents notable visibility within the international festival circuit. Even though low-budget films from Brazil and the limited production…
Novo Cinema Galego
Cartografías audiovisuais trazadas desde a periferia
A construción da(s) identidade(s) a través da comunicación. Anais do XI Congreso LUSOCOM 2014
Diáspora e experiencia migratoria desde a proposta anovadora dun Novo Cine Galego
Anuario Internacional da Comunicación Lusófona I 2013
Emigration as a life experience, but also as nostalgia and a wound, conforms the semantic universe of two films that aim to find a representation of the untold: the life-changing voyages, the expression of hidden feelings, the lessons of time. This is the proposal of Vickingland (Xurxo Chirro, 2011) and…
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