Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

Música popular e sociedade no val do ulla de 1920 a 1936: Unha visión analítica dende a prensa comarcal

The objective of the thesis was to study how the information about popular music in the period from 1920 to 1936 is reflected in the journal heads of the Galician region of O Val do Ulla. The hypothesis from which we started is that the study of these newspapers shows the evolution of tastes in music at the time analyzed, showing phenomena such as the prevalence at different times of different musical styles, among them those imported by returning emigrants, the importance acquired by the bands at the time, but also the novelty of the bagpipes ensembles in front of the soloists or duos and the relevance of the choirs. Another important phenomenon that was analyzed is the economic relevance of music at the time, in which, partly as today, parties and festivals were a key economic activity for some families –such as those of the rocket manufacturers– or a complement to the daily activity –especially for the musicians, in many cases farmers or artisans who had in the performances an additional source of income–. We consider that the information collected in the local press also shows the beginning of the decline of traditional music in favor of other more modern musics; it also allows to know how the rhythms played vary with time; and also to check how the local, Galician and Spanish political situation influences opinions about music, the number of performances or the number of parties.

Author: Henrique Neira PereiraDirector: Dr. Xaime Fandiño AlonsoReading Date: 04/02/2016
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