Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

EUVOS. Intangible Cultural Heritage. For an European Programme for Subtitling in Non-Hegemonic Languages

FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ ref. CSO2016-76014-R

The European Union and its Member States have made numerous pledges regarding the unyielding and non-negotiable preservation and fostering of the cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and the value of Film as meeting point for technological innovation, culture and economy.

The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML), issued on 25th June 1992 as a Convention by the Council of Europe –and signed on 5th November 1992 by eleven Member States, including Spain-, commits the signatories explicitly (art. 12b) to “to foster the different means of access in other languages to works produced in regional or minority languages by aiding and developing translation, dubbing, post-synchronisation and subtitling activities”.

Among the actions to preserve the Intanglible Cultural Heritage in Europe, the priorities are those geared towards fostering the subtitling of audiovisual content. However, the unequivocal formal commitment derived from the Conventions –at a European, national and regional level- is materialized in the implementation of random, fragmented and contingent measures, which, in general, lead to a systemic lack of results.
The EU-VOS. Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Para un programa europeo de sutitulado en lenguas no hegemónicas project (EU-VOS. Intangible Cultural Heritage. for a European programme of subtitling in non-hegemonic languages) aims, thus, to reveal in a determined and rigorous manner the ins and outs of the retrospective, contemporary and prospective situation of subtitling in the European sphere. The aim is to propose a proactive programme of measures to take into account in a harmonic subtitling policy for the audiovisual and cinematographic production in non-hegemonic European languages.

Being aware of the deep-rooted institutional and professional resistance to academic knowledge in subtitling –favouring instead economic indicators that simplify the complexity of the so-called creative industries-, our aim is to bring about a change of mindset creating spaces for exchange and reflection for the main stakeholders involved: academics, institutional and professional representatives. This is a change of perspective that can have an impact on both the access and transnational mobility of films made in non-hegemonic languages and the consideration of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Europe itself.

To this end, we set out to make geographical references to the current state of European subtitling in non-hegemonic languages by means of a) a comparative mapping of public policies and sectorial practices, b) a taxonomy of the main challenges and/or motivations in the access to original versions, c) singling out the most innovative experiences at a technological and creative level which, on the basis of the quality of the subtitles and their integration in the film, allow to use the contributions to universal design applied to media access, the contributions to partial subtitling, and creative subtitling.

As evidence of the expectations raised at institutional and industrial level and of the immediate applicability of its results, the project is supported by a significant amount of academic, institutional and professional entities, organisations and associations.



Financing Entity: FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ ref. CSO2016-76014-RStart Date: 30/12/2016End Date: 30/12/2019I.P.: Margarita Ledo Andión y Enrique Castelló MayoParticipating Researchers: Margarita Ledo Andión Marta Pérez Pereiro Andrés Fraga Pérez José Luis Castro de Paz Enrique Castelló Mayo Antía López Gómez Fernando Redondo Neira , Xose Henrique Monteagudo Romero (USC), Carlos Pío del Oro Sáez (USC), Silvia Roca Baamonde (USC), Miren Manias Muñoz (UPV), Pablo Romero Fresco (Uvigo), María Soliña Barreiro González (ESUPT-UPF), Francisco Javier Azpillaga Goenaga (UPV-EHU), María José Deogracias (UPV-EHU), Beatriz Zabalondo Loidi (UPV-EHU), Judith Clares Gavilán (UOC), Jaques Guyot (Universitè Paris 8), Steve Blandford (University of South Wales), Ruth McElroy (University of South Wales), Pietari Kääpa (University of Stirling) Participating Entities: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de Vigo, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Escola Universitária Politécnica Mataró-UPF, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universitè Paris 8, University of South Wales, University of Stirling
Cinegalicia 2019 is online
The cinema journal 'A Cuarta Parede' commemorates with a bundle of artistic creations the 30th anniversary of a milestone in the history of Galician cinema.

Thirty years after the premiere in Vigo of Continental, Urxa and Sempre Xonxa, the first 35mm feature films released in Galician language, the staf of  A Cuarta Parede brought together more than twenty creators born after 1989 to reinterpret these films from different artistic approaches. Two researchers from the GEA, Cibrán Tenreiro and Brais Romero, […]

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Margarita Ledo Andión participa no ciclo de presentacións da estrea de “Longa Noite”

Esta semana chega ás salas de cinema Longa noite, o novo filme de Eloy Enciso, un retrato da sociedade galega da posguerra construído a partir de textos de Max Aub, Luís Seoane ou Alfonso Sastre. Para celebralo, a sala NUMAX organiza, do 5 ao 12 de decembro, unha serie de coloquios e presentacións nas que […]

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International Conference ‘When Women Film’ starts in Grenoble and Lyon
With Margarita Ledo Andión and María Soliña Barreiro González

From October 2 to 5, the Universities of Grenoble-Alpes and Lyon host the international colloquium “When women film: the documentary in the Iberian Peninsula and the Latin American continent”. This interuniversity meeting aims to study the documentary production made by women from the countries of the Iberian Peninsula or the Latin American continent. Its purpose […]

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The GEA participates in the 10th Small Cinemas Conference
A panel on cinema and non-hegemonic languages in Spain will be presented by EUVOS project team
Estudos Audiovisuais

The 10th Annual Small Cinemas Conference will take place at ICS-ULisboa between 25 and 27 September 2019. The research team of the project “EUVOS. Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Para un programa europeo de subtitulado en lenguas no hegemónicas” (ref.CSO2016-76014-R) will present the panel “Aprofundar no pequeno: cinema e línguas não hegemônicas na Catalunya, em Euskadi e na […]

The Audiovisual Studies Rearch Group participates in the 17th International Conference on Minority Languages
The intervention is developed within the framework of "EUVOS: Intangible Cultural Heritage" project
Estudos Audiovisuais

The Audiovisual Studies Research Group participates in the  XVII International Conference on Minority Language, organised by the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (Fryske Akademy). ICML XVII will take place from 22-24 May 2019 in Ljouwert/ Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. This edition will address the challenges and opportunities of smaller languages such as […]

The technologies of language, an opportunity to Galician society
Conferences at CDG
Estudos Audiovisuais

The Consello da Cultura Galega organizes this conference that explores the technological applications related to language to analyze the presence of Galician language in the digital space. Pablo Romero Fresco, one of the researchers of the project EUVOS. Intangible Cultural Heritage. For a European program of subtitling in non-hegemonic languages ​​(AEI, ref CSO2016-76014-R), takes part […]

Margarita Ledo, Xaime Fandiño and Brais Romero take part on the “Mesas interxeracionais do audiovisual galego” in Curtocircuíto
October 4-5, Santiago de Compostela
Estudos Audiovisuais

Three members of the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais will take part in the ‘Mesas interxeracionais do audiovisual galego: xornadas construtivas para destruír tópicos, mitos e prexuízos do noso sector’ (Intergenerational sessions on Galician audiovisual: constructive seminar to destroy topics, myths and predjudices in our sector) , a set of talks and debates offered by the 15th  […]

Some members of the EUVOS project attend the Conference “Cinema and Crisis in the Mediterranean”
From 22 to 26 de October at the Universitat de Valéncia
Estudos Audiovisuais

The research team of the R & D & I project “EUVOS, Intangible Cultural Heritage, for a European subtitling program in non-hegemonic languages” (AEI, ref CSO2016-76014-R) participates with a panel at the  conference “Cinema and Crisis in the Mediterranean “held at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València, from October […]

A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística fosters a manifesto in favour of cinema shot in Galician language
Estudos Audiovisuais

With the occasion of the celebration on July 25 of the Día da Patria Galega, A Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística promotes a manifesto in favor of cinema filmed in Galician. “With the license to rethink the famous quote from Castelao, which claimed our language as the quintessence of the galeguidade, we intend to draw attention […]

Illas no deserto. Cinema galego na diáspora
2020 De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Se fan sufrir é porque sofren. Réquiem pola Galiza rural. (‘O que arde’, Oliver Laxe, 2019)
2020 De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
‘Lúa vermella’, de Lois Patiño. Unha mirada onírica a propósito dun universo real
2020 De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Illas espello
2020 De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Illas descoñecidas
2020 De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Entre illas. Reciclaxe e arquivo no cinema galego
2020 De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Desexo de cinema: emoción e inscrición de clase
2020 De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Proemio. De illas e sereas
2020 De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
De illas e sereas
Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (3)
«Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega, 1, 2 e 3» é a proba fáctica do noso «desexo de comunidade» tal e coma Jacques Rancière observa determinados acontecementos contemporáneos que queren ocupar a esfera pública, evitar o seu aniquilamento. E a creación, en calquera soporte, linguaxe ou formulación, é…
Public policies and strategies to foster access to films in a minority language. Catalonia and film subtitling 2015-2017
2019 International Journal of Cultural Policies
In 2016, following the partial repeal of Catalonia’s Cinema Act (Llei del Cinema, 2010), the ‘Digital Levy’ (taxa tecnològica, 2014) and the serious economic crisis, the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya decided to subsidise dubbing and subtitling to ensure that Catalans could have access to films in…
Fóra de campo
Traumas históricos e persoais no cinema galego
2019 A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Filmar a tribo
Filmar a tribo, filmar o íntimo no cinema galego contemporáneo
2019 A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Filmar as pulsións
Formas e montaxes do desexo. As pulsións e os seus destinos no cine en galego actual
2019 A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Filmar a ollada
2019 A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Filmar o traballo
2019 A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Filmar o velado
2019 A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Filmar o dó
Dó de nós. Filmar a perda
2019 A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Prefacio. A foresta e as árbores
2019 A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
So o enunciado A foresta e as árbores, neste novo volume adentrámonos na análise dunha mostra representativa de filmes que, en presente, constrúen, balizan e normalizan un ámbito singular da cultura: producir películas na lingua propia de Galiza. Outra volta a distinción dos capítulos vai cara a aspectos que pasan…
Integrating Film and Audiovisual Translation
2016 Conferencia Plenaria en The Dialogue of Cultures in the Changing Global Information Space International Conference, Saint Petersburg State University
Eye tracking and Audiovisual Translation
2016 Conferencia Plenaria en Congreso Internacional de Actualización en Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad César Vallejo
Bringing Translation and Accessibility Closer to Filmmaking
2016 Conferencia Plenaria en 4th Edition of E por falar em Tradução. Institute of Language Studies, State University of Campinas
2016 Conferencia Plenaria en XII Congresso LUSOCOM e III Mediacom. Cibercultura, Regulação Mediática e Cooperação. Universidade de Cabo Verde
Cibercultura, Regulação Mediática e Cooperação
2016 Conferencia Plenaria de Apertura en XII Congresso LUSOCOM e III Mediacom. Cibercultura, Regulação Mediática e Cooperação
Política científica e política de lingua
O Espaço Lusófono como Espaço de Conhecimento
2016 Conferencia Plenaria en XII Congresso LUSOCOM e III Mediacom. Cibercultura, Regulação Mediática e Cooperação. Universidade de Cabo Verde
La situación del idioma gallego en el cine gallego
2016 Ponencia en Colloque International Cultures de Résistance. Peuples & Langues Minorisés. Université Paris 8
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Para un programa europeo de subtitulado en lenguas no hegemónicas
2016 Conferencia Plenaria en Colloque International Cultures de Résistance. Peuples & Langues Minorisés. Université Paris 8
Estudios de recepción en TAV
2017 Ponencia en Doble o Nada: VI Congreso de Traducción e Interpretación. Universidade de Alicante
The Social Impact of Audiovisual Translation: Past, Present and Future
2017 Conferencia Plenaria na 8th Annual International Translation Conference. Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Cine, Lenguas No Hegemónicas e Identidad
Subtitulado y Nuevos Territorios para la Diversidad
2017 Ponencia en Congreso Internacional IAMCR 2017. New Discourses and New Territorialities: Cultural and political mutations and communication. UNIMINUTO
Accessible filmmaking: Film For All
2017 Conferencia Plenaria en Access VFX Conference
Policies and collaborative practices for subtitling in Galician
2017 Ponencia en VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas. Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity. Universidade do País Vasco
Euskara sustatzeko politikak Euskal Herriko zinematografia sisteman
2017 Ponencia en VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas. Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity. Universidade do País Vasco
Hizkuntza ez da oztopo ikus-entzunezkoen kontsumoa partekatzeko
2017 Ponencia en VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas. Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity. Universidade do País Vasco
La subtitulación cinematográfica en catalán en VOD: legislación y práctica
2017 Ponencia en VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas. Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity. Universidade do País Vasco
Rethinking diversity: cinema in non-hegemonic languages as a symptom
2017 Keynote Speaker en VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas. Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity. Universidad del País Vasco. Donosti/Bilbo
Subtitling in a kingdom of dubbing
Policies and practices of subtitling in Galician language
2017 Ponencia en Congreso Intermedia 2017 - International conference on audiovisual translation. Adam Mickiewicz University
Widening the Scope of Media Access: Interlingual Live Subtitling and Accessible Filmmaking
2017 Ponencia en Congreso Intermedia 2017 - International conference on audiovisual translation. Adam Mickiewicz University
Basque Language and cinema: policies, production and translation
2017 Ponencia en I Media Accessibility Platform International Conference. Universidade de Vigo
La accesibilidad garante de la integración-inclusión de lenguas minoritarias en medios audiovisuales
2017 Ponencia en I Media Accessibility Platform International Conference. Universidade de Vigo
EU-VOS (Subtitling in non-hegemonic languages)
2017 I Media Accessibility Platform International Conference. Universidade de Vigo
Collaboration between filmmakers and translators
2017 Conferencia Plenaria en Simposio sobre trasvases culturales: Accesibilidad y traducción en entornos multilingües. Universidade do País Vasco
Dobraxe e subtitulado ás dúas beiras da Raia
A dobre versión da serie Vidago Palace na TVG e a RTP
2017 Conferencia en I Congreso Internacional AGACOM. Alén das Fronteiras: redes na diversidade. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Literacía Digital, Cidadanía e Democracia
2017 Conferencia Convidada en III Congresso Internacional sobre Culturas. Interfaces da Lusofonía. Universidade do Minho
The Accessible Filmmaker. Translation, dubbing and accessibility: a new professional field
2018 Ponencia en "Accessibility to the Audiovisual Product International Conference". Universidade de Turín
Accessible Filmmaking: Producións cinematográficas accesibles
2018 Conferencia Plenaria no Congreso e Festival de Cine Inclusivo de Vigo
A desaparición do galego nas axudas ao audiovisual 2000-2015
2018 Ponencia en Galician Interdisciplinary Studies. University of Edimburgh
Subtitles available in Sami (?)
The absence of cultural policy for minority languages
2018 Ponencia Convidada en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Ensuring Language Diversity. Through Subtitling the Audiovisual In Small Nations: An Approach to Scottish Gaelic
2018 Ponencia Convidada en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Políticas para a subtitulación e prácticas de creación e distribución de subtítulos en lingua galega
2018 Ponencia Convidada en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Traducción y subtitulado en la cinematografía y el audiovisual en Euskadi
2018 Ponencia Convidada en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Film and subtitling in Catalonia
Policies, Practices and Strategies (2015-2017)
2018 Ponencia Convidada en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Language(s), subtitling and cultural diversity in Europe
2018 Ponencia Convidade en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Políticas para a subtitulación e prácticas de creación e distribución de subtítulos en lingua galega
2018 Ponencia en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
Programación, promoción y circulación a través de los festivales de cine
Análisis del uso de subtítulos en lenguas no hegemónicas
2018 Ponencia en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
La participación ciudadana en la gestión de su Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial
Reflexiones y actuaciones en torno al subtitulado audiovisual
2018 Ponencia en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
De los Medios a las Mediaciones
2018 Invitada Panel en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
Ensuring language diversity through subtitling the audiovisual in small nations
An approach to Scottish Gaelic
2018 Ponencia en ICCPR 2018, 10th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research. Universidade de Tallín.
De la cultura lingüística a la política lingüística. Reflexiones desde el Finis terrae
2018 lnternationale Fachtagung ‘Methoden zur Erforschung der Kultur der regionalen Mehrsprachigkeit’. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
A foresta e as árbores
Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (2)
«So o enunciado A foresta e as árbores, neste novo volume adentrámonos na análise dunha mostra representativa de filmes que, en presente, contrúen, balizan e normalizan un ámbito singular da cultura: producir películas na lingua propia de Galiza […] Sobordando tópicos, este é un libro no que as árbores deixan…
Llega FilminCAT: el portal de vídeo bajo demanda de cine y series en catalán
2017 COMeIN
Coinciding with the 10th anniversary celebration of Filmin, on friday 2nd of June FilminCAT arrived, the fist platform of video on demand of cinema and series integrally in Catalan accessible from Spain and Andorra.
Jaume Ripoll: ”En Filmin creemos que es necesaria la distribución de películas en lenguas minoritarias”
«We decided to create the website because we considered that there was a need of coverage for the own production shot here in Catalonia or shot in Catalan and also for all those contents, series and films, feature and short films, that have been dubbed or subtitled in Catalan.…
Lingua e sociedade en Galicia
Resumo de resultados 1992-2016
The article provides a wide review on the social situation of Galician language, beginning with a brief history of its contact with the Spanish and specially focusing on sociolinguistic changes of last decades, after its officialization as “own language” of Galician Autonomous Community. The work presents and analyses statistical data…
Accessing communication: The quality of live subtitles in the UK
2016 Language & Communication
This article presents the results of the first official assessment on the quality of live TV subtitles in the UK as a form of access to audiovisual communication for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers. Carried out in collaboration with the British governmental regulator Ofcom, this is the largest analysis ever conducted…
Cine accesible: Uniendo los puntos entre la traducción audiovisual y la realización cinematográfica
2016 Prosopopeya. Revista de Crítica Contemporánea, Traducción, ideología y poder en la ficción audiovisual. Frederic Chaume Varela e Maberl Richart Marset (eds.)
In spite of the peak of the research in Audiovisual Translation (AVT) and the accessibility to the media, its main modalities of translation (dubbing, interlinguistic subtitling, deaf subtitling and audiodescription) are yet an element added to the filmmaking production process, which creates a concerning lack of investment in this industry…
La transmisión intergeneracional del gallego. Comparación con el catalán
2017 Treballs de sociolingüística catalana
The decline of the Galician language shown by the latest demolinguistic surveys is gaining speed. This paper focuses on an analysis of the intergenerational language transmission of Galician on the basis of the Catalan Language Intergenerational Transmission Rate, which was designed by Torres (2009) and which is commonly used in…
Norma e autoridade lingüística no galego e no portugués brasileiro
2017 Labor histórico
This article proposes a compared analysis of the mode of normative construction and the inherent conflicts of the constitution of the normative authority in the Galician language and in the Portuguese from Brasil. The justification for this kind of comparative study is that they both as “emergent languages”, in a…
The Use of Respeaking for the Transcription of Non-Fictional
Genres: An Exploratory Study
2017 Intralinea
Transcription is not only a useful tool for audiovisual translation, but also a task that is being increasingly performed by translators in different scenarios. This article presents the results of an experiment in which three transcription methods are compared: manual transcription, respeaking, and revision of a transcript generated by speech…
Accessible Filmmaking in Documentaries
2017 Intralinea, Special Issue: Building Bridges between Film Studies and Translation Studies
In line with current attempts to build bridges between film and translation, the present article applies the notion of accessible filmmaking (the integration of audiovisual translation and accessibility as part of the filmmaking process) to the theory and practice of documentary film. The first part of the article offers a…
Respeaking: subtitling through speech recognition
2018 The Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation Studies. Luis Pérez-González (ed.)
In broad terms, respeaking may be defined as the production of subtitles by means of speech recognition. A more thorough definition would present it as ‘a technique in which a respeaker listens to the original sound of a (live) programme or event and respeaks it, including punctuation marks and some…
Eye-tracking, Subtitling and Accessible Filmmaking
2018 Seeing into Screens: Eye Tracking and the Moving Image. Tessa Dwyer, Claire Perkins, Sean Redmond y Jodi Sita (eds.)
«Film and translation have not always been divorced from one another. They once lived happily together when the translation of intertitles was carried out as part of the post-production process in silent films, and even more happily throughout the 1930s with the so-called multiple-language versions (Vincendeau 1999), when films were…
Linguas, globalización e interculturalidade. Unha reflexión desde o galego
Neoliberal globalization tends to reduce the value of the languages to their economic dimension, lessening them to merchandise (comodification). The old notion of linguistic-cultural community suffers from the competence of the new idea of linguistic market. On the other side, globalization also erodes the status of the official languages in…
Reception studies in live and pre-recorded subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
2018 Reception Studies and Audiovisual Translation. Elena Di Giovanni y Yves Gambier (eds.)
This chapter aims to provide an overview of reception research in the field of subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH). Given that the development of reception research in this area is closely linked to the development of SDH as a professional practice and academic field of study,…
Cinema nacional-popular: de “Fendetestas” até “A Esmorga”
2018 Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega. Margarita Ledo Andión (coord.)
Un debate arredor da lingua
2018 Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega. Margarita Ledo Andión (coord.)
Identidades buscadas e construídas: imaxes da emigración galega no cinema
2018 Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega. Margarita Ledo Andión (coord.)
O amador no cinema militante
2018 Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Filmar a Terra. A paisaxe como cuestión de clase
2018 Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega. Margarita Ledo Andión (coord.)
O Cine en Galiza, un relato descontinuo
2018 Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega. Margarita Ledo Andión (coord.)
Proemio. Marcas na paisaxe
2018 Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Public Policies, Diversity and National Cinemas in the Spanish context: Catalonia, Basque Country and Galicia
The 2005 Unesco Diversity Convention was an inflexion point regarding protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions. In the current global context, developing cultural policies and measures to nurture such creativity becomes key issue. Moreover, in the case of small communities in a minority situation where the cultural…
Quality assessment in interlingual live subtitling: The NTR model
2017 Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in Translation Studies
This article presents a model for assessing the quality of interlingual live subtitling, as carried out by way of respeaking and automatic speech recognition or other means. The first part reviews the requirements and formulas for quality assessment in intralingual live subtitling and presents the NER model, developed by the…
In support of a wide notion of media accessibility: Access to content and access to creation
2018 The Journal of Audiovisual Translation
The prevailing narrow consideration of media accessibility (MA) as concerning only persons with sensory disabilities poses a series of epistemological and terminological issues, and limits the potential of MA to instigate social change. This article supports a wider view of MA that encompasses both people with and without disabilities who need access to audiovisual content.…
Dubbing, subtitling and other lesser evils
The two versions of the series Vidago Palace
One of the aims contemplated in Law 1/2014, of 24 March, on the use of the Portuguese language and Ties with Lusophony, popularly known as the Paz Andrade Law, was for Galician Television to promote the exchange of audiovisual productions and collaborate in the creation of new projects. One of…
As pasaxes múltiples: apuntamentos sobre as relacións de investigación da Galiza co espazo Iberoamericano
2017 Cenários Comunicacionais: Entre as Sociedades Industriais e as Emergentes.
The intersection between the two areas that this collective work calls “Ibero-American World”, the Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking world, was one of the principles that guided the development of significant lines and research programs within the framework of the University of Santiago de Compostela, USC, in close collaboration with the Galician…
Acciones (in)diferentes, tensiones latentes
A propósito de feminismo y “Novo Cinema Galego”
2016 IC Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación
Are there invisible ties between an event linking the movement known as Novo Cinema Galego (NCG) and certain practices singling out a kind of cinema identified as feminist? Following this link, we propose a reflection the reasons why critics tend to ignore such relation. Therefore, our text derives from a…
The Role of Original Version Cinema into the European Digital Space
One of the most remarkable research results is summarized as an indicator of the conflict between the clearly demonstrated ov influences to make progress towards achieving the ideal of a real language diversity, and Community-wide application of packages of random measures, which often leads to lack of expected results. Consequently,…
Presentation “A foresta e as árbores” 10 Jul Na libraría cartabón de Vigo
Small Cinemas, Small Spaces 25 Sep Organizado polo Instituto das Ciencias Sociais da ULisboa
VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas 20 Sep Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity
17th International Conference on Minority Languages 22 May Organizada por Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning
XIII International Congress Lusocom 28 Nov Comunicación e información para o desenvolvemento
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