Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender
The persistence of the androcentric discourse in the contents, the editorial line and the organizational structures of the current media reflects and perpetuates an asymmetric and dysfunctional society that silences and disables divergent positions.
In order to put an end to this disabling dynamic, the construction of audiences and collectives formed in critical thinking, capable of analyzing, deconstructing and even beginning to reverse the representations and sexist structures present in the media is a need.
The urgency of this training demands the immediate incorporation of Gender Studies into existing educational plans in the area of communication. In this context, the seminar CO(M)XÉNERO seeks to be a permanent focus of discussion and training on the role of the media in the structuring of society, with special attention to the informative and cinematographic visibility of gender identity(s).
- CO(M)XÉNERO 10. Images of the crime (08/04/2024 – 09/04/2024)
- CO(M)XÉNERO 9. Memes, adolescences e uncertainties (14/11/2023 – 15/11/2023)
- CO(M)XÉNERO 8. Videoessay: minor cinema? (06/03/2023 – 07/03/2023)
- CO(M)XÉNERO 7. Decoding violence (03/11/2022 – 04/11/2022)
- CO(M)XÉNERO 6. Cracks in the chalk circle (22-23-31/03/2022)
- CO(M)XÉNERO 5. Recover the speech, recover the soul (10-11/11/2021)
- CO(M)XÉNERO 4. Fighting dismemory (19-20/10/2020)
- CO(M)XÉNERO 3. Cibersexism. Violencie & Videogames (18-19/11/2019)
- CO(M)XÉNERO. Muller nas Estremas (26/03/2019)
- CO(M)XÉNERO (12/08/18)

On Wednesday the 6th and Thursday the 7th of November 2024, the 11th edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA), will address the essential and often underrated role of women in cinema, understand how they have become versatile and multifaceted figures as well as review their creative endeavour through different occupations […]
On 8 and 9 April 2024, the tenth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA), addresses feminist photographic practices, the spaces in which they are produced, the positions from which they are enunciated and their mechanisms of visibilisation. Pilar Aymerich, winner of the National Photography Award 2021, captured with her camera […]
The ninth edition of the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will work on adolescence and humour in their contemporary forms, understanding these practices as a symptom, on the one hand, of the violent reactions to feminism and, on the other, of the very reflections on liberation. […]
Regresa en novembro CO(M)XÉNERO. Seminario Permanente de Comunicación e Xénero da USC para, nesta ocasión, dar voz ás mulleres que fan dos videoxogos a súa paixón e a súa profesión. Pioneiras galegas, docentes, investigadoras, programadoras, artistas e tamén divulgadoras estarán os días 18 e 19 de novembro na Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación para falar […]
O CO(M)XÉNERO, Seminario Permanente de Comunicación e Xénero impulsado polo Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais foi distinguido nos X Premios á Introdución da Perspectiva de Xénero que entrega cada ano a USC. O seminario, que celebra a súa terceira edición o vindeiro mes de novembro, está coordinado pola catedrática e directora do GEA, Margarita Ledo Andión, […]
The 18 & 19 of November takes place in Santiago de Compostela the 3rd edition of CO(M)XÉNERO – Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender, organized by the Audiovisual Studies Research Group (GEA) and the Office for Gender Equality of the USC. This time, the seminar puts the focus on video games, a field traditionally viewed […]