Estudos Audiovisuais: Contidos, formatos e tecnoloxía Grupo de Referencia Competitiva do SUG
Margarita Ledo Andión
Research Team
+34 881 816 539

Margarita Ledo Andión is Professor of Audiovisual Comunication and Advertising at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

CV in USC research portal

Her research lines of work include Communication and Culture Policies, Diversity and Geo-linguistic Spaces of Communication, Feminist theories in the universes of creation and expression, Cinematographic Theory, and the Uses and discourses of Photography.

She was head of research of several R+D projects, such as: “EU- VOS. Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Para un programa europeo de subtitulado en lenguas no hegemónicas” [EU-VOS. Inmaterial Cultural Heritage. Towards an European Programme for Subtitling in non-hegemonic languages (AEI. CSO2016-76014- R),“Hacia el Espacio Digital Europeo. El papel de las cinematografías pequeñas en versión original” [Towards European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version] ( MINECO- CSO2012-35784); “Cine, Diversidad y Redes” [Cinema, Diversity and Networks] (MINECO- CSO2009-13702); “Lusofonía:  interactividade e  interculturalidade” [Lusophony: interactivity and interculturality] (Xunta de Galicia:INCITE08 PXIB212124 PR).

Among her most recent publications, some should be highlighted: “Diáspora en feminino e cinema” (2018) in Cinema & Território, Revista Internacional de Arte e Antropologia das Imagens, “Acciones (in)diferentes, tensiones latentes” (2016) in IC: Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación; “Cinema europeo en linguas de nacións sen estado e pequenas nacións” (2016), in co-authorship with A. López and M. Pérez in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social; “La Diversidad Cultural a través de la Red: el caso del cine identitario” (2013) with E. Castelló in Comunicar, Revista Científica Iberoamericana de Comunicación e Educación; and “Identification of barriers and motivations in the circulation of audiovisual media contents in the Lusophone space: communication, interculturality, citizenship, and interactivity”. In the image field, we can mention “Ver y querer ver: foto de guerra contra periodismo” (2014) en Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, “Cinema Documental. Cibercultura, tecnologías de proximidad” (2015) in Telos; “El cuerpo, esa insoportable lengua comunal” in the book  El tratamiento informativo de la violencia contra las mujeres  (2015), coordinated by  I. Postigo and Ana  J. Alonso;  and the chapter “Vestigio y Extrañeza: sobre la obra de Bernardo Tejeda” from the book Imagen, cuerpo y sexualidad, (2014), edited by Francisco Zurian.

In the field of cinematographic and photographic image, we can highlight the edition of the book Marcas na Paisaxe (2018, Vigo: Galaxia), the writing of the “Proemio”  and of the chapter “O amador no cinema militante” both included in the book, the chapter “A intimidade da imaxe”  in Anna Turbau. Galicia 19756-1979 (2017, Santiago de Compostela: CCG), besides the books Cine de fotógrafos (2005, Barcelona: Gustavo  Gili, Premio “Fundació  Espais d’ Art  Comtemporani”); Del Cine Ojo a Dogma 95 (2004, Barcelona: Paidós); Documentalismo fotográfico (1998, Madrid: Cátedra), Documentalismo fotográfico comtemporáneo (1995, Vigo: Xerais) or Foto-Xoc e Xornalismo de Crise (1988, Sada: Edicións Do Castro, Grupo Foto-Libro del Año Documental Award).

With 4 sexenios of research and an index h-10 and ih-12, she participated as an expert in the commissions of the FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnoloxía and of the Agência para a Acreditação e a Avaliação do Ensino Superior, A3ES (Portugal).

Her activity as professor in the USC is extended with the teaching of graduate and doctorate courses in centers such as Université París 8,  the City University of  New York, the Universidad de Buenos Aires,  the Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa, the Instituto Politécnico de Porto, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, the Universidad Carlos 3 de Madrid, or the Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea; and whe was member of the Centre Européen des Études et des Recherches sur les Practiques  Politiques (Marc  Abélès, Coord.)

She is former president of the Federação Lusófona de Ciências da Comunicação (LUSOCOM), she was first vicepresident of the Asociación Española de Investigación en Comunicación (AE- IC ), and she is vicepresident of the Asociación Iberoamericana de Comunicación (ASSIBERCOM) and President with Honor of the Asociación Galega de Investigadores e Investigadoras da Comunicación (AGACOM). She is member of the editorial board of several scientific journals such as Telos, Chasqui, Discursos fotográficos, Infoamérica, L’ Atalante, Quaderns do CAC, Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, Trípodos, Uztaro, Comuniació or AdComunica.

Numerary of the Real Academia Galega, writer and filmmaker, she received the Premio Nacional da Cultura Galega en Cinema e Audiovisual (2008) and the Premio Otero Pedrayo (2018).


FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ ref. CSO2016-76014-R
The European Union and its Member States have made numerous pledges regarding the unyielding and non-negotiable preservation and fostering of the cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and the value of Film as meeting point for technological innovation, culture and economy. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML),…
From the perspective of cultural and creative industries, the cinema stands out as one of the most representative territories for innovation and application of digital technologies, in both levels of production and diffusion of works. However, by having to face a “very competitive audiovisual context worldwide” (see the European Parliament…
The project “Cinema, diversity and networks” aims to know and analyze the reception of Galician film products, based on certain technological variables that affect the new modes of circulation of film and audiovisual production, in those countries with migrant communities which are signified by their status as citizens with the…
Galicia 1936-2011
Estudos sobre o filme de Carlos Velo
En decembro de 2010, o profesor ruso Vladimir Magidov visita a Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación da USC e porta canda si unha lata de celuloide con 16 novos minutos dos materiais rodados por Carlos Velo para o seu filme «Galicia-Finisterre 1936». A recuperación destes fondos perdidos permite a Margarita…
eDCINEMA: Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version.
Ministerio de Economía e Competitividade
From the perspective of cultural and creative industries, the cinema stands out as one of the most representative territories for innovation and application of digital technologies, in both levels of production and diffusion of works. However, by having to face a “very competitive audiovisual context worldwide” (see the European Parliament…
Television and interculturality: Galicia, Brittany and Wales
Towards an integrated European Minority Language Television
Communication in the Atlantic periphery
PGIDT - PXI (Programa Xeral de Investigación)
Cinema, diversity and networks
6 PN - Ciencias sociales
Audiovisual Studies. Consolidation and structuring of competitive research units 2012 (GPC)
Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version
6 PN - Ciencias sociales
Consolidation and structuring. GPC GI-1786 Audiovisual communication: contents, formats and technology
Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Consolidation and structuring. Audiovisual communication: contents, formats and technology (GEA)
Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Sociedade da información e investigación en comunicación
Consellería de Innovación e Industria-Xunta de Galicia
Investigar a comunicación
Secretaría Xeral de Comunicación-Presidencia, Xunda de Galicia
Observatorio do Audiovisual, Catálogo de Produción 2001-2002
Compañía de Radiotelevisión de Galicia, S.L.
De illas e sereas
Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (3)
«Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega, 1, 2 e 3» é a proba fáctica do noso «desexo de comunidade» tal e coma Jacques Rancière observa determinados acontecementos contemporáneos que queren ocupar a esfera pública, evitar o seu aniquilamento. E a creación, en calquera soporte, linguaxe ou formulación, é…
Proemio. De illas e sereas
De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Illas espello
De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Proemio. Caderno CO(M)XÉNERO 1
Cadernos de Comunicación e Xénero CO(M)XÉNERO
Prefacio. A foresta e as árbores
A foresta e as árbores. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
So o enunciado A foresta e as árbores, neste novo volume adentrámonos na análise dunha mostra representativa de filmes que, en presente, constrúen, balizan e normalizan un ámbito singular da cultura: producir películas na lingua propia de Galiza. Outra volta a distinción dos capítulos vai cara a aspectos que pasan…
El cuerpo y la cámara
By Margarita Ledo Andión
El cuerpo y la cámara
Margarita Ledo reflects on the body when is  filmed, photographed, represented. In the era of “selfies”, when “smartphones” have turned photography into a daily, proliferating and domestic gesture for all of us, a pertinent question may be who, in truth, are we representing to? What do we seek to put…
Diáspora en feminino e cinema
Cinema & Território, Revista Internacional de Arte e Antropologia das Imagen
‘Forget who you are in order to be yourself/another’, says the voice and body in exile of the actor of Galician origin, Maria Casares, in Alain Resnais’s 1945 film, Gernika. So as not to forget the barbarity, the bombing of the civil population, the losses. To feel your body in…
Prologue. National Identities at the Crossroads. Literature, Stage and Visual Media in the Iberian Peninsula
National Identities at the Crossroads. Literature, Stage and Visual Media in the Iberian Peninsula
Margarita Ledo signs the prologue of this book that collects a selection of articles developed from the most inspiring presentations at the XV Forum for Iberian Studies. Here, the concepts of Nation and Identity are analyzed from the literary, theatrical and filmic points of view.
Proemio. Marcas na paisaxe
Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
O amador no cinema militante
Marcas na paisaxe. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
De los Medios a las Mediaciones
Invitada Panel en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
The Role of Original Version Cinema into the European Digital Space
One of the most remarkable research results is summarized as an indicator of the conflict between the clearly demonstrated ov influences to make progress towards achieving the ideal of a real language diversity, and Community-wide application of packages of random measures, which often leads to lack of expected results. Consequently,…
As pasaxes múltiples: apuntamentos sobre as relacións de investigación da Galiza co espazo Iberoamericano
Cenários Comunicacionais: Entre as Sociedades Industriais e as Emergentes.
The intersection between the two areas that this collective work calls “Ibero-American World”, the Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking world, was one of the principles that guided the development of significant lines and research programs within the framework of the University of Santiago de Compostela, USC, in close collaboration with the Galician…
O cinema de Carlos Velo: expresión e construción de esfera pública
Galicia. Un século de creación 1916-2016
A small film named Galicia by Carlos Velo (1936), lost as a result of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and provisionally recomposed in 2011 from the appearance of two reels in a Russian archive, serves as pretext for a journey to the inner work-example of the “artistic mass production” that…
Literacía Digital, Cidadanía e Democracia
Conferencia Convidada en III Congresso Internacional sobre Culturas. Interfaces da Lusofonía. Universidade do Minho
On Small Cinemas, Film Festivals and Transnational Circulation
Mesa Redonda en VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas. Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity. Universidade do País Vasco
Rethinking diversity: cinema in non-hegemonic languages as a symptom
Keynote Speaker en VIII International Conference on Small Cinemas. Diversity in Glocal cinemas: language, culture, identity. Universidad del País Vasco. Donosti/Bilbo
Cine, Lenguas No Hegemónicas e Identidad
Subtitulado y Nuevos Territorios para la Diversidad
Ponencia en Congreso Internacional IAMCR 2017. New Discourses and New Territorialities: Cultural and political mutations and communication. UNIMINUTO
Homenaxe da Asociación Española de Investigación en Comunicación (AE-IC) ao Dr. José Marqués de Melo
Anuario Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona
Carta da Galiza
O espazo lusófono e a eterna diáspora
Anuario Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona
«Ciberculture, regulation, cooperation are the three entries that articulated the XII LUSOCOM / III MEDIACOM congress, celebrated in Praia, capital of Cabo Verde, from 19th to 21st of October 2016. Departing from interconnected communication scenarios, it was an attempt to look for models of cooperation from difference, of arguing about…
Alén das Fronteiras. Redes na diversidade
Alén das Fronteiras. Redes na diversidade. Actas do I Congresso Internacional da Asociación Galega de Investigadoras e Investigadores en Comunicación
It is always a motive of pride to present the achieves to a scientific meeting. But in this case it becomes specially relevant since under the title Alén das fronteiras: redes na diversidade, the AGACOM, Galician association of researchers on Communication, celebrates its first international congress. The event conjugates, therefore,…
Alén das Fronteiras. Redes na diversidade
Alén das Fronteiras. Redes na diversidade. Actas do I Congresso Internacional da Asociación Galega de Investigadoras e Investigadores en Comunicación
Acciones (in)diferentes, tensiones latentes
A propósito de feminismo y “Novo Cinema Galego”
IC Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación
Are there invisible ties between an event linking the movement known as Novo Cinema Galego (NCG) and certain practices singling out a kind of cinema identified as feminist? Following this link, we propose a reflection the reasons why critics tend to ignore such relation. Therefore, our text derives from a…
Resistencia e dereito á renacenza
Boletín da Real Academia Galega
It’s Monforte. It is the dining room of a rationalist house with a semi-gallery facing the street. I finished the first course at the School of Journalism in Barcelona. I’m nineteen years old and I’m comming to meet Manuel María and Saleta. A few months ago I wrote a letter…
Algunas cuestiones sobre el cine republicano español
Faros y Torres Vigía. El cine español durante la segunda república
Limiar. edCINEMA. Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo
edCINEMA. Cara o Espazo Dixital Europeo. O papel das cinematografías pequenas en v.o.pp.
Medios sociais e ensaio documental feminista
Comunicação, Cultura e Mídias Sociais. Lopes, M.I.V. & Kunsch, M.M.K. (Coords.)
Finlandia, Galicia, Gales. Os retos dos pequenos cinemas en linguas non hexemónicas
Finlandia, Galicia, Gales. Os retos dos pequenos cinemas en linguas non hexemónicas. Margarita Ledo Andión (coord.)
A construción da(s) identidade(s) a través da comunicación
Anais do XI Congreso LUSOCOM 2014
A construción da(s) identidade(s) a través da comunicación. Anais do XI Congreso LUSOCOM 2014
The lusophone research in Communication conquers new spaces. This new edition of the yearbook collects, under the prism of an approach of the cartographies of the lusophone investigation, a group of approaches that reflect the progressive dynamism that characterizes the work of consolidated research teams in the different countries. Some…
El documental en España: espacios de lo político
L’Atalante. Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos
The development of the political documentary film in Spain has been conditioned by a historical itinerary that has resulted determinant in the almost absence of a consolidated tradition of audiovisual militancy from non-fiction. Nevertheless, and despite the obstacles, the format has going on reinventing itself from the adversity to conform…
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Para un programa europeo de subtitulado en lenguas no hegemónicas
Conferencia Plenaria en Colloque International Cultures de Résistance. Peuples & Langues Minorisés. Université Paris 8
Política científica e política de lingua
O Espaço Lusófono como Espaço de Conhecimento
Conferencia Plenaria en XII Congresso LUSOCOM e III Mediacom. Cibercultura, Regulação Mediática e Cooperação. Universidade de Cabo Verde
Cibercultura, Regulação Mediática e Cooperação
Conferencia Plenaria de Apertura en XII Congresso LUSOCOM e III Mediacom. Cibercultura, Regulação Mediática e Cooperação
Conferencia Plenaria en XII Congresso LUSOCOM e III Mediacom. Cibercultura, Regulação Mediática e Cooperação. Universidade de Cabo Verde
Acciones (in)diferentes, tensiones latentes
Conferencia Plenaria en Seminario IC. Visualidades en tension. Universidade de Sevilla
Anais do XI Congreso Lusocom
Anais do XI Congreso Lusocom
Sen ir máis lonxe
Boletín da Real Academia Galega
¿E ti dirás? ¿A que vén todo isto? ¿E ten que vir a algo? Pois ben, a nada. A ter con quen falar. A ter a quen lle dicir certas cousas que pensamos moitos e case todo o mundo cala. (Roberto Vidal Bolaño. Sen ir máis lonxe) And it was…
El cuerpo, esa insoportable lengua comunal
El tratamiento informativo de la violencia contra las mujeres. Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación Social
Entre-fronteiras: o cinema como lugar xeo-político
Comunicación, Cultura e Esferas de Poder
Comunicación, Cultura e Esferas de Poder. Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes e Margarita Ledo Andión (eds.)
A construción dunha xinea
Grial. Revista Galega de Cultura
All photographs are a form of transport and an expression of absence
Galicia e a construción dun cinema nacional
A Trabe de Ouro: publicación galega de pensamento crítico
Carta da Galiza
Anuário Internacional de Comunicaçao Lusófona 2013. Comunicación na diáspora e diásporas na comunicación.
«A singular ephemeris opens the door to this new edition of the Anuário: the institutional recognition of Galician as the only own language of Galiza, that was the condition for the Lei de Normalización Lingüística de 1983 and that, in a volume articulated around a, is relevant to be aware…
Prólogo. La década del miedo. Dramaturgias audiovisuales post-11 de septiembre
La década del miedo. Dramaturgias audiovisuales post-11 de septiembre
Vestigio y extrañeza: sobre la obra de Bernardo Tejeda
Imagen, cuerpo y sexualidad. Representaciones del cuerpo en la cultura audiovisual contemporánea
Medios Públicos e Espazo Lusófono
Anuario Lusocom 2012
Medios Públicos e Espazo Lusófono. Anuario Lusocom 2012
The multiple landscape in which the different public systems of communication of the lusophone space are developed constitutes the origin of the 2012 yearbook that, in addition to this wide and plural theme regarding gazes, analysed aspects and objects, delves into the discussion around questions of language and communication, ciberculture…
Anuário Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona
Medios púbicos e espazo lusófono
The mulpiple landscape in which the different public systems of communication of the lusophone space are developed constitutes the core of the Anuário 2012 that, in addition to this wide and plural theme regarding gazes, aspects and objects of analysis, deepens in the debate of questions relative to language and…
Carta da Galiza
Anuário Internacional da Comunicaçao Lusófona 2012. Medios públicos e espazo lusófono. Santiago de Compostela: Lusocom/Agacom
Thinking the lusophony as a material and intellectual communication project, as a place for the relationship between knowledge and as a territory of concrete proposals, takes us to a scenario, that of globalization under neoliberal guidelines, where it is easy to lose foot when talking of expression, information and communication,…
Dedos no texto: conversa con Antonio Tàpies vinte e oito anos despois
Grial. Revista Galega de Cultura
Cine, Diversidade e Redes
Comunicaçao Iberoamericana. Sistemas Midiáticos, Diversidade Cultural, Pesquisa e Pos-Graduaçao
Comunication, citizenship and Lusophony: Rethinking difference
Comunication and Citizenship. Rethinking crisis and change
Os paradoxos das políticas da diversidade
Economía de la Cultura y la Comunicación en la Era Digital
Pieza de aprendizaje. Image et Éducation
Image et Éducation
Tres fotografías: dende onde o mundo se chama Galicia
Fotocinema. Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía
If our main goal is to reconstruct the history of photojournalism in Galicia from the photograph as part of the journalistic discourse, it leads us to confirm some uncertainties that disable a linear story by being unable to construct, much less in the case of a social institution as the…
La variante lusófona
Cultura Latina y Revolución Digital
El cuerpo y la forma / The body and the shape
Outumuro looks
Filmar as cicatrices do real
A discapacidade en imaxe
Peza de aprendizaxe: comunicación, cidadanía, lusofonía
Á beira de Beiras
A discapacidade en imaxe
Photographs from where the world is called Galicia
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social
De la no ficción
On non fiction
L'Atalante. Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos
Beyond certain narrative styles of non-fiction in fiction, what is posed – through such different authors (by genre, age and film culture) as Winterbotton or Marguerite Duras – is the relationship of personal experience with the way to give body, through a work, to that intensity that the real brings…
Nós, imaxinar a nación
A Trabe de Ouro: Publicación galega de pensamento crítico
O(s) sentido(s) da relación Galiza-Países lusófonos
Grial. Revista Galega de Cultura
Uxío Novoneyra. Letras galegas 2010
Boletín da Real Academia Galega
Castelao como mediação
Sempre Castelao
Medios e identidade
Políticas de Comunicação e da Cultura: contribuições acadèmicas e intervenção social
O(s) sentido(s) da relación Galiza-países lusófonos
Teorias e prácticas dos Media: Situando o Local no Global. Cláudia Alvarez e Manuel José Damásio (eds.)
Anos setenta: elipse e cinema
Unha achega ás artes e á cultura na galicia dos anos setenta. Portas de Luz
Ollar o real: Manuel María nos xornais
Actas do congreso. Manuel María Literatura e Nación
Do bucle e da fenda. Para un ensaio crítico sobre a cultura galega
Do bucle e da fenda. Para un ensaio crítico sobre a cultura galega
«Will the  Real Academia Galega be able to become one of these places for memory, of conscious and unconscious models that hold that new and old treasure that makes that many of us can share the act of seeing, beyond the individualities of this ritual, of this board of 30…
Algunhas notas sobre a investigación como realizativo
Anuário internacional da comunicaçao lusófona 2007
Por debajo del cine documental, lo real: la inclusión del mundo
El Valor de la Palabra
A creación e a imaxe
Galicia. Unha cultura para un novo século
DDT, é dicir, sobre a diferencia, a diversidade e mais a tele
Mulleres en Galicia e outros pobos na península
Más allá de la Misión Pedagógica
70 años de Periodismo y Comunicación en América Latina
Identity, Utopia, Knowledge Society: some reasons in order to make research part of national wealth
Un filme político, por favor
Andaina, revista galega de pensamento feminista
Alterity, the passage through the experience, that bite in the apple without the temptation of the snake; the body, the selfreference; the invisible spaces, inside the family, roles well in sight. The documentary film as inscription-truth. And the journy: the  next one that takes the fair distance for coming back…
La atmósfera como figura artística/L’atmosphere comme figure artistique
Paloma Navares: Del alma herida/de l´âme blessèe/L´anima ferita
Vous avez dit “Carlos Velo”? / Did you say “Carlos Velo”?
Cinéma du Réel. 27º Festival International
El doble bucle de la foto como colección
Experimentación en la colección fotográfica del IVAM
Entre cine e foto: o sorriso á cámara
Estética e tecnologias da imagem
Atando cabos. Libro homenaxe a Francisco Pillado
Atando cabos. Libro homenaxe a Francisco Pillado
Prensa e Galeguismo
O Xornal Galicia (1922-1926) o alento da modernidade
Variantes na mundialización: Galiza na Lusocom
Tempo Exterior, revista de análise e estudios internacionais
As often happens in history, the idea precedes its implementation; necessity created a certain state of consciousness; thinking about diversity and the European policy of cultural exceptionalism, which we apply to the field of cinematography and audiovisual, allowed us to take the debate to a new stage, and everything is…
Del doble al autor
Literatura española y cine, Norberto Miguez (Coord.)
Documental y nación.com
Políticas públicas e identidad: Québec-Canadá.
Anàlisi, Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura
A new way of inserting reality into documentaries. The wide-angle lens apparatus, as part of the relationship between the film and the viewer, make Les Raquetteurs (1958, by Michel Brault/Gilles Groulx) a good example of the direct before the direct cinema. The street, the ritual, the sense of belonging, the…
Da investigación na formación: Prosa do Observatorio
Jornadas sobre tendencias en el Periodismo
Louvor de Ferrín
Un escritor nos xornais, Xosé Luis Méndez Ferrín, artigos periodísticos
Mujeres viendo mujeres
Comunicación y género, Aeala Castro, Fernández Soriano & Fernández de la Torre (Comp.)
Diversificar a mundialización
Eptic, revista electrónica sobre TIC
«We tend to think that producing content can become supported by public policies, but it does not seem so easy to ensure that a public is built in the same way. But it is also that the fact of producing content without building an audience makes useless the first of…
A mundialización, en plural
A Trabe de Ouro, publicación galega de pensamento crítico
«We tend to think that producing content can become supported by public policies, but it does not seem so easy to ensure that a public is built in the same way. But it is also that the fact of producing content without building an audience makes useless the first of…
Aquel, máis que neve branco
Revista de estudios rosalianos
Sobre el deseo de ser optimista
El oficio de vivir. Literaturas de la imagen de Carmelo Herando
Documentalismo fotográfico. Éxodos e Identidade
The uses of image in the press can be classified through the search of the truth-effect, from the illusion of resemblance, when the photo presents itself as proof in the history of something that happened somewhere. The photo-truth was shaped in the 1930s as a need in the modeling of…
Televisión e interculturalidade: Bretaña, Galicia e País de Gales
A Trabe de Ouro, publicación galega de pensamento crítico
De la memoire à la nostalgie
Image e Politique; Docquiert, F. & Piron, F. (Coord.)
Sobre el deseo de ser optimista
El oficio de vivir. Literaturas de la imagen de Carmelo Hernando
Como o corte no corazón dun albre
De Asorey ós noventa: a escultura moderna en Galicia
Galice Celtique
Printemps Celte
Comunicación na Periferia Atlántica / Communication in the Atlantic Periphery
A tele, metáfora virtual
A Trabe de Ouro, publicación galega de pensamento crítico
A guerra e a imaxe da guerra
Construir a Paz; Jares, Xesús R. (Coord.)
Documentalismo fotográfico contemporáneo
There was a time, the time of universal language, in which the photo was presented as the record of the plainly truth. After that, the genders of realism, the documentary and the report came, and the photo became part of the press and the credible. Meanwhile, the sublime was classified as…
A tecnoloxía como contido
A Trabe de Ouro, publicación galega de pensamento crítico
De xornalismo en lingua galega
As pernas do ciclista
Falso pero críble
Astuta serpente antiga
Antoni Muntadas: Verbas, A Sá de Prensa
De los cincuenta a los sesenta
Cuélguese en un bar visible. Ricard Terré
Cultura e a creatividade galegas cara ao ano 2000
Introducción. Comunicación na Periferia Atlántica
Comunicación na Periferia Atlántica/Communication in the Atlantic Periphere
Documentalismo contemporáneo: da inocencia á lucidez
Revista de Comunicaçao e Linguagens, Centro de Estudios de Comunicaçao e Linguagens (CECL)
Deseño, fotografía, gráficos, Infográficos
Informe sobre a Comunicación en Galicia. Rivas, M. & López, X. (eds)
Mal se lle acomodan…
Santiago, pequena historia natural. Anna Turbau
No porto de Anveres
Sobre Santiago. Tres de Magnum
A foto dun lápis
Sebastiao Salgado. Outras américas
Réplica a “Nacionalismo e Información”
A Trabe de Ouro, publicación galega de pensamento crítico
De la Foto en los Medios
10 Anos de Fotoxornalismo en Galicia 80-90
Fotos de Diario
Las Mentiras de la Guerra. Desinformación y censura en el conflicto del Golfo
O Pre-existente como Modelo
Introducción a la edición facsimil del periódico A Nosa Terra
Un quinto de estrella
Barcelona, Murs. Cano, G. & Rabuñal, A. (coord.)
Dereito de autodeterminación
Un exemplo dos límites democráticos do Estado Español verbo das Nacionalidades
A Trabe de Ouro, publicación galega de pensamento crítico
En defensa da subxectividade
A Trabe de Ouro, publicación galega de pensamento crítico
Escritores en Lingua Galega: opoñentes, orgánicos, mediáticos
Journal of Interdisciplinary Literare Studies
O último organizador colectivo
Prólogo a la edición facsimil de la revista Vieiros (México 1959-1968)
Linguas mortas. Serial radiofónico
Linguas mortas. Serial radiofónico
Foto-reportaxe: a disfunción no tempo para ollar
Social Communication and Cultural Identity
Do proceso de connotación na fotografía de prensa
1º Seminario Galego de Arte/Comunicación
¿In-dependencia da prensa?
Medios de comunicación social en Sociedades Dependientes, Miguel Cancio (ed)
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