Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

Ibercom 2013

The implications between the agents of communication, the research and the social transfer of results in the field of training, as solution to problems or as new initiatives in themselves, lead us to the need to establish a kind of general state of contemporary research objectives, work-in-progress experiences that do not yet have their own tradition and certain trends in contemporary communication thinking.

The exercise of knowledge as a form of power, the reconfiguration of the public sphere as a place for difference, interculturality and the construction of equality constitute challenges for this meeting of researchers from the broad Ibero-American geography.

Santiago de Compostela, the city-symbol of the trip as a transformation, is a reference in American studies, and the Faculty of Communication Sciences, seat of the Congress, hosted, among other events, the II Ibero-American Congress of Digital Journalism (2003), VII Lusocom Congress (2006), the founding Congress of the AEIC (2008) or the Real-Code Encounter, Communication and Development (2011).

In addition, the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago has accumulated a long experience in the organization of doctorate courses with Ibero-American universities, such as with the National of Tamaulipas (Mexico) or the Particular Technique of Loja. In the same way, at the University of Santiago, the Interdisciplinary Center for American Studies “Gumersindo Busto” is set up, also with a deep trajectory of research on relations with Ibero-America.

The celebration of IBERCOM 2013 in Galicia by the AGACOM, beyond giving greater visibility to research in Communication in Galicia and materializing the meeting between academics, researchers, will create conditions for cooperation between disciplinary fields , universities and different countries convened around the Communication, culture and spheres of power.

Start Date: 29/05/2013End Date: 31/05/2013Participating Researchers: Margarita Ledo Andión Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez , Xosé López García, Xosé Ramón Pousa, Emma Torres Romay, Amanda Paz, María Salgueiro, Francisco Campos Freire, Xosé Soengas, Xosé Pereira, Juan Manuel Corbacho Valencia, Carmen Costa, Silvia Garía Mirón, José Videla, Xosé Rúas Araújo, Valentín Alejandro Martínez, Marcelo Martínez Hermida, Mónica Valderrama, António Holdlfeld, Carlos Arroyo, César Siqueira Bolaño, Clemencia Rodríguez, Enrique Bustamante, Enrique Sánchez, Francisco Sierra, Gabriel Kaplún, Gustavo Cimadevilla, Immacolata Vassallo, Ingrid Steinbach, José Marques de Melo, Kaarle Nordesnstreng, Lucia Castellón, Luis Humberto Marcos, Margarida M. Krohling Kunsch, Miquel de Moragas, Rosa Franquet Calvet, Ulla Carlsson Congress Web URL:
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