La infraestructura tecnológica en los informativos de TV. En Galicia: usos y aplicaciones en la realización de los informativos diarios
This research work analyzes the use made by the teams of the Department of Television News of Galicia of the technology destined to air their daily broadcast news.
The year selected for this study was 1995, and what was it when, for the first time in the Galician regional chain, very different newsreels coincided in the same time block in terms of the content they were dealing with and which, therefore, led to the use of different technology in each one of them. In this way, the news items selected in the sample are: Esto é noticia, Telexornal Serán and Galicia Directo.
The technologies acquired by Televisión de Galicia during the years 1996-1997 were also analyzed in this paper, studying them as new ways of informing that this television network has. Closing this thesis the conclusions obtained from this study were included.