Estudos Audiovisuais: Contidos, formatos e tecnoloxía Grupo de Referencia Competitiva do SUG
Silvia Roca Baamonde
Affiliated Members
+34 881 816 598

Silvia Roca-Baamonde holds a PhD in Contemporary Communication and Information from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) and degrees in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication. Her research belongs to the field of  Cultural Studies and identity, thus evaluating stereotypes and discourses in the media, –with a particular interest in gender and national representations–, and analysing media in non-hegemonic languages, and small cinemas. She is part of the ALMA network (Accessibility and Minority Languages in Audiovisual Media) and of the organizational committee of the Seminario Permanente de Comunicación e Xénero-CO(M) XÉNERO. She also participated in research projects such as “EUVOS. Intangible Cultural Heritage. For a European Program for Subtitling in Non-Hegemonic Languages ”(ref. CSO2016-76014-R),“eDCINEMA: Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version ”(ref. CSO2012-35784) or “ Cinema, Diversity and Networks” (ref. CSO2009-13702). She is a member of different research associations such as AGACOM, AE-IC, IAMCR and ECREA, and her career includes research, R&D management, journalism and audiovisual production. 

Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender
The persistence of the androcentric discourse in the contents, the editorial line and the organizational structures of the current media reflects and perpetuates an asymmetric and dysfunctional society that silences and disables divergent positions. In order to put an end to this disabling dynamic, the construction of audiences and collectives…
The vindication of a dialogic and inclusive interculturality, through small cinematographies, emerges as an effective alternative to the incessant questioning of the European identity and its common culture, subjected both to the exogenous pressure of global multimedia groups and to the endogenous proliferation of extremist reactions to any social, ethnic,…
Key Challenges and Recommendations to Provide Europe With a Film-Subtitling Protocol in the Digital Era Through Three Case Studies
By analysing European cultural policies and paradigmatic case studies, this article high-lights the close link between the normalisation of minority languages in Europe and film subti-tling. Film subtitling is an activity that urgently needs to be protocolised insofar as it guarantees both the preservation of the cultural originality of the…
The Tragedy in Abeyance of Cándida. Emigration and assimilation in the cinema of Niní Marshall
In his writings about cinema, Jean Epstein poetically explained that every film contains a ‘tragedy in abeyance’ that is not explicit in the narrative. This cinematic idea guides the analysis of the films Cándida (1939) and Cándida millonaria (1941), two of three comedies that Luis Bayón Herrera directed about a…
Dubbing, subtitling and other lesser evils
The two versions of the series Vidago Palace
One of the aims contemplated in Law 1/2014, of 24 March, on the use of the Portuguese language and Ties with Lusophony, popularly known as the Paz Andrade Law, was for Galician Television to promote the exchange of audiovisual productions and collaborate in the creation of new projects. One of…
La participación ciudadana en la gestión de su Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial
Reflexiones y actuaciones en torno al subtitulado audiovisual
Ponencia en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
Candida, The Emigrant
National Identities at the Crossroads, Literature, Stage and Visual Media in the Iberian Peninsula. Payá X. & Sáez, L. (Eds.)
Dobraxe e subtitulado ás dúas beiras da Raia
A dobre versión da serie Vidago Palace na TVG e a RTP
Conferencia en I Congreso Internacional AGACOM. Alén das Fronteiras: redes na diversidade. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
EU-VOS (Subtitling in non-hegemonic languages)
I Media Accessibility Platform International Conference. Universidade de Vigo
Cine, Lenguas No Hegemónicas e Identidad
Subtitulado y Nuevos Territorios para la Diversidad
Ponencia en Congreso Internacional IAMCR 2017. New Discourses and New Territorialities: Cultural and political mutations and communication. UNIMINUTO
O sucesso dos cinemas menores
Baixo orçamento e alternativas cinematográficas no Brasil e na Galiza
Eptic online: revista electronica internacional de economia política da informaçao, da comuniçao e da cultura
This article discusses the existence of an increasingly prominent film industry that opera- tes on the margins of the commercial system and that, despite limited resources – both economic and technical –, presents notable visibility within the international festival circuit. Even though low-budget films from Brazil and the limited production…
Linguas minorizadas, cinema e identidade
Da ausencia do galego na produción e exhibición cinematográficas
A construción da(s) identidade(s) a través da comunicación. Anais do XI Congreso LUSOCOM 2014
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