Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

A importancia das Ciências da Informaçâo numa civilizaçâo mediática

Based on a reflection on the language used in social media, the aim is to demonstrate how it is important to achieve genuine information, a clear, concise, and current language, and hence the importance of the study of information sciences at a level more elongated of the Communication Grammar.

In the first of the two constituent parts theorization is made.

In the second (practical component) that relies on the analysis of the language used in four newspapers (two seminars and two journals) and in the news (that gathers and systematizes) in perception of the most recurrent anomalies, they propose methods conducive to the suppression of the current statum quo.

Author: Mario José Ferreira PintoDirector: Dr. Xosé Soengas PérezReading Date: 14/05/1998Mark: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
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