Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

A verbena (en)cuberta. As actuacións musicais en salas con programación periódica a través da prensa local de Vigo. (Novembro 1975-Agosto 1990)

The objective of this doctoral thesis is focused on the study and analysis of the popular music industry live in venues with periodic programming in the Vigo area for which a still photo will be made through the local daily press between November 1975 and August 1990.

The research topic addressed in this doctoral thesis is inscribed, from the theoretical point of view, in the study discipline called Popular Music Studies and, specifically, in the field of management, programming and communication of popular music concerts. The deep interest in the live music industry has led us to consult 7,608 issues of the Vigo local press, extracting 22,370 files related to the music industry, of which 7,986 files correspond to information linked to performance halls in those who performed musical performances in the established chronological period.

In this doctoral thesis the importance of performance halls within a musical ecosystem is highlighted by analyzing how these entertainment businesses evolve through advertising inserted in the local press. This change is produced by factors such as the variation in current legislation by the administrations, the progress of the technology of the time or the influence of the media on the consumption of popular music.

Author: Zósimo López PenaDirector: Dr. Xaime Fandiño AlonsoReading Date: 01/02/2016
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