Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

Cinema, diversity and networks

The project “Cinema, diversity and networks” aims to know and analyze the reception of Galician film products, based on certain technological variables that affect the new modes of circulation of film and audiovisual production, in those countries with migrant communities which are signified by their status as citizens with the right to vote in both countries and which, to that extent, constitute targets, or prospective objectives of interest, especially in Argentina, Brazil or Uruguay.

From a methodological point of view, the project is based on the analysis of the flows of cinematographic products of the period 2003-2008 and their logical-cognitive interactions with the reception universes. The sample, of a representative nature, will allow to detect the main barriers and motivations that exist in the comprehension and acceptance of the Galician cinematographic production in the prospective objectives of interest, as well as to verify the implementation in the mentioned contents of axiological values (from of the lists considered by the European Commission) and determine the influence of formal and linguistic variables in the perception of them.

Therefore, the satisfaction of a double need is sought: one of economic and industrial nature, helping with the opening of new markets and distribution models based on technological innovation, and the second, of a social nature, aimed at the determination of those cultural encoders that facilitate the acceptance of cinematographic contents destined to the communities that, although geographically dispersed, are defined by identity elements such as language.

Financing Entity: Ministerio de Innovación. Plan Nacional de I+D+iStart Date: 31/12/2010End Date: 31/12/2012I.P.: Margarita Ledo AndiónParticipating Researchers: Margarita Ledo Andión Antía López Gómez Enrique Castelló Mayo Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez Marta Pérez Pereiro , Xosé Soengas Pérez, Xan Gómez Viñas, Silvia Roca Baamonde, Xosé Pereira Fariña (colab.) e Francisco Campos Freire (colab.) Participating Entities: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte (Arxentina), Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Arxentina), Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Río Grande do Sul (Brasil), Universidad de la República de Uruguay (Uruguai), Museo de la Emigración Gallega de Argentina (Argentina) Patronato da Cultura Galega (Uruguai)
As pasaxes múltiples: apuntamentos sobre as relacións de investigación da Galiza co espazo Iberoamericano
2017 Cenários Comunicacionais: Entre as Sociedades Industriais e as Emergentes.
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2012 Llorenç Soler. La mirada comprometida
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