Estudos Audiovisuais: Contidos, formatos e tecnoloxía Grupo de Referencia Competitiva do SUG
Antía López Gómez
Research Team
+34 881 816 527
Doctor in Communication Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Publicity of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela. She is the author of several books, including: Políticas de comunicación e identidad cultural: estrategias gubernamentales sobre la comunicación social or La dimensión de lo axiológico en el discurso del spot publicitario. Co-author of the chapter with Enrique Castelló The digital mask on social media: The tyranny of beauty filters among digital natives, in Magalhaes, Luisa & Oliveira, Candido (coords.): Digital Maks and Human connections, PalgraveMacmillan, 2023. She focuses hes research on textual theory and analysis and the study of European audiovisual policies.
FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ ref. CSO2016-76014-R
The European Union and its Member States have made numerous pledges regarding the unyielding and non-negotiable preservation and fostering of the cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and the value of Film as meeting point for technological innovation, culture and economy. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML),…
eDCINEMA: Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version.
Ministerio de Economía e Competitividade
From the perspective of cultural and creative industries, the cinema stands out as one of the most representative territories for innovation and application of digital technologies, in both levels of production and diffusion of works. However, by having to face a “very competitive audiovisual context worldwide” (see the European Parliament…
Análise dos modelos de televisión educativa vixentes na área española e latinoaméricana
Centro Nacional de Información e Comunicación Educativa o Ministerio de Educación, Cultura e Deporte
The vindication of a dialogic and inclusive interculturality, through small cinematographies, emerges as an effective alternative to the incessant questioning of the European identity and its common culture, subjected both to the exogenous pressure of global multimedia groups and to the endogenous proliferation of extremist reactions to any social, ethnic,…
Key Challenges and Recommendations to Provide Europe With a Film-Subtitling Protocol in the Digital Era Through Three Case Studies
By analysing European cultural policies and paradigmatic case studies, this article high-lights the close link between the normalisation of minority languages in Europe and film subti-tling. Film subtitling is an activity that urgently needs to be protocolised insofar as it guarantees both the preservation of the cultural originality of the…
Found in Translation: Film Festivals, Documentary and the Preservation of Linguistic Diversity
Documentary Film Festivals Vol. 1 Methods, History, Politics.Vallejo, Aida, Winton, Ezra (Eds.)
Written by Antía López Gómez, Aida Vallejo, Mª Soliña Barreiro and Amanda Paz Alencar, this chapter argues that research about minority-language films can be highly enriched if focused on the documentary genre. In opposition to the artificial imposition of dubbing practices, documentary films favour subtitling practices, providing the means for…
De illas e sereas
Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (3)
«Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega, 1, 2 e 3» é a proba fáctica do noso «desexo de comunidade» tal e coma Jacques Rancière observa determinados acontecementos contemporáneos que queren ocupar a esfera pública, evitar o seu aniquilamento. E a creación, en calquera soporte, linguaxe ou formulación, é…
‘Lúa vermella’, de Lois Patiño. Unha mirada onírica a propósito dun universo real
De illas e sereas. Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega
Knowledge transfer from the innovative university. A model of information management in the digital context: the PIEDD case study
Comunicar. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social
To continue fulfilling the imperative need to generate and transfer knowledge and innovation, universities must meet the growing demands of a society that is undergoing an unstoppable process of global digital migration. In this sense, since its creation in 2009 to the present, the Platform for Innovation and Experimentation in…
Ensuring language diversity through subtitling the audiovisual in small nations
An approach to Scottish Gaelic
Ponencia en ICCPR 2018, 10th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research. Universidade de Tallín.
La participación ciudadana en la gestión de su Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial
Reflexiones y actuaciones en torno al subtitulado audiovisual
Ponencia en VI Congreso Internacional AE-IC. Comunicación & Conocimiento. Universidade de Salamanca
Ensuring Language Diversity. Through Subtitling the Audiovisual In Small Nations: An Approach to Scottish Gaelic
Ponencia Convidada en Foro Internacional ‘As linguas e o cinema. Indicadores para un programa europeo de subtitulado’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
The Role of Original Version Cinema into the European Digital Space
One of the most remarkable research results is summarized as an indicator of the conflict between the clearly demonstrated ov influences to make progress towards achieving the ideal of a real language diversity, and Community-wide application of packages of random measures, which often leads to lack of expected results. Consequently,…
EU-VOS (Subtitling in non-hegemonic languages)
I Media Accessibility Platform International Conference. Universidade de Vigo
A responsabilidade pública sobre a discapacidade no texto cinematográfico
Anuário Internacional da Comunicaçao Lusófona 2012. Medios públicos e espazo lusófono
The present work analyzes the cinematographic text and his relation with the presence of the disability. After considering the logic of functioning of the different levels of the text, we come to the question of the foundation of the sense, as principal function of the text, relating the above mentioned…
Políticas de comunicación e identidad cultural: estrategias gubernamentales sobre la comunicación social.
«This work constitutes, firstly, a tentative of covering an abandoned field by the essay production, the one constituted by the theme of communication policies. A desertion that results even more evident if we link this to other theme, the relating to cultural identity. Verified the difficulty of finding related literature,…
Singularización e indiferenciación: la paradoja contemporánea de la esfera cultural
Anuário Internacional de Comunicaçao Lusófona 2005: Comunicaçao, Identidades, Migraçoes e culturas na Lusofonía
La producción del presente social en Televisión
Publicación anual I/C. Revista científica de Información y Comunicación
The increasing mediation of the experience, articulated by the so called communication media –and in a hegemonic way by the TV dispositive–, constitutes one of the defining elements of the configuration of the individual and collective reality in modern societies. It is a mediation whose intensity and omnipresence pushes the…
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