Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

LEXCAV. The impact of the current Law 13/2022 on the audiovisual sector: towards a proposal for modification to combat the digital exclusion of the co-official languages.

Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency/ ref. PID2022-142353OB-I00

The aim of this research project is the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact on the audiovisual sector of Law 13/2022, of 7 July, General Law on Audiovisual Communication, with a special focus on independent audiovisual production in those geographical and linguistic frameworks that share official status with Spanish, such as Galician, Basque and Catalan. Over the three years of the project, the aim is to determine the main strengths and weaknesses of the Law, proposing as many improvements as possible for a linguistically diverse and digitally inclusive society, with dissimilar, largely independent sectoral routines, which the Law has ignored, both in the orchestration of its ideology and in the final materialisation of the document approved in the parliamentary process.

With a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impact on the audiovisual sector of Law 13/2022, of 7 July, General Law on Audiovisual Communication (LGCA), with special attention to independent audiovisual production and in co-official languages, linguistic plurality being an inalienable principle of all communication and, in particular, of audiovisual communication, due to its contribution to intangible cultural heritage. It also identifies the main strengths and weaknesses of the LGCA, proposing a series of recommendations with a view to consolidating a linguistically diverse society.

It is therefore necessary to assess both the media exclusion of audiovisual production in co-official languages (OV) and its degree of inclusion as a tool for access (VD, VOS, audio-description, etc.) to audiovisual content in foreign languages, whether in the framework of linear television or streaming platforms; the impact of the Law on independent audiovisual production, taking into account the proportion and roles of women in technical and creative teams, as well as in business and institutional management (variable: budget-language-gender); also, to map the topics and primary documentary sources of an essayistic, normative and professional nature, at European level, as well as a repertoire of specialised European prescribers (academic, institutional and professional) and, finally, to share the results of the study both at institutional, academic and professional level, as well as at citizen level, with a view to their empowerment in one of the most relevant sectors in the construction of their intangible cultural heritage.

Financing Entity: Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la SociedadStart Date: 01/09/2023End Date: 31/08/2026Amount: 98.750 €I.P.: Antía López Gómez, Enrique Castelló MayoParticipating Entities: Asociación de Productoras Independientes de Galicia (AGAPI), Plataforma per la Llengua, TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), University of South Wales, Asociación Sindical Galega de Guonistas (AGAG), Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Tradución e a Interpretación (AGPTI)
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