Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark

The Project “Towards a reconsideration of postwar culture: analysis of the Modes of Representation in Spanish cinema (1939-1962) from Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s mark” aims to thoroughly explore the Spanish filmography from the period between 1939 and 1962 in order to define –from the analysis of the preserved films, as well as the bibliography, newspapers and administrative documents generated by each and every one of the movies– how the stylistic, formal and thematic peculiarities of the Modes of representation in Spanish cinema are mainly deeply inspired by the literary style of the Galician writer Wenceslao Fernández Flórez. The many film adaptations of his literary works largely meet in time with Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship. When they were turned into movies after the Civil War, they became a surprisingly appropriate material to be used as a metaphor of the devastating scene of the time. Consequently, beyond the study of those pieces, his way of looking at the world (critical and melancholic, costumbrist and thoughtful) expands in very diverse forms to almost the entire Spanish cinema and becomes one of the most important nutrient materials when defining own modes of representation, both in terms of plot and semantics, and its discursive and visual design.

The team created for this project is composed of some of the most outstanding experts on the subject. Their task involves disclosing how these models –that despite everything inherit the thick pre-war national-popular film humus, although transformed and mediated by censorship– propose formal innovations of profound anthropological and aesthetic depth outlined or partially analyzed by previous notable studies. However, and in order to be definitely deconstructed, they need a thorough study like the one we propose here, able to banish the biased readings made during the Franco regime and the transition period by the traditional historiography, whatever its ideological position was.

Simposium Costumbrismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividad: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez en el cine español





Financing Entity: Ministerio de Economía e CompetitividadeStart Date: 31/12/2013End Date: 31/12/2015I.P.: José Luis Castro de PazParticipating Researchers: José Luis Castro de Paz Antía López Gómez Fernando Redondo Neira , Carmen Arocena, Juan Miguel Company, Xosé María Dobarro Paz, José María Folgar de la Calle, Sonia García López, Francisco Javier Gómez Tarín, Francisco Javier Moral Martín, Agustín Rubio Alcover, Imanol Zumalde Arregui, Santos Zunzunegui Díez.
Presentation of the second issue of the journal Volvoreta in Madrid
Wednesday, April 3th, 5.30 pm at the Cine Doré- Filmoteca Española

The second issue of Volvoreta. Revista de Literatura, Periodismo e Historia del Cine  will be presented this Wednesday, April 3rd, at the Cine Doré -Filmoteca Española in Madrid.  José Luis Castro de Paz (member of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group and president of the Wenceslao Fernández Flórez Foundation), Josetxo Cerdán (Director of Filmoteca Española), Marina Díaz (co-author) […]

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