Proxectos de investigación, contratos, teses e traballos de investigación

O tratamento dos sucesos nos informativos diarios de A3, T5, TVG e TVE no ano 2003: A oferta que recibe o telespectador galego

The events are very linked to journalism. First with the press and then with radio, audiovisual and, currently, with cyber journalism through the Internet. In all media and informative languages, events make up an important news area. The news of events that we studied in this work were broadcast on the television channels Antena 3, Tele 5, Televisión de Galicia and Televisión Española throughout 2003.

The basis of this work was to analyze how is the chronicle of events to which viewers living in the Autonomous Community of Galicia have access through the main television channels that broadcast in 2003 for that geographical area. The reason why it was chosen that year was the wide range of information then available, with specific news for Galicia in the private channels that later did not have continuity.


Author: Raúl Luis Quián PérezDirector: Dr. Xosé Soengas PérezReading Date: 01/10/2010Mark: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
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