Carta da Galiza
O espazo lusófono e a eterna diáspora
«Ciberculture, regulation, cooperation are the three entries that articulated the XII LUSOCOM / III MEDIACOM congress, celebrated in Praia, capital of Cabo Verde, from 19th to 21st of October 2016. Departing from interconnected communication scenarios, it was an attempt to look for models of cooperation from difference, of arguing about the regulation as a mechanism that guarantees media literacy and as part of the right to communicate, and to do it under de sign of multiple voices, of the intercultural bet and of the relationship among equals from different needs and situations».
Margarita Ledo Andión
Year: 2017Titulo: Carta da Galiza
Scientific article
Title magazine/book: Anuario Internacional de Comunicação LusófonaNumber: 13Beginning page: 7Ending page: 8URL: