Ramón y Cajal hired at the University of Vigo, professor of Translation and Filmmaking at the University of Roehampton and guest professor of postgraduate courses at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Vigo. He is the author of the volume Subtitling through Speech Recognition: Respeaking (2011), an external collaborator of Ofcom, the British state agency that evaluates the quality of the subtitles live in the United Kingdom.
He collaborates with Stagetext and the National Gallery in the UK, Ai-Media in Australia, Swiss TXT in Switzerland and the North-West University of South Africa for the implementation of accessible subtitles on television, live events, museums, galleries and educational environments. He was a member of the first working group on accessibility to the audiovisual media at the United Nations (ITU). As a member of the CAIAC research group, he coordinated the subtitling part of the European project DTV4ALL. His current research focuses on the union among audiovisual production, translation and accessibility (accessible filmmaking).
Seeing into Screens: Eye Tracking and the Moving Image. Tessa Dwyer, Claire Perkins, Sean Redmond y Jodi Sita (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation Studies. Luis Pérez-González (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation Studies. Luis Pérez-González (ed.)
Conferencia Plenaria no Congreso e Festival de Cine Inclusivo de Vigo
Ponencia en "Accessibility to the Audiovisual Product International Conference". Universidade de Turín
Intralinea, Special Issue: Building Bridges between Film Studies and Translation Studies
Conferencia Plenaria en Simposio sobre trasvases culturales: Accesibilidad y traducción en entornos multilingües. Universidade do País Vasco
Ponencia en Congreso Intermedia 2017 - International conference on audiovisual translation. Adam Mickiewicz University
Conferencia Plenaria en Access VFX Conference
Conferencia Plenaria na 8th Annual International Translation Conference. Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Ponencia en Doble o Nada: VI Congreso de Traducción e Interpretación. Universidade de Alicante
Prosopopeya. Revista de Crítica Contemporánea, Traducción, ideología y poder en la ficción audiovisual. Frederic Chaume Varela e Maberl Richart Marset (eds.)
Conferencia Plenaria en Colloque International Cultures de Résistance. Peuples & Langues Minorisés. Université Paris 8
Conferencia Plenaria en 4th Edition of E por falar em Tradução. Institute of Language Studies, State University of Campinas
Conferencia Plenaria en Congreso Internacional de Actualización en Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad César Vallejo
Conferencia Plenaria en The Dialogue of Cultures in the Changing Global Information Space International Conference, Saint Petersburg State University