A construción da(s) identidade(s) a través da comunicación
Anais do XI Congreso LUSOCOM 2014
The lusophone research in Communication conquers new spaces. This new edition of the yearbook collects, under the prism of an approach of the cartographies of the lusophone investigation, a group of approaches that reflect the progressive dynamism that characterizes the work of consolidated research teams in the different countries. Some examples of this are, on one hand, the search of bibliography focused in analysing how scientific community has represented the production of knowledge in lusophony. And on the other hand, a research focused on the constitution of a cartography linked to Communication, Tourism and their crossings.
The result of the collected research in this edition shows panoramic visions of the different supports and some of the main questions in the communication processes of current societies. The diversity of perspectives and the contributions by researchers form the different countries form constitute symptom of the good moment of lusophone investigation, that is not only quantitatively multiplying its production, but also its quality.