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A muller como creadora, protagonista e consumidora de videoxogos e transmedia

Author: Dhaunae De Vir Year: 2020Titulo: A muller como creadora, protagonista e consumidora de videoxogos e transmedia Category: Book chapter Title magazine/book: Cadernos de Comunicación e Xénero CO(M)XÉNEROVolume: 1Beginning page: 127Ending page: 152Editorial: Vía LácteaISBN: 978-84-89444-94-2
CO(M)XÉNERO Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender
Start Date: 12/11/2018End Date: 15/11/2023I.P.: Margarita Ledo AndiónParticipating Researchers: María Soliña Barreiro
Permanent focus of discussion and formation on the role of the media in the structuring of society, with special attention to the informative and cinematographic visibility of gender identity(s).
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