Cadernos de comunicación e xénero Co(m)xénero 2
The second CO(M)XÉNERO monograph continues to grow the bet and collects various contributions from seminars 4, 5 and 6 that we held in the period 2020-2021 and in March 2022. Contra a desmemoria e a prol da auto-representación rganised the proposal of exit to be able to advance them towards Recuperar a fala, recuperar a alma, that put the eyes in specific territories of exclusion: the diaspora, the institutional repression that goes from the poverty, the single mother and until the sexuality and those ways that stigmatize to destroy us under the pauliña of the witchcraft. And we come to the Fendas no círculo de xiz, to stalk different practices in the media and to locate and stalk counter-practices with a gender and feminist perspective.

Marta Pérez Pereiro
María Soliña Barreiro
Silvia Roca Baamonde
, Rosa Cabecinhas; Guadalupe Jiménez-Esquinas; Rosalía Quiroga Trasorras; Brigitte Vasallo; Xavier Giró Year: 2023Titulo: Cadernos de comunicación e xénero Co(m)xénero 2
Title magazine/book: Cadernos de Comunicación e XéneroVolume: 2
Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender
Start Date: 12/11/2018End Date: 15/11/2023I.P.: Margarita Ledo AndiónParticipating Researchers: María Soliña Barreiro
Start Date: 12/11/2018End Date: 15/11/2023I.P.: Margarita Ledo AndiónParticipating Researchers: María Soliña Barreiro
Permanent focus of discussion and formation on the role of the media in the structuring of society, with special attention to the informative and cinematographic visibility of gender identity(s).
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