"Tag: Gender"
Registration for the 11th edition of CO(M)XÉNERO “Na letra pequena. As mulleres nos oficios do cinema” is now open

On Wednesday the 6th and Thursday the 7th of November 2024, the 11th edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA), will address the essential and often underrated role of women in cinema, understand how they have become versatile and multifaceted figures as well as review their…
CO(M)XÉNERO XI. Na letra pequena. As mulleres nos oficios do cinema.
Filmmaking occupations.

On Wednesday the 6th and Thursday the 7th of November 2024, the 11th edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA), will address the essential and often underrated role of women in cinema, understand how they have become versatile and multifaceted figures as well as review their…
LEXCAV. The impact of the current Law 13/2022 on the audiovisual sector: towards a proposal for modification to combat the digital exclusion of the co-official languages.
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency/ ref. PID2022-142353OB-I00
Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad
The aim of this research project is the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact on the audiovisual sector of Law 13/2022, of 7 July, General Law on Audiovisual Communication, with a special focus on independent audiovisual production in those geographical and linguistic frameworks that share official status with Spanish,…
Female puzzle bodies in the drift of serial fantasy silent films
The main object of study in this research is the cut of the female body in Spanish fantastic silent cinema, designing its own methodology of analysis, which will be called the Triple Cut. The evolution of the different cuts that cross the bodies will be analysed in the drift of…
CO(M)XÉNERO X. Images of the crime
Feminist photographic practices.

On 8 and 9 April 2024, the tenth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA), addresses feminist photographic practices, the spaces in which they are produced, the positions from which they are enunciated and their mechanisms of visibilisation. Pilar Aymerich, winner of the National Photography Award…
Registration open for the ninth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO

The ninth edition of the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will work on adolescence and humour in their contemporary forms, understanding these practices as a symptom, on the one hand, of the violent reactions to feminism and, on the other, of…
CO(M)XÉNERO IX. Memes, adolescence and uncertainties
Adolescence and humour in their contemporary forms

The ninth edition of the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will work on adolescence and humour in their contemporary forms, understanding these practices as a symptom, on the one hand, of the violent reactions to feminism and, on the other, of…
Fx: Eyes to see
Summer course. New views of the Galician coast: documentary photography workshop with the Ollo collective.

PROGRAMME: Friday, 30 June 15:00. Reception of participants and opening of the course. 15:15 Photojournalism and photographic documentary: a categorisation based on the work of Anna Turbau and Cristina García Rodero. Jennifer Novoa. 16:00: The photographic project: From the personal to the documentary and from the documentary to the personal.…
GEA’s IFP Sara Calvete Lorenzo attends CIFEX Cafés next April 12th

The fellow member of the Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigacións Feministas e de Estudos de Xénero de la USC (CIFEX) is also a PhD in the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais del Departamento de Comunicación de la USC. The activity of presentation of the pre-doctoral research will take place next April 12 from 14.00h to…
CO(M)XENERO VIII. Video-essay: minor cinema?
The Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender is entitled on this occasion 'Video essay: minor cinema'

The cinema of the self and from the self, the cinema process as a reflexive formula, the cinema essay as a method of thinking the world through images and as a method of letting images recover their weight will be the practices that we will address in this eighth edition…
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