CO(M)XENERO VIII. Video-essay: minor cinema?
The Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender is entitled on this occasion 'Video essay: minor cinema'
The cinema of the self and from the self, the cinema process as a reflexive formula, the cinema essay as a method of thinking the world through images and as a method of letting images recover their weight will be the practices that we will address in this eighth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA).
“Video-essay: minor cinema?” questions us about the liberty and heterogeneity of this practice linked to feminist cinema since its origins. And it plays with the reflections of Deleuze and Guattari in Kafka. Pour une littérature mineur to consider this type of essay with the camera as political and collective cinema, as cinema that builds spaces of emancipation. Ana Mejón will talk about the experience of the magazine Tecmerin, highlighted by Sight and Sound for its contents developed through video-essays, and Xisela Franco will propose, from her own praxis, working techniques for experimenting with the genres of the self.
Registration is free and open until 5 March through this form.

06/03/2023Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación, Santiago de Compostela
Start Date: 12/11/2018End Date: 15/11/2023I.P.: Margarita Ledo AndiónParticipating Researchers: María Soliña Barreiro