Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender
The persistence of the androcentric discourse in the contents, the editorial line and the organizational structures of the current media reflects and perpetuates an asymmetric and dysfunctional society that silences and disables divergent positions.
In order to put an end to this disabling dynamic, the construction of audiences and collectives formed in critical thinking, capable of analyzing, deconstructing and even beginning to reverse the representations and sexist structures present in the media is a need.
The urgency of this training demands the immediate incorporation of Gender Studies into existing educational plans in the area of communication. In this context, the seminar CO(M)XÉNERO seeks to be a permanent focus of discussion and training on the role of the media in the structuring of society, with special attention to the informative and cinematographic visibility of gender identity(s).
16.00 h | Arrival
16.15 h | Seminar Introduction. Margarita Ledo Andión (University of Santiago de Compostela)
16.30 h | Gender and power. Construction of discourse and media space. Ana Jorge Alonso (University of Málaga)
17.30 h | Gender and journalism. Representations and (in)visibilities. Guidelines for informative treatment free of sexist topics. Carla Cerqueira (CECS-University of the Minho)
18.30 h | Break
19.00 h | Gender and cinema. Feminist criticism on the construction of gaze. Marta Pérez Pereiro (University of Santiago de Compostela)
20.00 h | Screening of the film “Tódalas mulleres que coñezo”, by Xiana do Teixeiro, and following discussion.
21.30 h | Ending.
- Cerqueira, Carla; Cabecinhas, Rosa & Magalhães, Sara [eds.] (2016). Gender in focus: (new) trends in media. Braga (Portugal): Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS), Universidade do Minho. ISBN: 978-989-8600-52-3 (ebook)
- Cerqueira, Carla; Magalhães, Sara I.; Santos, Anabela; Cabecinhas, Rosa & Nogueira, Conceição (2014). De outro género: propostas para a promoção de um jornalismo mais inclusivo. Braga (Portugal): Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS), Universidade do Minho. ISBN: 978-989-8600-28-8
- Citron, Michell (1999). Home movies and other necessary fictions. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Haskell, Molly (1974). From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies. Los Ángeles: New English Library.
- Pérez Pereiro, Marta (2018). Arqueoloxía(s) do saber. A crítica feminista desde as orixes ata a actualidade. A cuarta parede, nº 38.
- Rosen, Marjorie (1973). Popcorn venus: women, movies & the American dream, NY: Morrow/Avon.
Research projects
- Project “Género em Foco | Gender in Focus“
- Project “PubliDiversidade“
- Projet “e-storias d’igualdade“
Films and videos
- Born in flames (Lizzie Borden, 1983)
- Daughter rite (Michelle Citron, 1983)
- Reviews fuertecitas (Isa Calderón)
- Riddles of the sphinx (Laura Mulvey, 1977)
12/11/2018Auditorio da Facultade de CC. da Comunicación
Start Date: 12/11/2018End Date: 15/11/2023I.P.: Margarita Ledo AndiónParticipating Researchers: María Soliña Barreiro