Cursos de formación, seminarios e congresos

CO(M)XÉNERO 6. Cracks in the chalk circle

Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender

The sixth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA) with the support of the Oficina de Igualdade de Xénero of the USC and Xornalistas Galegas, focuses on this occasion on the possibilities of journalism to transform, from conscious practices, the heteropatriarchal discourse of the media. The meeting will present experiences of introducing the gender perspective in the language of journalism together with a workshop on intervention in its contents. Putting an end to discriminatory and exclusionary dynamics requires the necessary construction of audiences and collectives trained in critical thinking, capable of analysing, deconstructing and even beginning to reverse the sexist representations and structures present in the media.

With the aim of breaking the chalk circle, the seminar seeks to reflect on ways of incorporating voices that do not usually appear in the media and to introduce new points of view in the information in which women are protagonists.

The seminar is aimed at communication students, researchers, professionals and, in general, anyone interested in approaching the media and the cultural and creative industries from a critical perspective. Registration is open until 21 March.

This edition of CO(M)XÉNERO once again collaborates with the Mostra Internacional Cinema Etnográfico (MICE) – Museo do Pobo Galego and is funded by the Xunta de Galicia through the 2021 call for grants for the consolidation and structuring of competitive research units, of which the GEA is a beneficiary.

Participation is free with prior registration. 


Tuesday, 22nd March


16.15 h | Welcome and presentation of the VI CO(M)XÉNERO.

16.30 h | Antipatriarchal journalism under construction / Feminist journalism under construction.

Xavier Giró. Professor and researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

17.30 h | An experience of journalism with a gender perspective.

Asociación Xornalistas Galegas. 

18.30 h | Break.


18.45 h| Screening of A poeta analfabeta, a documentary about Luz Fandiño, by Sonia Méndez. There will be a discussion afterwards with the director and the producer, Nati Juncal

20.30 h | End of session.

Wednesday, 23rd March


16.30 h | Participatory video workshop with the Asociación Galega de Comunicación para o Cambio Social (Agareso).

20.45 h | End of session.

Thursday, 31st March

Aula 7

16.00 h | 17 MICE: Session with Mariana Hristova, film critic and curator of the Impropias section.

17.00 h | End of the seminar.

Recognition for PhD Students in Contemporary Communication and Information.

Attending the seminar can be recognized as a training activity for the students of Contemporary Communication and Information PhD Program. It requires accreditation of attendance to all the activities.

More information:



The Visionado 1 conferences, the screening of A poeta analfabeta and the session with Mariana Hristova are limited to 75 people.

The Aula de Informática 1 workshop has a smaller format with 15 places available.

Title of the course: CO(M)XÉNERO 6. Cracks in the chalk circleDescription: Permanent Seminar on Communication and GenderDates: 22/03/2022 - 31/03/2022Location: Facultade de Ciencias da ComunicaciónLength: 22, 23 and 31 March 2022Inscription:
22/03/2022Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación
– Programme CO(M)XENERO 6. pdf | 335.32 KB
© 2025 Estudos Audiovisuais