Enrique Castelló Mayo
Antía López Gómez
Sara Calvete Lorenzo
María Soliña Barreiro
Fernando Redondo Neira
Marta Pérez Pereiro
Roi Méndez Fernández
Silvia Roca Baamonde
Claudia Neira Expósito
The vindication of a dialogic and inclusive interculturality, through small cinematographies, emerges as an effective alternative to the incessant questioning of the European identity and its common culture, subjected both to the exogenous pressure of global multimedia groups and to the endogenous proliferation of extremist reactions to any social, ethnic,…
Cadernos de comunicación e xénero Co(m)xénero 2
The second CO(M)XÉNERO monograph continues to grow the bet and collects various contributions from seminars 4, 5 and 6 that we held in the period 2020-2021 and in March 2022. Contra a desmemoria e a prol da auto-representación rganised the proposal of exit to be able to advance them towards…
CloudClass: Virtual Communication for Educational Innovation
Enrique Castelló Mayo
Roi Méndez Fernández
Antía López Gómez
Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández
Sara Calvete Lorenzo
CloudClass: Virtual Communication for Educational Innovation brings together the results of work representative of the many approaches and perspectives adopted in research on virtual communication, immersing the reader in the most innovative trends in communication applied to education. This book explores, among other issues, the following elements: analysis of the…
Angueiras de sal. Novas olladas á costa galega
Novas olladas á costa galega was the closing event of the Encontro de Fotografía Documental Contemporánea Galega titled Fx: Ollos para ver. The project, promoted by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela in conjunction with the photographic collective Ollo, ended with a documentary photography…
Perante a nova Lei do Audiovisual: Análise e perspectivas
This volume is the result of the collaboration between academia, the audiovisual sector and citizens, united by the concern about the consequences that the new General Law on Audiovisual Communication will have for the Galician audiovisual sector and the cultural and linguistic diversity of the sector, with the aim of…
La revuelta en la mirada: Las imágenes del tiempo en el cine de vanguardia europeo de los años veinte
Avant-garde filmmakers travelled through modernity rescuing images and times discarded by the dominant visual and historical discourses. Cinema allowed them to give vent to a joie de voir not only for the pleasure of astonishment, but also for the disarmament of the discursivisation of life, of the image and of…
Cadernos de Comunicación e Xénero CO(M)XÉNERO 1
Presentamos o primeiro Caderno de Comunicación e Xénero CO(M)XÉNERO, resultado das tres primeiras sesións do seminario, para ampliar o debate sobre os temas e motivos que nos levaran á realización destes encontros. Situámonos no pensamento crítico, na súa aplicación aos lugares que habitamos, ás propostas que construímos, ás obras onde…
De illas e sereas
Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega (3)
Margarita Ledo Andión
José Luis Castro de Paz
Antía López Gómez
Marta Pérez Pereiro
Fernando Redondo Neira
Cibrán Tenreiro Uzal
«Para unha historia do cinema en lingua galega, 1, 2 e 3» é a proba fáctica do noso «desexo de comunidade» tal e coma Jacques Rancière observa determinados acontecementos contemporáneos que queren ocupar a esfera pública, evitar o seu aniquilamento. E a creación, en calquera soporte, linguaxe ou formulación, é…
El cuerpo y la cámara
By Margarita Ledo Andión
Margarita Ledo reflects on the body when is filmed, photographed, represented. In the era of “selfies”, when “smartphones” have turned photography into a daily, proliferating and domestic gesture for all of us, a pertinent question may be who, in truth, are we representing to? What do we seek to put…
Os amorodos de Bergman
Premio Ramón Piñeiro de Ensaio 2018
Between 1925 and 1934, the group of excursionists called Sociedade Amigos do Campo shot about one hundred films that showed their interest for the landscape. These travel films, instead of exceptional events, gather up trivial moments. Fernando Redondo Neira’s essay departs from that film register, without montage or other complements,…