CloudClass: Virtual Communication for Educational Innovation
CloudClass: Virtual Communication for Educational Innovation brings together the results of work representative of the many approaches and perspectives adopted in research on virtual communication, immersing the reader in the most innovative trends in communication applied to education. This book explores, among other issues, the following elements: analysis of the environments conceived for virtual communication and teaching, whether face-to-face or distance; ideation, development and use of immersive environments (3D-CGI) for teaching; difficulties, errors and good practices in the implementation of virtual teaching; new communicative and didactic strategies for involving virtual students; strategies, programmes and equipment necessary for face-to-face or distance interactivity; teacher training in the design of content, technology and kinesics oriented towards virtual communication. CloudClass: Virtual Communication for Teaching Innovation provides teachers at all levels of education with a useful roadmap to improve the delivery of their subjects to students.

Enrique Castelló Mayo
Roi Méndez Fernández
Antía López Gómez
Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández
Sara Calvete Lorenzo
, Jorge Clemente Mediavilla; Julio Cabero Almenara; Carmen Llorente Cejudo; Luísa Magalhães; Francisco Ibáñez; Andrea Castelli; Giorgio P. De-Marchis; Javier de-la-Vara-López; Mario Montagud Climent; Gianluca Cernigliaro; Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez; Miguel García-Pineda; Jaume Segura-Garcia; Sergi Fernández Langa; Elena Llorca-Asensi; Jim Playfoot; Andrés Rozados Lorenzo Year: 2023Titulo: CloudClass: Virtual Communication for Educational Innovation