Perante a nova Lei do Audiovisual: Análise e perspectivas
This volume is the result of the collaboration between academia, the audiovisual sector and citizens, united by the concern about the consequences that the new General Law on Audiovisual Communication will have for the Galician audiovisual sector and the cultural and linguistic diversity of the sector, with the aim of transferring knowledge to society and providing recommendations to public institutions. The book gathers the main contributions of the conference, held at the Faculty of Communication Sciences on 15 September 2022 in collaboration with La Mesa por la Normalización Lingüística, with the participation of the University of the Basque Country, the Galician Association of Independent Producers (AGAPI), the Galician Union Association of Scriptwriters (AGAG), the Galician Association of Translation and Interpreting Professionals (AGPTI), the Plataforma por lana Llengua (Platform for the Language) and Konstseilua.