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Key Challenges and Recommendations to Provide Europe With a Film-Subtitling Protocol in the Digital Era Through Three Case Studies

By analysing European cultural policies and paradigmatic case studies, this article high-lights the close link between the normalisation of minority languages in Europe and film subti-tling. Film subtitling is an activity that urgently needs to be protocolised insofar as it guarantees both the preservation of the cultural originality of the audiovisual work and its value as tangible and intangible European cultural heritage. To do so, we will analyse the legal divide between the all-encompassing European Union declarations and their implementation by state and local administrations, which often occur in erratic, random, contingent packages of measures that lead to a systemic absence of results. Finally, we will propose some key challenges and recom-mendations to provide Europe with a film subtitling protocol to promote cultural diversity and normalise non-hegemonic languages.

Author: Enrique Castelló Mayo Antía López Gómez Silvia Roca Baamonde Year: 2021Titulo: Key Challenges and Recommendations to Provide Europe With a Film-Subtitling Protocol in the Digital Era Through Three Case Studies Category: Scientific article Title magazine/book: Comunicação e SociedadeNumber: 40Beginning page: 225Ending page: 245URL:
© 2025 Estudos Audiovisuais