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El Espéctaculo de lo Real en el Texto Televisivo: Gran Hermano

The purpose of this work is to study the Spectacle of the Real Televised (SRT), in general, as well as the analysis of a paradigmatic television format of the SRT, “GRAN BROTHER”, in particular. The investigation is divided into four chapters. The first one is devoted to the study of the main schools of thought that have dealt with the phenomenon of socio-communicative construction of reality, the second, to the analysis of the media production of reality, the third, to the confrontation of the notions of “Reality” “and” Spectacle “in the television text (from the theoretical perspective of the Theory of Text), in the last chapter, we have developed a textual analysis of a paradigmatic format of the SRT: the television program” GRAN BROTHER “(Tele 5).

Author: Enrique Castelló Mayo Year: 2005Titulo: El Espéctaculo de lo Real en el Texto Televisivo: Gran Hermano Category: Book Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Colección Tesis Doctorales- Ciencias Sociales)ISBN: 84-669-2180-XURL:
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