Políticas de comunicación e identidad cultural: estrategias gubernamentales sobre la comunicación social.
«This work constitutes, firstly, a tentative of covering an abandoned field by the essay production, the one constituted by the theme of communication policies. A desertion that results even more evident if we link this to other theme, the relating to cultural identity. Verified the difficulty of finding related literature, we have decided to take communication policies, linked to the for instance very current project, of preserving the conditions of identity development for a given collective, as specific object of our study. That is why we have considered convenient to start appealing to the disciplinary bases in order to elaborate a notion of communication policies, in attention to diverse disciplines that have passed on a series of perspectives on the field in question. We have pretended, hence, to set out the notion of communication policies that have been, above all, a notion strictly theoretical, of what political discourse and practices have benefited afterwards when it comes to operating the communicational frame».