"Tag: Communication without barriers"
CloudClass: audiovirtual communication and future of learning
Audiovisual (and later audiovirtual) communication has traditionally been considered as an alien, and even hostile, element to any learning dynamics, outside those learning experiences that, designed by teachers, excluded any possibility of co-creation by the students. This article presents the European project CloudClass: an intuitive, low-cost tool that contributes to…
CO(M)XENERO VIII. Video-essay: minor cinema?
The Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender is entitled on this occasion 'Video essay: minor cinema'

The cinema of the self and from the self, the cinema process as a reflexive formula, the cinema essay as a method of thinking the world through images and as a method of letting images recover their weight will be the practices that we will address in this eighth edition…
CO(M)XÉNERO 6. Cracks in the chalk circle
Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender

The sixth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA) with the support of the Oficina de Igualdade de Xénero of the USC and Xornalistas Galegas, focuses on this occasion on the possibilities of journalism to transform, from conscious practices, the heteropatriarchal discourse of the media. The…
A muller como creadora, protagonista e consumidora de videoxogos e transmedia

A creación do suxeito feminino no cinema
Inicios, consolidación e novos camiños da teoría e crítica feministas
A Análise Crítica do Discurso

Proemio. Caderno CO(M)XÉNERO 1
Cadernos de Comunicación e Xénero CO(M)XÉNERO 1
Presentamos o primeiro Caderno de Comunicación e Xénero CO(M)XÉNERO, resultado das tres primeiras sesións do seminario, para ampliar o debate sobre os temas e motivos que nos levaran á realización destes encontros. Situámonos no pensamento crítico, na súa aplicación aos lugares que habitamos, ás propostas que construímos, ás obras onde…
CO(M)XÉNERO 4. Fighting dismemory
Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender

The persistence of the androcentric discourse in the contents, the editorial line and the organizational structures of the current media and creative industries reflects and perpetuates an asymmetric and dysfunctional society that silences and disables divergent positions. In order to put an end to this disabling dynamic, the construction of…
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