The economic crisis of 2008 through four film documentaries: Testimony, debate and reflection
The purpose of this article is to study how the documentary represented the deep economic crisis that began in 2008 in Spain. We propose to apply a methodology of filmic analysis that let us generate a new knowledge about this issue. We will study Edificio España (Víctor Moreno, 2012), Libre…
Històries del Punt: oral memory and minor archives for a history of industrial Mataró from below
Històries del Punt is a documentary and community project for the valorisation of the memory of the working class of Mataró (Barcelona) through the recovery and reuse of sources traditionally considered minor for history and audiovisuals (amateur photographs, images from local television, industrial films and oral memory). Its aim is to…
El cuerpo y la cámara
By Margarita Ledo Andión
Margarita Ledo reflects on the body when is filmed, photographed, represented. In the era of "selfies", when "smartphones" have turned photography into a daily, proliferating and domestic gesture for all of us, a pertinent question may be who, in truth, are we representing to? What do we seek to put…
Galicia 1936-2011
Estudos sobre o filme de Carlos Velo
En decembro de 2010, o profesor ruso Vladimir Magidov visita a Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación da USC e porta canda si unha lata de celuloide con 16 novos minutos dos materiais rodados por Carlos Velo para o seu filme «Galicia-Finisterre 1936». A recuperación destes fondos perdidos permite a Margarita…
Os amorodos de Bergman
Premio Ramón Piñeiro de Ensaio 2018
Between 1925 and 1934, the group of excursionists called Sociedade Amigos do Campo shot about one hundred films that showed their interest for the landscape. These travel films, instead of exceptional events, gather up trivial moments. Fernando Redondo Neira's essay departs from that film register, without montage or other complements,…
Novo Cinema Galego
Cartografías audiovisuais trazadas desde a periferia
Carlos Velo y el documental español de los años treinta
El documental en España: espacios de lo político
The development of the political documentary film in Spain has been conditioned by a historical itinerary that has resulted determinant in the almost absence of a consolidated tradition of audiovisual militancy from non-fiction. Nevertheless, and despite the obstacles, the format has going on reinventing itself from the adversity to conform…