"Tag: Journalism"
Redefining journalism narratives, distribution strategies, and user involvement based on innovation in digital native media
Digital journalism is seeking to redefine its role in the communicative ecosystem in the network society of the third decade of the 21st century. This has been made through innovation processes that entail renewed narratives and formats, greater user involvement, and advanced dissemination strategies. Thousands of digital native media, most…
Future journalists’ fight against disinformation: analysis of university training offers and challenges in the Spanish context
Disinformation has become a global problem affecting mass media, governments and citizens globally. Besides the loss of trust in the media and its weakening influence, exposure to all manner of messages on social media in recent years has paved the way for disinformation, which has become a considerable challenge for…
Framing the gig economy: delivery riders in Spanish media (2015-2021)
Riders or delivery messengers are currently a symbol of job insecurity. However, companies in the so-called gig or platform economy continue to present themselves as modern ones, technologically adapted to the new scheme that defines the twenty-first century. The article analyses, from the perspective of framing and journalistic routines, the…
Fx: Eyes to see
Seminar: The construction of a contemporary photographic gaze from Galicia.

1st Session : Photographic documentary: routes and methods 10:00 Opening of the seminar. Margarita Ledo Andión. 10:15 A photographic look of our own? Photographic documentary in Galicia. José Luis Suárez Channel. 11:15 Break 11:30 Methods of recovery and analysis of the photographic legacy. Olivia Marques da Silva. 12:30 Photojournalism that…
Fx: Eyes to see
Summer course. New views of the Galician coast: documentary photography workshop with the Ollo collective.

PROGRAMME: Friday, 30 June 15:00. Reception of participants and opening of the course. 15:15 Photojournalism and photographic documentary: a categorisation based on the work of Anna Turbau and Cristina García Rodero. Jennifer Novoa. 16:00: The photographic project: From the personal to the documentary and from the documentary to the personal.…
CO(M)XÉNERO 6. Cracks in the chalk circle
Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender

The sixth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA) with the support of the Oficina de Igualdade de Xénero of the USC and Xornalistas Galegas, focuses on this occasion on the possibilities of journalism to transform, from conscious practices, the heteropatriarchal discourse of the media. The…
Género e jornalismo. Representações e (in)visibilidades
Propostas para un tratamento informativo livre de tópicos sexistas

Looking for a Place in Social Media Without Getting Trapped in Networks
Journalism today is looking for new ways to ensure its survival in a context of reconfiguration of media and communication processes. It tests several options, even it is aware that it is at risk of being trapped in some dimensions of the digital world. As the change progresses, there arise…
Trends in Journalism for Metamedia of Connectivity and Mobility
The evolution of the networked society is defining journalistic practices and trends. While the elements of journalism remain, there is no doubt that the possibilities offered by existing tools feed experiencing renewed dimensions, from which there arise formats and pieces that help professionals to develop more quality information, according to…
Periodismo de futuro y con futuro
Journalism has present and future. It is said by many academics, professional organizations and social and political actors. But that is not enough. It is not about convictions, desires or good intentions. The debates on the journalism future, needed and opportune in this time of transformation and change, feed declarations…
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