Fx: Eyes to see
Summer course. New views of the Galician coast: documentary photography workshop with the Ollo collective.
Friday, 30 June
15:00. Reception of participants and opening of the course.
15:15 Photojournalism and photographic documentary: a categorisation based on the work of Anna Turbau and Cristina García Rodero. Jennifer Novoa.
16:00: The photographic project: From the personal to the documentary and from the documentary to the personal. Are images incredible? Do images anaesthetise? Adra Pallón
16:50 Break
17:15 The choice of subject, the search for references and ideas. Vanesa Casteleiro and Agostiño Iglesias.
18:00 Modes of narration. brais lorenzo 18:50 Brief presentation of the themes and documentation tasks.
19:30 Creation of groups, choice of materials and assignment of tutors.
20:00 Commented screening of photojournalism projects.
Saturday 1 July
9:30 Meeting, distribution of materials and start of the photographic outing.
13:30 Lunch break.
15.30 Selection of photographs and first editing.
17.00 Sharing and discussion
18:00 Drafting and organisational outline of the publication.
Place: Auditorium of the House of Culture of Porto do Son.
Date: 30/06/2023 – 01/07/2023
More information and registration until 16 June.
Mª Soliña Barreiro González is a lecturer in Photojournalism at the Faculty of Communication of the USC. She holds a PhD in Social Communication from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, a degree in Journalism (USC) and History (UB), and specialises in research into documentary film and photography, the representation of the working class in the media and avant-garde cinema. She has worked on the documentation of films such as Nación (Ledo, 2022) and is currently directing the interactive documentary Històries del Punt on the memory of the textile workers of Mataró. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8932-6474
Jennifer Novoa Domínguez is a pre-doctoral researcher in the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Geography and History of the USC. She holds a degree in Art History (USC), a Master’s degree in Artistic and Architectural Heritage Management, Museums and the Art Market (USC) and a Higher Technician in Visual Arts and Design in Photography (Escola Superior de Arte e Diseño Antonio Faílde). Her line of research focuses on art historiography with a gender perspective, photography, image theory and aesthetics and cultural studies. She is currently working on her thesis research on Galician women photographers in the second half of the 20th century in Galicia. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6322-2511
Ollo is a collective that works on the creation, distribution, dissemination and diffusion of stories relevant to society through the language of images. To carry out this function, we have formed a group of people with proven track records in photojournalism, graphic documentary and video.
Vanessa Casteleiro is a photojournalist and documentary photographer. It began in 2006 and is published daily in the Galician press. Women, industry and social issues are recurring themes in her most personal work and her commitment to fairer information is one of her motivations. He was awarded the Silver Medal at the “Premios ÑH6, Lo mejor del periodismo España y Portugal” (ÑH6 Awards, Best of Spanish and Portuguese Journalism) for his report “Una mirada crítica” (A critical look).
Agostiño Iglesias began his career in 2013 as a social and advertising photographer with assignments for organizations such as Greenpeace Spain, Verdegaia, Turgalicia, Colabora Birmania or Adolfo Domínguez, during the last years he focused his efforts on photojournalism and documentary work as a freelance photographer, collaborating mainly with La Voz de Galicia; he has also published in El País, Faro de Vigo, Novas da Galiza, Revista Salvaje, Revista Luzes, Revista Altaïr…. At the same time, he teaches photography in several towns in the province of A Coruña.
Brais Lorenzo is interested in social and environmental issues. He combines his work as a photojournalist with long-distance documentary projects. Since 2010 he has been working as a contributor for Agencia EFE and the newspaper Faro de Vigo. He has taken photographs for other media such as El País, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, ABC, Eldiario.es, La Marea, Nós Diario, Revista Luzes, The Guardian and agencies such as Anadolu, AFP and AP. His work is internationally and nationally recognised with awards such as Ortega y Gasset, POYi, News Photo Awards, Sony World Photography Awards, Estaçao Imagem, Siena International Photo Awards, Luis Ksado, Galicia en Foco or the Xosé Aurelio Carracedo Journalism Award, among others.
Adra Pallón is a documentary photographer who, through long-term projects in which he uses photography and multimedia, tries to explain the social problems that arise in the region or social group he is part of. To achieve this goal, he alternates collaboration with the media with photographic teaching and long-term projects in documentary photography. Some of his personal work has been recognised in different competitions: Galicia en Foco, Andrei Stenin International Press Photography Competition, INJUVE National Photojournalism Award, Prémio Estação Imagem 2022, Projections of the Visa Pour I ́Image de Perpignan, winner of the IV Joana Biarnés Scholarship, II Héctor Zampaglione Award.
Mª Soliña Barreiro González – mariasolina.barreiro@usc.es
Jennifer Novoa Domínguez – jennifer.novoa.dominguez@usc.es

30/06/2023Auditorio da Casa da Cultura de Porto do Son