Inauguration of Virtus
Virtus. Technological platform for virtual research of the USC
Virtus, USC's technological platform for virtual research, was created as a common space for advanced virtual solutions for teaching innovation and research dissemination as well as for technology and knowledge transfer to the Galician ICT and audiovisual sector. Its potential will be presented at the ‘Jornada de Puertas a Virtus’…
Augmented screen, triple storytelling and the role of the user: a case study
Augmented screen, triple storytelling and the role of the user: a case study
Augmented screen, triple storytelling and the role of the user: a case study
The present panorama shows a society saturated with images, driven by the use of mobile devices and constant audiovisual consumption. However, no greater skills are achieved in users, but on the contrary, there is evidence of a detriment in the rate of attention and the search for a differentiating product…
European Public Television’s innovation in the digital audiovisual offer: new platforms for Generation Z
The digital revolution experienced in recent years has forced television corporations to develop new strategies of content production and dissemination. The commitment to complement its main offer with other services aims to adapt television corporations to the consumption habits of new generations. In this investigation, through a quantitative exploraty-descriptive analysis…
YouTube as a press distribution channel in Spain
We are witnessing an unprecedented development of web traffic in digital native newspapers, so that we can already refer to a manifest coexistence between these media and the matrix ones. This emerging phase of the natives as reference media in the Spanish press allows us to identify a revitalization of…
Intersections between TikTok and TV: Channels and Programmes Thinking Outside the Box
The rise of the TikTok social network has caused the media to confront the younger generation. The platform, which hosts dances, challenges, and funny short videos, has unique features that force a reinvention of social networking strategies. Television has become social and has expanded to new platforms, while young people…
Evaluación preliminar del sensor Kinect V2 para su uso en platós virtuales de televisión con interacción natural
Television and Social Networks
An analysis of the influence of Live-Tweeting in the Social Audiences
Social networks have transformed the conception of the television audience. In order to adapt to a viewer increasingly active on the Internet, televisions conducted social media strategies to generate interactivity and attract users to their social profiles. One of them is based on the live-tweeting phenomenon, in which the conversation…
La televisión pública regional
El caso de Televisión de Galicia: digitalización y evolución tecnológica en Televisión de Galicia (1985-2012)
«This thesis analyzes the technological evolution of the TV of Galicia (TVG) since the launch of the first broadcasts in 1985 until the year 2012, which inaugurated what we could consider the first MAM digitalization of this company in the Delegation Provincial de Lugo of the autonomous public television of…
New distributed virtual TV set architecture for a synergistic operation of sensor and improved interaction between real and virtual worlds
A virtual TV set is a studio that is able to combine recorded actors and objects with computer generated virtual environments in real time. In order to achieve this combination seamlessly, in an ideal configuration, several elements such as cameras, objects and people should be tracked so that all their…
Natural interaction in virtual TV sets through the synergistic operation of low-cost sensors
A virtual TV set combines images from the real world with a virtual environment in order to obtain images that give the impression of the real elements, such as actors or physical objects, being present in a computer-generated scene. Thus, the audience has the feeling of the talents being present…