European Public Television’s innovation in the digital audiovisual offer: new platforms for Generation Z
The digital revolution experienced in recent years has forced television corporations to develop new strategies of content production and dissemination. The commitment to complement its main offer with other services aims to adapt television corporations to the consumption habits of new generations. In this investigation, through a quantitative exploraty-descriptive analysis we analize during the month of October 2019 European Public Television that have developed new platforms for the dissemination of original content as a way to attract and retain younger viewers. This study focuses on the platforms resulting from the analysis and their content offer. Results show that some of Europe’s Television groups are committed to adapting to consumption patterns of new generations, and their content offer is characterized by participation, interactivity and multimediality, and designed for fast consumption and exclusively online.
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez
, Noelia Francisco Lens Year: 2020Titulo: European Public Television’s innovation in the digital audiovisual offer: new platforms for Generation Z
Title magazine/book: Revista De La Asociación Española De Investigación De La ComunicaciónVolume: 7Number: 13Beginning page: 185Ending page: 212URL: