Registration for the 11th edition of CO(M)XÉNERO “Na letra pequena. As mulleres nos oficios do cinema” is now open
On Wednesday the 6th and Thursday the 7th of November 2024, the 11th edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA), will address the essential and often underrated role of women in cinema, understand how they have become versatile and multifaceted figures as well as review their…
CO(M)XÉNERO XI. Na letra pequena. As mulleres nos oficios do cinema.
Filmmaking occupations.
On Wednesday the 6th and Thursday the 7th of November 2024, the 11th edition of CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais (GEA), will address the essential and often underrated role of women in cinema, understand how they have become versatile and multifaceted figures as well as review their…
Seminar “Película sen facer. Elementos dun cinema latente’.
The seminar, part of the (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico da Coruña, aimed at artists, curators, filmmakers, programmers, researchers, archivists and students, with free access, revolves around unfinished films or films whose completion was truncated for political, financial or personal reasons, which will take us through territories such as Iran,…
Servant girls and middle-class ladies in pre-development Madrid. Saura and Patino in the IIEC
The film production of the Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográficas (IIEC) and its successor the Escuela Oficial de Cinematografía (EOC) offers, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, first-rate material for studying how Spanish cinema during the Franco period represented the city of Madrid. Based on a detailed analysis of…
Berlanga, Fernán Gómez and the path towards a popular, crusty and grotesque Iberian modernity
The revisiting of Spanish Republican cinema, as well as that produced in the first post-war decades, carried out since the end of the last century by a new historiography that uses film analysis as an unavoidable methodological weapon, constitutes the starting point to delve into the deep parallels and intertwining…
Registration open for the ninth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO
The ninth edition of the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will work on adolescence and humour in their contemporary forms, understanding these practices as a symptom, on the one hand, of the violent reactions to feminism and, on the other, of…
CO(M)XÉNERO IX. Memes, adolescence and uncertainties
Adolescence and humour in their contemporary forms
The ninth edition of the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Gender CO(M)XÉNERO, organised by the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais, will work on adolescence and humour in their contemporary forms, understanding these practices as a symptom, on the one hand, of the violent reactions to feminism and, on the other, of…
GEA’s IFP Sara Calvete Lorenzo attends CIFEX Cafés next April 12th
The fellow member of the Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigacións Feministas e de Estudos de Xénero de la USC (CIFEX) is also a PhD in the Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais del Departamento de Comunicación de la USC. The activity of presentation of the pre-doctoral research will take place next April 12 from 14.00h to…
Registration open for the eighth edition of CO(M)XÉNERO
The cinema of me and from me, the cinema process as a reflexive formula, the cinema essay as a method of thinking about the world through images and as a method to let images recover their weight will be the practices that we will address in this eighth edition of…
La revuelta en la mirada: Las imágenes del tiempo en el cine de vanguardia europeo de los años veinte
Avant-garde filmmakers travelled through modernity rescuing images and times discarded by the dominant visual and historical discourses. Cinema allowed them to give vent to a joie de voir not only for the pleasure of astonishment, but also for the disarmament of the discursivisation of life, of the image and of…