Modos de representación en el cine español posbélico
José Luis Castro de Paz offers, from the footprint of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, a culmination and a starting point after more than two decades of research on Spanish cinema in the forties. As such, it is destined to become the inescusible historiographical foundation from which to look with meticulousness to what extent the popular materials from which they are generated in the forties (expanding and transforming in the following decade) the most singular and rugged stylizations (striking reflexivity, the presence of “double fictions”, very particular “pictorial” subjectivity that paradoxically renounces the subjective point of view, psychic desolation of male protagonists, humor and costumbrism…) are nourished and/or supported, changed and/or they are radicalized from deep formal scrapes whose embryo is, in the last resort, in the literature of the writer Wenceslao Fernández Flórez (A Coruña, 1885-1964), the most adapted in the period.
José Luis Castro de Paz
Year: 2013Titulo: Modos de representación en el cine español posbélico
City: SantanderEditorial: Shangrila