"Tag: Programming and broadcasting audiences"
Social perception of journalism in Spain
Journalism is undergoing substantial changes derived from technological evolution and the social interaction that this evolution makes possible, especially the participation of the public in the construction of the storytelling. Apart from the traditional and digital media, new parajournalistic formulas are allowing the circulation of false or malicious content. These…
Television and Social Networks
An analysis of the influence of Live-Tweeting in the Social Audiences
Social networks have transformed the conception of the television audience. In order to adapt to a viewer increasingly active on the Internet, televisions conducted social media strategies to generate interactivity and attract users to their social profiles. One of them is based on the live-tweeting phenomenon, in which the conversation…
El “cambio de ola” en la investigación de audiencias
Efectos en la planificación estratégica de los medios
The updating of the communication paradigm in the digital era urges media to examine in deep its productive processes as well as its strategies to approach an audience that demands new enriched experiences, also in the consumption of informative products. Digital audiences position journalism in a new scenario of changes…
La televisión de proximidad como eje de la oferta audiovisual cercana
El papel de TVG en Galicia
Television has shown its strengths in the formation of the present media environment, which has been built around the new paradigm of the global communication: the Internet. The best evidence of this assertion is the growing audience share of the different TV offerings. All this has been made possible by…
Transcoding strategies for prime TV genres in Spain
Today’s TV context is defined by new services like view-on-demand, “extra” content, and conversations with the audience. The public has more power to decide what to view and can influence the programming with their comments. Because of this, TV channels have created strategies to improve the online products and encourage…
Conectar con el público: diseño estratégico de las comunidades de usuarios por la TV convergente
The challenges of human interaction go through the basic need to connect. TV digitization resulted in a converged environment that strengthens the "de-massification of the mass media". The increasingly personalized, targeted, shared and commented consumption require strategies to connect directly to each user, while seeking his own connection with other…
Local TV in Ecuador. Current context and perspectives. Case of study Zona 7

Globalization, technological advances, digitalization and digital convergence place local TV in a scenario in which the near is converted into a competitive resource faced with the immense TV offer existing nowadays. In this sense, looking at the study of local TV in Ecuador entails to think about the current situation…
Transmedia or repurposing journalism? News brands in the era of convergence
Compared study os Greek elections coverage by El País (ES), The Guardian (UK), La Repubblica (IT), and Público (PT).
Journalism is once again facing a context of technological and social changes. The current stage is characterized for being mobile, multi-screen, and visual. Citizens have adopted with ease the new mobile media for content consumption. Transmedia narratives emerge as structures that can help creators to adapt contents to all platforms…
Falsos e información na televisión, en Falso pero crible. A metamorfose mediática

O encaixe da ‘Tripla A’ na ‘Tripla C’ do novo consumo televisivo
Why? It is the fundamental question, the basic question on which the positioning of television products should be focused in the new consumption scenario.
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