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La televisión de proximidad como eje de la oferta audiovisual cercana

El papel de TVG en Galicia

Television has shown its strengths in the formation of the present media environment, which has been built around the new paradigm of the global communication: the Internet. The best evidence of this assertion is the growing audience share of the different TV offerings. All this has been made possible by the technological transformation and the ability of TV to adapt itself to the multi-device offer, which is still in a development phase, and the exploitation of strengths in communicating through images. The local context has been the best laboratory for testing the potential of television as the axis of the close visual communication. The paper presents the case study of Television de Galicia, the public regional channel, through a descriptive- exploratory methodology to conclude the continuing importance of the proximity and strategic value of social connection this channel continues to play a role key in nearby Galicia audiovisual offer.

Author: Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez , Xosé López García, Xosé Soengas Pérez Year: 2016Titulo: La televisión de proximidad como eje de la oferta audiovisual cercana Category: Scientific article Title magazine/book: adComunicaNumber: 11Beginning page: 61Ending page: 73ISSN: 2254-2728
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